Unity - Completed - Train Capacity 300% [v2.24.3.4 Steam] [Beel ze bub]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Hard and grindy but fun. The translation doesn't help as it is machine translation.
    At the begging the game doesn't make much sense, you have to steal their cellphone from their bags to populate their profile to know which train car they take the train from.
    I haven't found any other indication of which train track you are other than the numbers at the sides of the tracks and they can be hard to read as you can't look down.
    Also you will need a guide for the text message conversations with the girls as the gibberish of the translation is indecipherable.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly I enjoyed this quite a bit until I was hit with a random ass game over just as I started to move on to another girl. Even if I cant understand most of the text I like the immersion it provides, just a shame it was cut short.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Compared to Shin Chikan no Kiwami, this is a real disappointment. The grinding to increase the body part sensitivity is not fun at all. And the base cg are not so many, but the variations...just the same cg get repeated with less cloth. I got excited probably for the first hour of gameplay...after that save data here I come.:). Seriously the grinding and the time needed to grind is just too much makes the gameplay feels so terrible.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed the first few hour, but oh boy it turn to be a drag after that.

    Gameplay Part:
    You go to the Train platform (1-6) depend on which girl you want to molest. The first girl is at Train 4 and more girl will unlock as game goes on.
    You spawn near the Train 4. You can see which train number you will be boarding by looking at the number plate near the yellow line.

    Once you are in the train, you search for the girl, the girl will ride the train at fix station . For example first girl always ride at 1st station and drop at last 2nd station.
    You can also hear the girl voice when she's on board.

    Then you move close to the girl, either front or back, then the molest game will begin.
    At front, the action you have is mouth(Lip) , finger(Lip, Boob, Vagina, Bag), undress(Boob, Vagina) and Dick (Vagina)
    At back, the action is mouth(Neck), finger(Neck, Boob, Butt, Hand) and Dick(Butt, Hand)
    There is will stage for each part (Dull, Insensitive, Sensitive, Hyper Sensitive), Dick action rise the bar faster. Finger on Bag will give you information of the girl (Up to ... 5 or 6 times I think.)

    Now your objective is to increase the girl sensitive, reduce the "Love" Bar, or in this game it is called "SAN" Bar down to 0. Then a loud music will play (music option can be found by hovering your mouse at top of the window). When the music is playing and if the girl is sensitive enough, there will be a special RED DICK action at the mouth(front), Vagina(front), and Butt(back).
    Once you click it you will be brought to the casual sex scene that all the VN game does.

    Other mechanic involve leveling up and skill point.
    You can choose 4 style of playing, Groper, Watcher, Stalker and "I forgot"
    Groper : Have skill that help lowering the SAN bar.
    Watcher : Have skill that help identify dangerous sight (some sight is instant game over when you get spotted by it).
    Stalker: Have skill that make you walk faster, increase sensitivity gain, switch the girl front/back.
    "I forgot" : Have skill that reduce the sight line, block the first few sight line.

    You can only use one style at the time but if you level it up to the bottom there is a skill that allow that style skill to be active while using other style.
    Max Level is only 50, so you can't have anything, if you want to re-assign skill point you have to start over (sensitivity get carried over). I hate this.

    Hentai Part:
    Now here is where it start to get annoying. Each girl has 3 part for the CG (mouth/ vagina/ butt) and all of them has 27 different scene, there is Reject, Accept, and Fallen.
    So there is Mouth Reject 1, Mouth Reject 2, Reject 3, then Accept 1, Accept 2...all the way to Fallen 3. with each different only in the amount of clothing and dialogue. So each girl has only 3 unique scene with all other look similar to the 3.

    And there is 6 girl, which mean there will be 162 different scene, and only 18 of those are unique, with others being less cloth, and different dialogue.

    Every time you want to collect the scene, first you have to choose the Train, which take 30 seconds and cannot be skip.
    Then watch a train cutscene (can be skip by mouse click)
    Then wait 5 seconds as the Train is moving.
    Then 10 seconds of moving inside the Train toward the girl. (Add another 15 seconds for each station where the girl is not on-board)
    Then quickly whip out your dick on the girl sensitive part to drop SAN to 0.
    Then click the red dick action to collect the scene.

    Basically, it take so long even when you tried to speed run the scene.
    So I recommend you to take the full-save and use it when you reach the scene collecting part. (By the way it seem like you need to unlock the girl first in the gallery before you use the full save. I haven't touch the cosplay girl at all so it doesn't register at my gallery, and when I use the full save, that place is still blank)

    Mechanic Part that I dislike :
    The undress part is un-satisfying. First it take 5 second to undress, and there is 2 part of it, so 10 seconds, most station only have 25 seconds to act, and you need to avoid sight while you're doing it. And whatever you undress reset at the next station. The only time you can easily do undress is at the first to second station where you have 60 seconds of action.
    Now, for the undress itself, let's take vagina for example, 1st undress take up the skirt, revealing panties, 2nd undress move panties to the side, revealing vagina.
    But it doesn't matter if the vagina is reveal or not, the finger/ dick action still only does the 1st undress caress animation, so no penetration unless it's the CG scene.

    The sensitivity increase way to slow... It's like the Dev can't think of a way to increase play time other than making progression SLOW AS FUCK.
    I been playing the game for almost 3 hour, focusing on single girl, and the sensitivity of her vagina still doesn't reach over 50.
    I know, you don't need the sensitivity to be that high to access the scene but oh my it's so SLOW.
    Another problem is this, the action that rise the bar the quickest is the dick. But first of all dick can only use at specific part (vagina, butt and hand), second it has a wide detect range so you can't do it all the time. Third the dick action will be replaced with Red Dick action so past a certain point you can't rise sensitivity with dick anymore.

    And I really hope there is a button to skip train waiting section, having to wait 30 seconds add up overtimes.

    Last word, the gameplay is fun, I always like this kind of 3D stalk-molest game, but other than the gameplay, everything is just a drag and not well done.