RPGM Tower of Trample [v1.18.0.4 + Standalone Floor 10] [Bo Wei/Koda]

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Jan 23, 2019
Omigod - You mean that someone's life might change over the course of two years in a way that impacts the work they're doing in their free time?

I'm a n00b here, I'm not a n00b at life. Four years ago I used to post manips on a regular basis, I haven't had the free time in years. I sleep more, write more, ache more, the warranty on my sinuses ran out in 1999, and i left part of my knee in a big sandbox in '91.

Yeah, you're acting like a spoiled child. You assume that every mistake or overreach is about you personally and accuse him of lying on a regular basis for not matching standards you feel entitled to impose.

Do i feel bad about calling you out on that shit? No. You just called him a scumbag dev ... but when an update comes you'll be downloading it.

No, I'm happy to 'White Knight' the guy that actually created something versus the guy who's happy to jerk off to the creation with the same hand he uses to throw shit at the creator with.
That's a lot of moral grandstanding, but nowhere in your post do you address the plagiarism or the lies. The two issues that GearlessJoe mentioned in his post. Personally, I don't feel as negatively about the situation as Joe seems to, if anything I'm apathetic. However, the fact of the matter is that Koda (and by proxy Bo Wei) has repeatedly lied about deadlines and made promises that he couldn't keep in a timely manner. Forget about f95zone for a second, the patrons were promised 7f in early 2019 and have yet to recieve it. When they grew restless because of that, they were promised a "Spring Cleaning" update to tide them over that would include key additions to Cobra and Lily conent. Two springs have come and gone since then, and the "Spring Cleaning" update has been seemingly abandoned. Do all the moral grandstanding you like but many people became patrons of Bo Wei and Koda because of those promises and felt ripped off as a result. I am one of them; I patroned in early 2019 to support Bo Wei because I was excited for 7f and then the Spring Cleaning update. I unpatroned after a few months and a dozen or so delays, but plenty of others didn't. People got ripped off. It might not be illegal, uncertainty is the name of the game when it comes to supporting shit on patreon, but it certainly isn't moral. Promising your patrons shit and then not delivering after OVER A YEAR is absolutely a scumbag move, and you really shouldn't be calling it anything else.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2018
Omigod - You mean that someone's life might change over the course of two years in a way that impacts the work they're doing in their free time?

I'm a n00b here, I'm not a n00b at life. Four years ago I used to post manips on a regular basis, I haven't had the free time in years. I sleep more, write more, ache more, the warranty on my sinuses ran out in 1999, and i left part of my knee in a big sandbox in '91.
This is the best that you can come up with? Implying that some unspecified change in their lives may have severely restricted the amount of free time that these two have? Just two things: Firstly, if anything major like this was a factor, we would've found out about it already, since Bo and Koda looove giving out excuses whenever they can find any. Secondly, there is actually a major change to all of our lives happening right this moment, but it sort of contradicts your little narrative, yikes. It's this small thing called the Coronavirus, you may have heard of it. And despite drastically freeing up the schedules of the vast majority of the world's population, it doesn't seem to be having any kind of effect on this game's development.
Yeah, you're acting like a spoiled child. You assume that every mistake or overreach is about you personally and accuse him of lying on a regular basis for not matching standards you feel entitled to impose.
Okay, now you completely fucking lost me LMAO. Care to explain how exactly I'm making every mistake or overreach about me personally? I'll be eagerly waiting for your response on this particular topic, thank you very much :)
And here's another doozy... I'm accusing him of lying on a regular basis for not matching standards that I feel entitled to impose? No no no, I'm accusing him of lying because he said to some other guy one time that the reason why he STOLE OTHER PEOPLE'S ART is that it was faster than making his own drawings, and now he's coming in here saying that making the best game possible is what's paramount, and that the amount of time that it takes him to do so is secondary. In other words, I'm accusing him of lying because it's fucking obvious that he's lying, he's not exactly a paragon of morality, being a serial plagiarist and all... You should really choose the people you whiteknight more carefully, bud.
Do i feel bad about calling you out on that shit? No. You just called him a scumbag dev ... but when an update comes you'll be downloading it.

