Unity - Training Space Station [Build 22] [GoodBadRobot]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Build 21.
    This game has promises, but god damm do a few bad apples spoil the bunch. I've never played a game with this bad of an economy before. combat is "just okay" and the building is fun but overall it's a bunch of systems with very little glue sticking it together.

    My Main issues:
    1st, the economy... god god-awful, I couldn't imagine playing it in its current state without cheating. The game wants you to train and sell girls, dumb. we put all this time and energy into finding a sample we favor and training them up and the game expects us to sell them off and start with the next batch for a few coins. I've also read that it is more efficient to just sell stock samples to save time and biofuel. And if you dont grind samples, expect to be digging through barrels that are 60% uninteractable, 30% empty, and 10% got biomass crumbs.

    2nd, the User Interface. Mostly it's okay, but I find the game not communicating quest rewards well enough as I have to sift through every menu to see if I've unlocked something, and in some cases, IDK what quest I got the reward from. The UI also doesn't communicate menus and what you need to do to unlock them, I sat for a good while wondering why I couldn't plug in my modules for a few hours. An easy mistake fixed by a tooltip. Games in these states either need a FULL wiki or have 100% clarity about what is and isn't unlockable. I've played for about 10 hrs, and not once have I seen a heavy lactation state, I can't find it on the wiki, I can't find it in the training menus. So it must not be implemented... Right? Pain. Also, replicants can't "seem" to be used on anything, I really think the game should be more clear on what things are and what they do.

    3rd, progressions are wack. You start with wayyy too big of a space, never going to need to upgrade my ship space. Unlocking programs is way too fast and should instead be a slow building-up of parts per machine that can serve a program instead of unlocking it for every machine you own.
    And IDK why models only last 5 uses

    The lack of communication and feedback is annoying. It's annoying that to this day, I still have no idea what deep scan does. It's annoying that I need to equip a girl to interact with a machine and it's annoying having to enter that passcode every time. Look, I really like this game, and I want it to be the best it can be, plz fix.

    also, add more zoom or fps mode in the home ship
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Version 0.4.4

    A bit raw at first, the game require the player to do efforts and learn how mechanics works, not very intuitive and quite tedious until you understand how to exploit training effects and "samples" traits.

    Also the controls are somewhat special, you need to get used to it. It could be related to controls but I think the difficulty is maybe a bit too much hard, at least at start, maybe when you upgrade enough things will be easier, but right now I duno.

    The game is very interesting, not the best graphic but it have his personal touch.

    I love the quest system, nothings special about it but it does the work and is well designed.

    Exploring indoor environment feel like "get a key to open another room at the opposite side" which contain "another key to open a room near the first one". It feel very intentional / not natural.

    But outside environment are nice, I hadn't this feeling, it was more natural. The exception is that desert is kinda... a desert, you'll get lost easily, indications are not clear, the quest "person unknow" is very confusing and imo it need to be reworked. A compas or even a basic map would really help, we're a robot coming from spaceship and doing genetical manipulations right ? So I think it's kinda logical to have a map, or a compas, or even HUD indications.

    Curious to see where the game is going, right now (build 20), it feel we finished the introduction with basic mechanics and we unlocked the most useful things (i guess ?!). So I think interesting things will begin to appear in a near future.

    Keep going on !
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    You play a robotic slaver unleashed on the galactic fringe, capturing humans and humanoid aliens to extract their secrets and train them into ideal servants. It's a great premise and everything hints that the devs are looking to build a game that lives up to it, but it seems like their goals are still far from being realized.

    Graphically, I'm impressed! It looks good for what it is, and the character models seem quite flexible. Girls are cute and look good in motion, and there is a variety of body types. Both light and dark skin tones and hair colors look good.

    Gameplay isn't great; the training doesn't have much in the way of mechanical sophistication, and its effects revolve around hitting thresholds to pump the victim for information. It's also extremely expensive; I ended up cheating when it became clear that a massive amount of grinding would be required to fully train up just some of the girls I added to my harem, with little to no bonus for my efforts. Introducing a sense of progress in the course of training girls seems like a necessity. Combat suffers from tanky enemies that are best engaged with from the greatest possible range, which turns it into a waiting game rather than a challenge. Less enemy HP and greater speed would help with this a lot.

    The writing is clearly hastily translated generic genre filler, so don't expect much of a story. The existence of a room called "Crew Quarters" or something along those lines, along with girl stats that don't seem to have any utility like shooting, makes me think that you will eventually be able to recruit girls to your ship, and this seems like a desperately needed addition. Breathing some life into your ship, even if it's just in the form of girls patrolling around. would be much appreciated. I hope the devs plan on having them do something, including getting up to some sexual adventures of their own with other crew members, the devices your ship's festooned with, and some solo action, because that'd really make the training feel worth it.

    This is a score that I'm a bit iffy about issuing; it's a great premise and framework, but I worry that the promise it shows is going to end up going unrealized. Three years of development time and the game still feels a bit like a starter zone, and some essential systems seem to be missing to "make your own fun" by interacting with systems. However frustrating the slow development time of, say, Lilith's Throne might be, it has enough core systems to play around with to capture my interest. Here, these systems are hinted at, but aren't yet actually implemented.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Shows lots of potential and refreshingly original compared to a lot of H games. Gameplay isn't stellar but it's good, and more importantly the porn content is scant but goes in a direction I like a lot, with you being able to construct different stations which you put girls in to train their stats and watch.

    The game is still pretty barebones and rough in some areas like how difficult it is to navigate on the desert planet or how your character feels like he moves too slow, but I have to say I'm a fan of what's been done so far.

