Ren'Py - Town of Magic [v0.72] [Deimus]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Fantastic art style paired with really nice and niche themes hampered completely by a gameplay design that makes me think the developer is a misanthrope.
    The grind in this game is something takes out of a Asian mmo nightmare, and somehow often even less rewarding. You'll be spam clicking to progress a scene you've already seen five times, sometimes clicking for 5+ minutes, just to increase a relationship or unlock some new shitty area or scene, where you'll surely get to do the same thing again.

    The mind control scenes are usually well done, if a bit monotonous and samey at this point, so if that's what you're into you'll likely still enjoy yourself if you don't mind the complete lack of reactions from the protagonist or the deliberately infuriating grind.

    If the game was redesigned from the ground up, cutting out 90% of the pointless combat/relationship grinding, and giving the protagonist more of a personality and letting her actually react to what's happening to her, this would easily be a 5 star game.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot


    What captured my intention at first is the art style, i just love this somewhat pixelated stylised style. And in the end i was not disappointed, both in the regular scenes and the sexual scenes. The art is even further elevated by the very hot scenarios and characters that the protagonist interlope with.

    Sadly all of that is hidden behind terrible gameplay and progression. In all parts this game is very annoying to play. From the prolonged pointless grind, to the slog that is getting to see the sex and to the path of becoming stronger. Granted, it was fun for the first few hours, but then it steadily got more and more annoying to continue playing.

    If you can bear the meaningless grind, then i can 100% recommend you to play this game. If not? Ehhh… 50/50.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is horrible, random, super grindy, and I want to die. But I still completed the game. And that happened not because of beautiful pixel art and not only because of porn scenes.

    The first sex scenes and monster characters are so amazing. I have never thought in my life that I would get a possession kink. This game made me love it, it made me a degenerate. Give me more possession games! Give all of them! I am ready!

    I am in love with the mc and monster reactions. I am in love with the ghost lady love story development. They are so amazing, they made me play the fcking game and made me hate it.

    I hate that mc just erases from the story and instead you no have to follow lady the funny ghost. I hate that the game turns into NTR heaven. where you are the one who gets ntr-ed. I hate that mc never changes. The love story with the ghost lady after some point never moves forward. I hate that you start to see the same sex animations and same sex postions(pussy licking and mc gropping) OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER again. I hate that instead of development old character you get a bunch of new useless characters with little no content.

    I am so pissed. There are so many opportunities to give mc some voice and actions in the story, which are missed or never used. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I am so pissed. Like there is a girl in the game named Erika. Ghost lady possesses mc and starts to make relationships with Erika. Ok, how mc react to that? She says nothing! She never even react to it with her inner voice. When some scenes happen mc just STFU and let the ghost lady rule. What about if mc likes Erika and she wants to participate in this as well, but she is afraid to do it? And after the ghost lady fucks Erika mc decides to talk with the ghost lady and ask if she can participate in relationships with Erika as well? Now you can maybe build up the conflict, now you can add mc to the story.

    Idk. It feels like the game was made on the great enthusiasm at the beginning, and over time the author simply run out of strength and did not know what to do with the project.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The first thing I want to say is, I can only give unadulterated applause to a game this willing to lean into a possession fetish and provide as much content of it with an entourage of attractive women. This is a kind of game that has not been replicated since and for its uniqueness as a lesbian game featuring possession, it's absolutely worth playing if anything about it sparks your interest.

    While I absolutely love the game, I do want to bring up some areas of contention:

    Yes, this game does require a fair level of monster slaying to boost your numbers, but I don't think it's the game breaking issue people see it as. You get to unlock items that increase your xp gain so if you know what to do, I don't think it's that much of a slog to go through.

    Mostly perfectly serviceable, but one issue I have is when enemies can grapple you and attempt to have sex with you. This is fine for initiating sex scenes, but if you want to get out, it boils down to an irritating dice roll that brings the flow of combat to a screeching halt, and then they just grapple you again to start the vicious cycle anew!

