That dude
Solaire Wraith is clearly not joking. He's not playing ToT for any fetishes, he's here to put Ethan's balls on each f*cking woman in this game. Alpha Male.
Considering this save file was supposed to be "the very best Ethan can aspire to be in the universe of possibilities", without losing once and never
willingly, at least submitting, you do have a point.
This Ethan is indeed ridiculously strong, not to mention filthy rich, as EX gives rising proportional amounts of money. (It should have been experience points, tho. It takes aeons to level up. Like... for real. Consider that I'm still nowhere near Lv 99. It really sucks to get 180 exp points for beating EX 378 Khulan, you feel me?
By now, he could pretty much afford a
mercenary army to invade the tower with him and still retain a fortune.
He's now such a pimp he could buy or convince Yvonne into forsaking her aggression, bitchiness and hostility to give him a loving blowjob.
All things considered, I wanna guess this dude lost himself in absolute power and is now just a ghost of his former self.