    My recommendations for the dev are to make the robot faster, make it so you can use the bio printer to assemble your own character out of pieces instead of needing to scan a million people to get a template you like, and as a stretch goal try reworking the desert map to make it easier to see where you need to go. Also it would be helpful for the journal to include more information on where you're supposed to go in case you forget.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Current patch is way smoother, and far less clunky then previous builds.

    Not much has changed to the ship.

    He's upgraded to blue aliens and humans.

    There is exhibitionism, and (atleast) one cut scene in the game now, proof of concepting more things for the game (back alley whoring.)

    Is it playable? yes, is there content? not as much, is there progress? steady and slow.

    Still a lot plugs and wires for mechanics that aren't in the game yet. High suggest if it gets to build 25, 30 ish it may be a fully fledged demo.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game could use some Random Generated levels, it also be cool to be able to give robot a body male or female and it be nice to create pregnancy in game.

    it be cool if ship was small that you start with and maybe be able to buy and or customize new ships or stations as we progress with monies latter on maybe spaceship to ship combat.
    Likes: srg91
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Ode Trendl

    The premise is very interesting, and really the game satisfies a niche of fetishism that isn't very well catered by the community. Nice graphics, ambients and gameplay. Controls should be less "clumsy" though. I understand the creator's very ambitious and the scope of the game is enormous, and I can understand why updates are so slow. It doesn't seem the case yet, but I hope it won't be abandoned like many other works before.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Training Space Station Build 16

    Gameplay 2/10 = is not bad I am enjoying collecting girls and only a few quests you can finish at least 30 minutes

    Graphics 6/10 = the animation is spot on not gonna lie but it is hard to zoom in to watch the sex scene which is not satisfying at all
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    The developer/designer doesn't seem to know where this game is heading or it's purpose as of yet.
    Maybe in <insert time frame from here to your death> this may have been resolved.
    I will however wait a little longer as I see great potential in this game!

    Rated: 3/5
    Based on: Build 16
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Ok almost all reviews seem to be about its ambitiousness and potential NOT what it is and likely will be for years possibly forever.

    Which is mediocre with to much ambition.

    Most animations, graphics, gunplay, etc... are things I have seen better years ago and are reminiscent of the lower end quality of those from years ago.

    Snipe enemies from a far, see clipping through animations that are minimal to begin with, lack of sound, can only save on ship, no proper info given for most things (like will just say lack proper item to place, place what and why and how ... who knows certainty not player).

    Does have potential, works fairly well for how ambitious it is, and could be something in far off future if developed but atm no this a time waister.
    Tip go to options and cheat menu, no reason for repetitive grind of same enemies + location + loot.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    its a Decent game but there's really not much to do except collecting Girls.
    getting rid of the unwanted girls is also a pain, takes time to transfer them one by one to sell them in market, wish you could sell them from ship.
    more display animation/poses and outfits would be appreciated.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, legit. You probably will think I am joking, but since I already have a wife, I can't play a lot of adult games without her consent. But this one, she came to ME and asked me to play it.
    Then you know it is good.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    its boring and has no replay value

    the fights are boring, you cann snipe all opponents out off distance and even if they stand right next to each other, no alarm, no reaction...

    lined up for execution and no one blinks with an eye if you hit their neighbour.

    tits are nice but I need some fun and entertainment to play the game after I am finished fapping and that does this game not provide.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, is this game made by one person only? I am very impressed. It took me some time to figure out what to do and how to do it, but that was actually a very entertaining process... except for the brain wash machine's interface which definately had me annoyed.
    Has anyone figured out how to use the "signatures unrecognized" puzzle at the expandable bridge of the scout ship's cargo bay? Also - there is a large room on that ship with a number of consoles inside and two guards on the outside - how do you get in there?
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game, really well planned out and developed. The 3rd person shooting takes time to master, as the character keeps wanting to turn around all the time (the line of fire is based off your target cursor's location over what block on the ground you are aiming). Beyond that, I'm still figuring out how to lower captured girl's willpower, but this game has mad potential. Looking forward to seeing this near completion. I'll be following the progress. Nice work dev!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    While it isnt very fleshed out yet, the game mechanics that are already implemented are amazing and promise much. I have a thing for management games so this is right up my alley.

    The only bad thing in my opinion is that you as a protagonist cant fuck anyone. Would be awesome if you later in the game get a "hardware" upgrade..
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Very intriguing concept, for what is there currently which is practically nothing It plays well.

    I'm interested to see where you take this game, at this time it's difficult to review since this is clearly a POC

    I would recommend being more descriptive, without spending time tinkering with each machine and even after spending time, it's not always clear what the machine is doing or how it works.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Ambitious, pretty original and high-tech compared to the usual offering. Definitely a standout game concept with just lovely art and a promising proof of concept. The story sounds interesting, which is always a bonus, and there seems to be a good variety of body types and outfits for once.

    Addendum 2022-08-03: The game's development is extremely slow. The excuse of being a proof of concept no longer holds up. The game is a rather poor experience at this point, a scattering of unpolished mechanics.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Essentially a test demo. Think stationmaster with more gameplay over management. This is kind of what I want stationmaster to add, more up close and personal type stuff.

    If you played stationmaster this should be familiar. The key difference is you actually go and do a small shooting section to capture females and male DNA. Game is pure potential, the animations and mechanics all feel smooth and easy to build upon.

    For example it seems like the ability to brainwash and have slaves accompany you on shooting sections may be a thing. Either way for a tech demo showing what it CAN be its great. Need more games like this. Actual gameplay and decent quality. Think I might give some money to it, at the very least a one time donation.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    started playing it and it looks really good, the graphic the moving and shooting, hope there will be some more bdsm and maybe some harder content, and that it will be soon for the next update. Good luck with building it.