What people fail to realize is that when Koda says that he hopes to release [insert release here] by [insert date here] it means that Koda hopes to one day be proficient enough at coding to release [insert release here] by [insert date here.]
EDIT: And in case anyone was curious, the most current WG release has an unlimited gold exploit. In a low submissive state, when you choose to kneel to the Emissary and opt not to crawl, there seems to be no trigger to complete the event and you can select kneel from her "heart" options and select crawl for 100G at a time for as many times as you want, allowing you to level up as much as the game will allow. In previous releases, this was a +150G exploit (50G to kneel, 100G to crawl), as opposed to the +100G feature (50G to kneel, 50G to crawl) it was intended to be, which could be used to make an extra 500G purchase between fights if you used it AFTER maxing out your gold by cleaning Maggie's soles (it only keeps you from cleaning Maggie's soles at 300G or more and previously you could get up to 250G and clean Maggie's soles for another 100G for a max of 350G.)
Also, you sometimes have the "Nuzzle" ability when stuck in Maggie's facesitting move. I was able to do this after coming down to near "Completely Submissive" from Max dominant between fights and becoming enthralled by cleaning Maggie's soles. Rather than coming up with some sexy text to hide the error, Koda opted to provide text informing you of his insufficient coding skills... something like "Error! You're not supposed to have that ability!" Dude...I was TRYING to nuzzle Maggie's big ass!
Also, you can cause a game-freezing error by using the "Disparia" skill to defeat Ada after she's completed her "LOSER" keyword. Disparia is the only attack you can still use once "LOSER" is spelled out.
Like Koda says..., we can tell how hard he's working because of the quality of his releases.