    -Character Writing:
    It's really hot that so many attractive women can dominate you, but at the same time the characters can display annoying traits if you stop to think about them.

    Glace is a suit of armor that can possess your body, despite the total makeover of blue armor lingerie, blue makeup, and completely different demeanor, nobody takes a second glance at you. Not even someone you're dating and routinely having sex with while possessed. This trend continues with various other characters who can control you, and your partner is just as oblivious as the previous time it happens.

    Violet (A slime girl you can wear as living clothes) and Nel (A ghost girl that can possess you ) are the first that you can encounter by being available in the forest, and your confrontations with them are naturally super sexy. However, these are also both characters that stay with you as companions , and when you spend some time with them, sometimes their behaviour comes off as way too pushy for that.
    Both are far too comfortable with taking you away on a moment's notice to the point where it's irritating. You can equip violet as an outfit for both shielding and as an ally, but doing so can run the chance where she, in the middle of a fight, will waste a turn not attacking and instead try to molest you if you choose certain outfit styles.
    There's a moment in the story where "Celica" unlocks a new power-up, sounds huge, but it isn't her who does it, not even with assistance, ghost girl Nel just takes over her body and discovers it herself. When Celica tries complaining, Nel just makes up a nothing excuse about how "we're in this together" and the story rolls along anyway, this never becomes a serious problem.

    Celica is just a wet towel in the plot. None of your companions who can brainwash you are given serious criticism and this leads to the game just riding along even through strange plot developments as with the Nel moment above. Despite being the player character, your autonomy is NEVER respected, you barely get to do anything important yourself, you just take a backseat and someone else invades your body with minimal effort to do the cool thing in your place. This is the case across multiple NPCs that can control you and have relationship questlines. As a buxom blonde lady, she's good eye candy for the sex scenes, but as a character, she's just a very flat and uninteresting prop whose non-personality never has a convincingly important impact on the story.

    I've spent a good chunk of this being critical, but I really want to restate that I well and truly respect this game, it's great at providing it's distinct fetish, but sometimes it should really get some extra QOL and more robust writing to bring everything together.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    A game where every single encounter must be lost. Not interested in the ghost character and defeat her twice? Game literally throws up an error, no you have to lose twice for ANY progression. And this is not a one off experience most progress is locked behind losing. Not only that the grind is absurd for items, affection with characters, anything. The rare item finder fills to 100% after a few battles, this does NOT mean you will get the item after your next battle or the next chest no, you now have a chance to get that rare item of which there are several in each area and if you leave the area or leave a fight it resets. Not only that but some enemies are designed to try to spam stun you and some of which you must fight solo. An absolute slog of a game that feels unrewarding no matter how far in you progress, scenes are alright but that is about all I can give to it's credit.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Town of Magic would be a brilliant game if not some irritating features that will make you hate it at moments.

    It has a beautiful pixel art graphics with strong steampunk vibe. You will see a lot of different locations, lots of fancy clothes and lots of attractive women. The women are quite various from sweet ones to hearless bitches so you won't be bored.

    There are more good things - music, correct English, lack of bugs... And it's a proper RPG game with statistics, items and levelling up which actually requires some strategy but is neither too hard nor too easy. If you know RPGs made in Japanese style (so called "jrpg") you will know what to expect.

    It also has a lot of content, many, many hours of playing. And a lot of erotic scenes. The sex is generally very kinky, you won't have a standard guy-girl scenes. Instead you will have some lesbian scenes and some sex with any kind of bizarre monsters that you can imagine. Tentacle monsters, slime monsters, giant insects, ghosts, snakewomen, make your pick :) Even if you don't like it much, you may check it out of curiosity.

    The biggest problem in the game is not grinding as some people say but unskipable cutscenes. There is a lot of cutscenes in the game and you cannot skip or fast-forward them. The seem to last forever and you have to click and click and click to advance the dialogues.

