Title: Kotou Yotogibanashi (狐灯夜伽話)
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Language: Japanese
Description: One day, protagonist arrives on the way home, worried about work, and finds a restaurant called Kitsutei one day. When he tried to eat, a girl with ears and tail grew high and welcomed him. Marie, who will fulfill her wish, invites him to have sex aggressively, but... over time, the heroine changes into a beast.
10 basic CGs
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Language: Japanese
You must be registered to see the links
You must be registered to see the links
You must be registered to see the links
Description: One day, protagonist arrives on the way home, worried about work, and finds a restaurant called Kitsutei one day. When he tried to eat, a girl with ears and tail grew high and welcomed him. Marie, who will fulfill her wish, invites him to have sex aggressively, but... over time, the heroine changes into a beast.
10 basic CGs
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