The first thing I want to say is, I can only give unadulterated applause to a game this willing to lean into a possession fetish and provide as much content of it with an entourage of attractive women. This is a kind of game that has not been replicated since and for its uniqueness as a lesbian game featuring possession, it's absolutely worth playing if anything about it sparks your interest.
While I absolutely love the game, I do want to bring up some areas of contention:
Yes, this game does require a fair level of monster slaying to boost your numbers, but I don't think it's the game breaking issue people see it as. You get to unlock items that increase your xp gain so if you know what to do, I don't think it's that much of a slog to go through.
Mostly perfectly serviceable, but one issue I have is when enemies can grapple you and attempt to have sex with you. This is fine for initiating sex scenes, but if you want to get out, it boils down to an irritating dice roll that brings the flow of combat to a screeching halt, and then they just grapple you again to start the vicious cycle anew!
-Character Writing:
It's really hot that so many attractive women can dominate you, but at the same time the characters can display annoying traits if you stop to think about them.
Glace is a suit of armor that can possess your body, despite the total makeover of blue armor lingerie, blue makeup, and completely different demeanor, nobody takes a second glance at you. Not even someone you're dating and routinely having sex with while possessed. This trend continues with various other characters who can control you, and your partner is just as oblivious as the previous time it happens.
Violet (A slime girl you can wear as living clothes) and Nel (A ghost girl that can possess you ) are the first that you can encounter by being available in the forest, and your confrontations with them are naturally super sexy. However, these are also both characters that stay with you as companions , and when you spend some time with them, sometimes their behaviour comes off as way too pushy for that.
Both are far too comfortable with taking you away on a moment's notice to the point where it's irritating. You can equip violet as an outfit for both shielding and as an ally, but doing so can run the chance where she, in the middle of a fight, will waste a turn not attacking and instead try to molest you if you choose certain outfit styles.
There's a moment in the story where "Celica" unlocks a new power-up, sounds huge, but it isn't her who does it, not even with assistance, ghost girl Nel just takes over her body and discovers it herself. When Celica tries complaining, Nel just makes up a nothing excuse about how "we're in this together" and the story rolls along anyway, this never becomes a serious problem.
Celica is just a wet towel in the plot. None of your companions who can brainwash you are given serious criticism and this leads to the game just riding along even through strange plot developments as with the Nel moment above. Despite being the player character, your autonomy is NEVER respected, you barely get to do anything important yourself, you just take a backseat and someone else invades your body with minimal effort to do the cool thing in your place. This is the case across multiple NPCs that can control you and have relationship questlines. As a buxom blonde lady, she's good eye candy for the sex scenes, but as a character, she's just a very flat and uninteresting prop whose non-personality never has a convincingly important impact on the story.
I've spent a good chunk of this being critical, but I really want to restate that I well and truly respect this game, it's great at providing it's distinct fetish, but sometimes it should really get some extra QOL and more robust writing to bring everything together.