    Some parts of the story could be also really shortened. A lot of the game content is about ghosts and being possessed by ghosts. It happens often, much too often. When a ghost possesses you then you don't play and just watch the game. So it is probable that at some moment you will be screaming "No more ghosts!" and it won't be a scream of ectasy :)

    I hated it at moments but kept playing. I guess it's more enjoyment than frustration in the final result. But check it out yourself!
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has potential to be really good but commits so many sins that make it more frustrating than anything else.
    • End Game fail states on any battle loss, with no Autosaves. Meaning you have to save constantly or risk losing large amounts of progress
    • RNG with loot drops so you have to suffer through spamming battles hoping to get the things you need
    • Combat "difficulty" comes from enemies spamming moves that don't allow your character to act at all ,while enemies get free damage off. No actual way to mitigate this besides getting lucky with RNG
    • Biggest porn-game sin of them all; significantly more grinding/gameplay than there is porn
    Art is decent, gameplay is more or less fun, music decent, story decent. In other words, this game could be really good but falls short because once again a porn Dev decided to make his game annoyingly tedious.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Where great art meets okay game design and the most frustrating plot I have EVER been party to, and while that may be personal preference, I actually care about the plot quite a bit for these sorts of games.

    Thanks to Nel, every cool thing you are able to do is attributed to someone else, and the game has the nerve to prevent you from progressing the story without letting Nel take more and more of your character's autonomy away with each plot beat to the point I have to ask why the game isn't on autopilot. It's strange and frustrating in a way that has nothing to do with the game's overt rape erotica. The mental domination plot just sucks to the point of draining all joy from every character, and to add insult to injury, the author does it again, twice, with TWO more characters taking away the protagonist's autonomy. The worst part of the game gets the triple repeat treatment.

    The outfit system is cool, I like the gear mechanics, the art is great as I said, and the supporting cast mostly ranges from harmless to neat, though nobody really stands out. Nel sucks as a character because all she does is make you the player impotent, and the armor chick is just Nel 2.0. The demoness meanwhile is Nel 0.5, because at least she has the curtesy of being irrelevant. Oh and slime girl is Nel 0.8 because at least she's endearing. I take it back, the cast ranges from painful to neat.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I just had to write a review. This is the best lesbian game I've ever played. It's not only rare to get full lesbian focus games, they are rarely good, but I would argue this is the only one I would place in the top 5 porn games of all time in general, let alone for it's genre.

    I could literally go for hours on everything good about it, but I'll just say that the art, music, writing, gameplay (a bit hindered by engine), story, characters, and most of everything gets a perfect score for me. So if you are already sold, just play it. There's a lot to read, but that's what I like, since it's spread though a lot of scenes and content as well. Cheat if you can't stand the grind, it's fun either way.

    Though it is very grindy, there's so much content that it makes up for it. Almost every flaw that this game has besides the grind is the game engine. Ren'Py is not meant for a game this size and scale.

    If I had the time (and the money to justify the time spent) I would rewrite a custom engine this game deserves. I'm glad the dev is still focused on what works though, it's better to deliver a game on a bad engine than not. Some devs should learn from that.

    I quite enjoy the grind by the way, I like a slow burn, even if some of it's artificial, there's PLENTY enough content to compensate. If you don't want the grind, cheats are still an option.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been playing this game for years and I can't praise it enough. The author is truly the master of the body possession fetish. It almost becomes comical just how little control the MC has over her own life with the amount of characters claiming to own her body as if it were their own.

    Some might complain that the game is extremely grindy, but I have a high tolerance for that style of gameplay so it doesn't bother me at all.

    My only real complaint is that the renpy engine was not built for this rpg style gameplay and causes frequent lag spikes on my computer during battles.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Game of the Year, without a doubt. If you haven't played this game yet, drop everything and dive into this masterpiece. It's not just a form of entertainment; it's a deeply immersive journey that offers a staggering amount of content.

    The characters are incredibly charismatic, each with a unique personality that makes you care about their stories and fates. The narrative is rich and well-crafted, with lore that will keep you hooked from start to finish, leaving you eager to uncover every detail of the world you're immersed in.