No, I'm happy to 'White Knight' the guy that actually created something versus the guy who's happy to jerk off to the creation with the same hand he uses to throw shit at the creator with.
Fine, dude. I'll entertain your strange obsession with my relationship to this porn game, creepy as it may be. If you must know, of course I still download new updates whenever, by some miracle, there are any. Then the first thing I do after extracting everything is decrypting the RPGM files in order to go straight to the new CGs to see if there's anything up my alley. You know when's the last time that happened? More than seven months ago, with Swan's update. And you know how many times I played through that shit? Just once, because it had absolutely no replayability and I didn't even need to play through it twice to notice how shallow and rushed of an experience it was, it was obviously something they cooked up in a jiffy to placate the masses, since their Patreon numbers where going down at the time.
I used to play the fuck out of ToT, I'm the guy who discovered you could beat Scarlett without ever losing to her if you fished for crits, I literally made Solaire's run possible, but not even I am insane enough to play through an extremely repetitive and unfinished game with lots of wasted potential forever, Idk how that guy does it. The only fun I can get out of the game now is indirect, by having arguments about it with dummies like you on this forum.
And yeah, a part of me must be foolishly expecting things to change, despite how unrealistic it may be at this point. My left brain knows that ToT is fucking awful now, that it'll never go back to being as good as it was, and that F7 is just a pipe dream. But my right brain is still sad and pissed about all that wasted potential, which is why you could say that I'm still engaged in this game's development (albeit much less so than I used to be). I'm just bracing myself for endless disappointment, there's no getting off of Mr Bo's Wild Ride, after all ;)
But hey, the fact that my whining annoys people like you makes it all worth it in the end.
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Jan 7, 2020
You guys are firing bullets !

I'm not a ToT fan for long, but i feel like GearlessJoe is right. But, GearlessJoe ,don't you think Bo and Koda could ever redeem themselves to their patrons by making the game "great again" ?

You say that the game has no replayability and is rushed, but in my opinion the crow update was quality. So maybe they want to do good stuff again ? You look like you gave up any hope for this game.

Guys, speaking of saves, do i need to create a new game AFTER the next version which should come out in a "FEW" days, or can i start now and continue with the new content when it comes out ?

I quote this because i need to know please :)


Active Member
Jan 27, 2019
You guys are firing bullets !

I'm not a ToT fan for long, but i feel like GearlessJoe is right. But, GearlessJoe ,don't you think Bo and Koda could ever redeem themselves to their patrons by making the game "great again" ?

You say that the game has no replayability and is rushed, but in my opinion the crow update was quality. So maybe they want to do good stuff again ? You look like you gave up any hope for this game.

I quote this because i need to know please :)
Doesnt seem like a case of redemption, more just how could they improve the handling of the project


Active Member
Jun 17, 2018
You say that the game has no replayability and is rushed, but in my opinion the crow update was quality. So maybe they want to do good stuff again ? You look like you gave up any hope for this game.
Believing that they can change is a mistake I've made multiple times before, and each time they proved me wrong. These guys don't learn, they keep repeating the same mistakes, possibly because they aren't really mistakes at all, they're just choosing to fuck the fandom over.
Idk about the crow update, I saw that it had very little feet in it so I didn't even bother playing it. I know at least that the story for 6.5F is still garbage, though.

Z - Reborn

totally not zazzaro
Mar 19, 2020
Believing that they can change is a mistake I've made multiple times before, and each time they proved me wrong. These guys don't learn, they keep repeating the same mistakes
That's not true. Bo Wei has been streaming ToT's development very often lately, for upwards of 10 hours straight. He has been working hard and honestly talking shit about him on that front right now is just silly.

His communication with the community has been on point too with productive progress reports, meaning that despite the smartass persona he likes to keep up, he clearly listened.

Idk about the crow update, I saw that it had very little feet in it so I didn't even bother playing it. I know at least that the story for 6.5F is still garbage, though.
Crow has been a great update on many different fronts. Now I know very little of what Koda has been doing this last month, but that doesn't mean that you can shit on the work he did the month prior just because it has his name on it. That's petty.

