There is no point in lurking or checking the thread daily, there are better games with better writing and gameplay, even if the majority of the CGs here are great, the development hell this game has suffered since late 2018 have really damaged it's reputation and enjoyment IMO.
Do I like the new focus on little monthly (Bo/Koda months are 90 days each) side games? Well yeah some of them have good stuff in there but not enough to, once again this year, justify the little amount of content ToT(the MAIN game) has received in 2020. They both said that they like to try new stuff with each floor and that their skills were not enough to develop and finish the last project and goals they had for ToT since January 2019 and they are entitled to try whatever they want with their game don't get me wrong, but at the end of the day I still can't see what's the point of doing that and I have not read any comment here praising the new mechanics, QTEs or bars minigames they introduced since Cobra expansion (the one that DID happen with the really small and confusing QTE arrows).
But well that's just me venting with less insults and sarcastic comments. I guess checking this thread every month or so is a safe bet just to get rid of the notifications and if the stars are aligned, maybe get a hint of upcoming content.
BTW you all should really check Monstergirl Dreams, I know it's mostly text based but the gameplay/customization of stats and building of your character (besides the really good scenes writing WITH variations depending on your fetishes/stats) makes it up for the lack of CGs.