Omigod - You mean that someone's life might change over the course of two years in a way that impacts the work they're doing in their free time?
I'm a n00b here, I'm not a n00b at life. Four years ago I used to post manips on a regular basis, I haven't had the free time in years. I sleep more, write more, ache more, the warranty on my sinuses ran out in 1999, and i left part of my knee in a big sandbox in '91.
This is the best that you can come up with? Implying that some unspecified change in their lives may have severely restricted the amount of free time that these two have? Just two things: Firstly, if anything major like this was a factor, we would've found out about it already, since Bo and Koda looove giving out excuses whenever they can find any. Secondly, there
is actually a major change to all of our lives happening right this moment, but it sort of contradicts your little narrative, yikes. It's this small thing called the Coronavirus, you may have heard of it. And despite drastically freeing up the schedules of the vast majority of the world's population, it doesn't seem to be having any kind of effect on this game's development.
Yeah, you're acting like a spoiled child. You assume that every mistake or overreach is about you personally and accuse him of lying on a regular basis for not matching standards you feel entitled to impose.
Okay, now you completely fucking lost me LMAO. Care to explain how exactly I'm making every mistake or overreach about me personally? I'll be eagerly waiting for your response on this particular topic, thank you very much

And here's another doozy... I'm accusing him of lying on a regular basis for not matching standards that I feel entitled to impose? No no no, I'm accusing him of lying because he said to some other guy one time that the reason why he STOLE OTHER PEOPLE'S ART is that it was faster than making his own drawings, and now he's coming in here saying that making the best game possible is what's paramount, and that the amount of time that it takes him to do so is secondary. In other words, I'm accusing him of lying because it's fucking obvious that he's lying, he's not exactly a paragon of morality, being a serial plagiarist and all... You should really choose the people you whiteknight more carefully, bud.
Do i feel bad about calling you out on that shit? No. You just called him a scumbag dev ... but when an update comes you'll be downloading it.
No, I'm happy to 'White Knight' the guy that actually created something versus the guy who's happy to jerk off to the creation with the same hand he uses to throw shit at the creator with.
Fine, dude. I'll entertain your strange obsession with my relationship to this porn game, creepy as it may be. If you must know, of course I still download new updates whenever, by some miracle, there are any. Then the first thing I do after extracting everything is decrypting the RPGM files in order to go straight to the new CGs to see if there's anything up my alley. You know when's the last time that happened? More than seven months ago, with Swan's update. And you know how many times I played through that shit? Just once, because it had absolutely no replayability and I didn't even need to play through it twice to notice how shallow and rushed of an experience it was, it was obviously something they cooked up in a jiffy to placate the masses, since their Patreon numbers where going down at the time.
I used to play the fuck out of ToT, I'm the guy who discovered you could beat Scarlett without ever losing to her if you fished for crits, I literally made Solaire's run possible, but not even I am insane enough to play through an extremely repetitive and unfinished game with lots of wasted potential forever, Idk how that guy does it. The only fun I can get out of the game now is indirect, by having arguments about it with dummies like you on this forum.
And yeah, a part of me must be foolishly expecting things to change, despite how unrealistic it may be at this point. My left brain knows that ToT is fucking awful now, that it'll never go back to being as good as it was, and that F7 is just a pipe dream. But my right brain is still sad and pissed about all that wasted potential, which is why you could say that I'm still engaged in this game's development (albeit much less so than I used to be). I'm just bracing myself for endless disappointment, there's no getting off of Mr Bo's Wild Ride, after all

But hey, the fact that my whining annoys people like you makes it all worth it in the end.