    The farming mechanics may be lengthy, but they're incredibly rewarding. The progression is well-balanced, so the grind never feels tedious. Instead, it adds to the overall experience, making every achievement feel earned. 10/10, an absolute must-play.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I've been following this game for a long time and when I see an update, I'm always looking foward to play it. I like the story, the game play, the suits, the situations. I'm no programmer, so I won't do any critics on the game flow like some does because I can only imagine the work put into that game. Keep going.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is has good art and female protag, but it only has FF content, as the creator is catering his patreons it's unlikely to see MF content to be added to this game
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Town of Magic must be objectively one of the best games on this site, but it is severely underrated because of its genre and because the erotic content is minimal. Maybe the game would have a better average rating if it were implemented in RPG Maker rather than Ren'Py. That would direct people's expectations in the right direction.

    This is first and foremost a classical RPG that plays in the same league as Wizardry I (1981) and Dragon Quest I (1986), while obviously being far more modern and user friendly than both. As one would expect for a Ren'Py game, the map side of RPGs has been reduced to the bare minimum. Or rather, just a little more than the bare minimum -- just enough for me to feel there was nothing missing in this respect. And exactly the same can be said for the various mechanisms typical for RPGs, such as elementary magic combat, clothing, equipment, and crafting. They are all simplified to just enough above the bare minimum to be fully satisfying. It hits my sweet spot for RPGs, as I like it when game mechanisms are on the simpler side but not completely primitive.

    It is normal for RPGs to share some elements with adventure games . Maybe it is the simplified nature of the RPG mechanisms that makes the adventure game elements apear more prominent. In many ways this game feels like Monkey Island without the typical frustrations of point-and-click games that make them essentially unplayable for me. Of course it has the typical frustrations of RPGs instead, which make them essentially unplayable for a different type of player.

    The game's main shtick is how various characters, but most often the main character (Celica, a young mage) are possessed or otherwise controlled by other characters. This can go so far as the main character going monster hunting with her friends, leveling up all of them and collecting items, while under the control of a ghost and therefore running on autopilot. A very neat way of reducing the grind for the human player. Unfortunately not enough so to appease the more extreme RPG-phobes who try this game out.

    While it is justified to include the game on this site, I wouldn't call it a porn game any more than I would call a romance movie a porn film because of a few erotic scenes. There is basically just some stripping and groping (up to orgasm, which is an RPG mechanism!) as part of fight scenes. I consider this game more or less suitable for work, and I wouldn't have a big problem with letting a small child play it. But then, I am German, not American or Saudi Arabian.

    If you play this game expecting it to be a visual novel or a porn game, you will be disappointed. It is a semi-humorous adventure game packaged as a two-dimensional RPG. The RPG elements are heavily streamlined to remove typical annoyances, but not enough so to appease everyone.

    Highly recommended for lovers of classical RPGs.
    Recommended for lovers of classical adventure games who don't mind RPG mechanics.
    Avoid if you hate RPGs.

    PS: There is a walkthrough, but it's non-linear and a bit disorganized, and following it can lead to some of the frustrations that are common with sandbox-style visual novels. You are never completely sure why you are not seeing certain events. Are you still missing a crucial event, or did you discover a bug that shuts you out of parts of the game because you did things in the wrong order?
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4362118

    Aside from the possessed and mind-control sex, Celica here is more or less a tool to the beings that she came across on her adventures.

    Its like she didn't want to share her body but the plot-master twist it so she had to. Like Glace's first appearance in the lore. The FMC isn't a klutz throughout the updates, but she was made to do so because of the plot. Celica herself didn't have any sort of priorities, more or less the cliché naïve girl, but getting possessed sure beats the heck of character development right? I mean come on.

    While others were somehow... oblivious..., Evie nothing sort of questioning about their eyes and change in attitude whatsoever and as such a void due to an absence of challenge to the possessors in taking the role over their only host. The only character that went through this all the same (meaning she had to be possessed to help her dear friend, Celica) was Galiene (Best Girl!)

