After helping the sick monks on the bed (I believe you have to interact with them after interacting with Dr. Swan some) then talk to the guy near the bottom near the prison cell. He'll make note of you helping them and after talking with him, he'll give you a key after one of the questions. I believe that's how.Someone help me, how do I get Dr Swan's key?
Thank you very much, it workedInteract with the sick monks, go to sleep and then talk with Gavin.
If you use a water sword you can cool her down before she poisons you. Or just keep guarding and complete the QTE successfully to avoid being posioned and then keep guarding till you get all three stares. Can take a while to get 3 thoughIs there a way to lessen the effects of swans posion? im trying to get the ending for chapter and ive done the fight 8 times and only gotten the option to stare 2 times and not even in the same fight. Is my rng just poor or is there a way to get the stare easier?
Have you gone to 4F for the Gold sword + armor? At your level you should be able to also beat Khulan LVL1, Cobra and LilyLVL1 to make it to Ms Claus on 6F for Static orbs, Stillwater Cookies and other I found this bug...or not sure it's a bug, maybe koda changed the balance system again...but if it is a bug, then I think someone should report it to Koda ASAP
So in v1.14.5 I started a new game...I'm now lvl7 on F3 however fights are still difficult on lvl3 can't get grade S not even with Scarlett...and I need those S grade rewards to craft gear...then I happen to be checking my base stats and they've have only risen 1 each (ATK and DEF had an extra +2 from Yvonne boot challenge) but that's it! so I checked an earlier version of the game (v1.12.1)
and loaded a save with lvl12 Ethan and my base stats (ATK and DEF) where high like 60 ATK on lvl12 while on lvl7 it was 24 ATK in v1.14.5
now before you ask I haven't crafted many Lava Potions in lvl12 save and haven't used the cobra stat system
maybe it's not a bug and it could be that I haven't played the game in a while and I forgot how it all worked but I still find it strange!
can someone shed some light on the matter?
A chill ran down my spine just thinking about it.seeing as how they usually do these things im fully expecting a WG 0.995 or some shit before it gets to 1.0 theres always something....
ah yes totally forgot about the gold gearHave you gone to 4F for the Gold sword + armor? At your level you should be able to also beat Khulan LVL1, Cobra and LilyLVL1 to make it to Ms Claus on 6F for Static orbs, Stillwater Cookies and other goodies.
What ver are you using?Is the 3rd game for Lady Cobra causing the game to crash for anyone else? I really do want to progress down her event line, but whenever the game starts, RPGM crashes due to an error.