Listen dude I've been here as long as you did, and I know full well the frustration that comes from following this game's development, but things have improved greatly since 2019. We're not in the clear yet, and I have no idea how they're going to deal with 7F blocking future development, but at least something is being done. Cheer up!
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Z - Reborn

totally not zazzaro
Mar 19, 2020
Troll whines about being called out on acting entitled. Spends paragraph after paragraph explaining how he's entitled.

I particularly like the entitlement inherent in his assumption that an epidemic would obviously generate free time that people he's not paying, or even treating with common courtesy, obviously could be spending for his benefit.

I suppose we all knew one child in the neighborhood that if everything wasn't the way he wanted it said that nobody else was playing right, and he was going home.

Then never shut up and went home.
He's not entitled, just passionate about a project he has been following for years and kept on disappointing him time after time.

He might be taking things too far, but he's got every right to be mad. And before you say anything: no, not supporting the project doesn't mean shit when I can't even remember the last update that came out on time.

Now things have been picking up speed lately, but it will take some time to regain the trust lost over all this time. Until then by calling people entitled you're showing that you're either new, or just a kiss ass.


Jan 23, 2019
Troll whines about being called out on acting entitled. Spends paragraph after paragraph explaining how he's entitled.

I particularly like the entitlement inherent in his assumption that an epidemic would obviously generate free time that people he's not paying, or even treating with common courtesy, obviously could be spending for his benefit.

I suppose we all knew one child in the neighborhood that if everything wasn't the way he wanted it said that nobody else was playing right, and he was going home.

Then never shut up and went home.
u rn


Active Member
Jun 17, 2018
That's not true. Bo Wei has been streaming ToT's development very often lately, for upwards of 10 hours straight. He has been working hard and honestly talking shit about him on that front right now is just silly.
Oh, so he's streaming himself working, now? So I'm assuming he's not tracing art during those streams, right? Or reusing the same old drawing for CGs 1000 times only with some slight alterations, right? I'm sure he's stopped doing that shit now that people would be watching as he does them. But has he ever said anything about how he feels remorseful for his art theft? And do you honestly think that he's stopped doing those things, and that there'll be no more reused/stolen shit in future updates? Come on, Zazz, don't be so naive. This just smells to me of an attempt to get people off his case by showing them what they'd like to see, because we both know the way Bo really works. Someone who didn't give a shit about tracing art a year prior is having a change of heart just as the cameras start rolling, are you not seeing how convenient that all is?
His communication with the community has been on point too with productive progress reports, meaning that despite the smartass persona he likes to keep up, he clearly listened.
Well, good on them if that's true, but besides being the bare fucking minimum, progress reports don't mean much if progress isn't being made.

Also like I said before, we don't have to speculate about them not learning from their mistakes, they already said that they'd go back to massive floors even after the fuckfest that is F7.
Crow has been a great update on many different fronts. Now I know very little of what Koda has been doing this last month, but that doesn't mean that you can shit on the work he did the month prior just because it has his name on it. That's petty.
I'm not shitting on 6.5F just because it has Koda's name on it, what are you talking about, dude? I already explained why I think the story of 6.5F is bad in my eyes, the short version is that it gives Ethan a cognitive disability so that the plot can progress the way they intended.
Listen dude I've been here more than you did, and I know full well the frustration that comes from following this game's development, but things have improved greatly since 2019. We're not in the clear yet, and I have no idea how they're going to deal with 7F blocking future development, but at least something is being done. Cheer up!
Ah, and now it makes sense Zazz. The reason why you're happy with the current state of this game's development. You're comparing this year to the last. Well, of course we're better off than the year where the most substantive piece of content we got was fucking Warrior Guild. If you compared COVID-19 to the Bubonic plague then you could also say that shit ain't that bad either. Set your sights a little higher, man. If you looked at ToT's development pre-Karen and post-Karen then you'd realize that we're in the darkest timeline.
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Apr 22, 2020
This gif makes me think I'd greatly enjoy a game about a trained slutboi whose goal is to convince one Mistress among the several ones who are interested in getting a new sub that he's worth being selected.
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4.30 star(s) 57 Votes