    I don't know about you guys but there's that many possessor with only Celica and few others getting possessed, and there are several side characters with nice and unique appeal so why not them? Like Glace, she's that aggressive to be alive again in a living body, why not hunt for another body in the meantime? I think there should be a side plot within quests, so that other characters could have their relevance grown amidst the Celica-possessed centered story.

    Its always with each possessor and their own agendas without much story and character exploration to go around other characters than Celica being used again and again. Especially Violet, don't know what's her deal and why her fans love her, another naïve character with quests that had to have her own blind-faith adventure?? Celica's just enough for that sort of gig. Girl, why not venture inside Celica next time, that'll be way more interesting than a typical treasure hunting. You're a sentient slime, taking form of a human, but you have no curiosity to how human or other beings tick?

    Still, outside of the Violet quests, props to the Dev for the efforts into the game with the results from update after update which are certainly interesting.

    P.S. - Please consider this (I think there should be a sideplot within quests, so that other characters could have their relevance grown amidst the Celica-possessed centered story. )
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Every so often, an H-Game comes along that shakes up the field and shows that H-Games can be more than half-hearted games with occasional CGs. Monstergirl Quest. Alone Among Demons. Odyssey of Gianna. ...why do I know so many popular porn games?

    Town of Magic is one of these games no matter who you are, but if you have a possession fetish this game is going to be the best thing that's ever fucking happened to you.

    Running in Ren'py, and proving once again what a robust engine it is if you know how to code, Town of Magic centers around a mage in training who finds herself embroiled in a battle against demons, largely by fighting a bunch of other monsters as well. The combat system is tight and easy to use, providing a challenge without straying into frustration territory (and again, if you have a possession fetish, this game is perfect for you). The H-Scenes tend to focus around a pattern of being grabbed and then fucked, with removal of clothing taking place piece by piece if you're wearing it. On the subject of clothing, there's a number of sets that provide benefits enough to satisfy the gameplay without making it so there's only one outfit you can wear and progress with. Just amazing balance all around.

    The real star of the show, though, is the possession content. The first real story arc will be your first introduction to possession, and that story arc will continue throughout the game even as you encounter more enemies and events that will rob you of control of your body. The possession aspect even features into the gameplay itself, as there's a couple of characters that, once you're at a certain level with them, can possess you and grind for you.

    Town of Magic doesn't forget it's VN roots, either, as you'll experience a long list of various events, and build up relationships with multiple characters. They're all pretty much mutually exclusive, too; thus far, there's no penalty for building up all relationships.

    If town of Magic has flaws, it's that it is a game that expects a lot of grinding, and that some of the events can be difficult to figure out how to unlock. It handles both of these flaws well, the first in allowing you to autogrind, and the second with an NPC that will tell you have to advance relationships and where to find treasures you haven't found yet, and another that points you towards uncompleted events and how to advance them. A handful of events, including some story ones, can still be hard to figure out, but generally you'll either be pointed in the right direction by someone, or be able to figure out by grinding in the last area unlocked.

    Town of Magic is a game that you just can't miss, especially if you love the feeling of being possessed ^_~
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is great in many areas and has a lot of potential and that's why it breaks my heart to see it fall so short in a few important places.

    First and foremost there is definitely a bit of a problem with the grinding required, however I wouldn't necessarily have an issue with that if we could use that time to interact with characters more. The characters in this game are fairly well written (at least at first but I'll get to that later) and I'd like to interact with them. Unfortunately at the moment the interactions are extremely linear. Want to talk to your commander or other guildmates? Too bad, have to progress the story to an arbitrary point to get the next interaction. Don't like a certain character or don't like where their interactions are going? Well you've got no choice because only one dialogue choice will progress their affinity and their affinity is required for story progression. I kid you not, at one point you are looking for someone that has gone missing and you need to level up a different person's affinity just so they can say "have you checked their house?" The main character is introduced and shown to be fairly competent and proactive until they suddenly aren't for the sole purpose of requiring affinity.

