Unity - Completed - Train a student [Final] [HGGame]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This seems more like a proof of concept rather than a game. It contains nothing besides showing the student in a few different poses. There's no training, no story, no progression - basically it's just pointless and not even worth a indepth review .. so why am I still writing? Well, that's because I'll have to hit the 200 character limit to submit this.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    SINtax EroRR

    Title is a lie. There is no training involved, just a few mediocre scenes to play out. If this really is the final, ignore it and move on. Way too little content to be worth downloading.

    You'd be better off playing games like 90s Slave or JSKgames. At least there's some actual training involved.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    it is not really a game, it's nore a collection of a few escenes and they'r not even good. Thou the 3d model is decent but it doesn't fit well with the background.
    Oh, and, the tittle it´s a lie, I was expercting a training game, not just click and viw the bad escenes.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    (I'm afraid that aside from a good looking student model, that's pretty much it. The story? Does not actually exist, there's a few lines of some kind of 'explanation', and then you immediately move to options to take sexual advantage of the student.

    There is no actual 'training' either. There's options in the side-bar that you can click at any time. No progression, no stats, no slow bringing her over to your side, there's just a handful of options, and pre-made photos and animations. I honestly don't think this is good for even a quick session, there's just so very little actually here.

    On the plus side, the student looks good and it doesn't take up much room, so if you're truly curious it won't take much. Honestly though, I'd give this a firm pass.)