    The next area this suffers is the hyper-fixation on the main fetish of the game, domination loss, to the detriment of the characters and story. The latter half of the currently available content just turns into possession quest, with every character either becoming a blank husk void of any personality or a carbon copy of the first ghost you met but with a different coat of paint and much less fleshed out. Calling the later content domination loss isn't even accurate as every person just seems to immediately accept giving whatever random ghost is possessing them this time control of their body. This is such a shame because as mentioned before the characters were all quite charming and decently written in the beginning and it's a shame to see them devolve into one note trope characters.

    Many of these issues could be fixed if the creator changed it from an entirely linear story and game to having at least a bit of a branching path, or even better just let the player interact with characters individually, don't require max ghost possession affinity for absolutely everyone.

    TLDR: Gameplay is fun but a bit grindy, art is great, setting and characters are fun but the extremely linear progression and hyper-fixation on domination loss eats away at their quality,
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    It would be a great game, but it has mechanics that have no reason to be there and the porn side is incredibly vanilla and all the same.

    The grind is awful and has no place in there. The game would have a long playtime even without it. I don't understand why it's this grindy then. And we talking hours of LMB clicking cause most battles can't be skipped unless you go with the ghost girl, but then again it's half an hour of holding CTRL to get what you need due to the game hiccup-ing trying to load animations during the skipping...

    The gameplay is otherwise great. The fights are fine, the mechanics are nice. The scaling is a bit weird since you can skip farm levels infinitely, so you can just hold CTRL for an hour and have enough skillpoints for every skill, so the progress feels kinda empty.

    The characters are great, pretty fun, but could use some Male characters since 90% of the game is just lesbian content honestly.

    The sex scenes are well written, but so damn boring in a sense that the scenes are different in the tone, but the content is the same. Eg. girl on girl touching and licking are like 90% of the scenes and you are the sub everytime. Also the animations are incredibly choppy. Like they are those 2-3s loops that a lot of times overlap, hiccup or freeze no matter what settings you pick and how good your PC is...

    If you took away the grind, the gaming part of the game would be great, like 8/10. But the porn is barely 4/10 due to the variety. Kinda shame because the world and the setttings are both well done. I feel like there should be waaaaay more events with different characters in this stage of development, and the lewd events with the characters already there should be more engaging. Ghost girl has the most content by a mile, but even her content is incredibly vanilla even though she is a slut...
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Ernesto Clout

    Good thread for a godlike p-game! The people who post usually give advice and insight regarding the game and its mechanics. Not only that, but they're also exceptional at uploading current versions and the associated walk through with them!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has promise, it aint bad, but it has few issues:

    Animations - there are lot of animations and debug menu lets you see all of them. Sadly most animations are generic fingering or breast play, only one monster eats you out (plant girl) and certain animations are too long before you can fight again. It would be cooler if we could speed animations or if there would be different ones depending on MC lewdness.

    Story: Its lackluster, not much happens in beginning and many events require the ghost girl to have high bond with your MC. It would be better if all of them would be independent and not reliant on each other. For instance the first sidekick, the short girl that brags about her magic, needs the ghost girl sidequest to progress further. It would be nice if we could fill it through normal human bonding, not getting constantly possesed.

    Grind: This total grindfest, this game pushes it into another level. Game could use some type of work or job system to let us get money easier. Also once you buy everything, money is kinda useless. The wallet system is also bad, why do we need max amount of gold? Wouldnt it be better to have limitless wallet if we rack up 10000 gold then we rack that amount?

    Companions: They are interesting and have interesting dynamic with MC, mainly the succubus who has interesting skill if your MC gets grabbed. Game could also use some camping system or bonding with companions mechanic on road.

    That is all I guess that kinda bothered me but otherwise, as I said, game looks decent. Would welcome some more types of sexual animations, lover system or more female enemies (bandits, mystical creatures, elfs etc.). Game is still in 0.67, so Im looking forward for full version.

    Edit: The soundtrack of this game is also fantastic. Ceres ship theme and her battle soundtrack slaps. You would expect something like this in AAA game, not hentai indie game. Still, this is great.