You don't need premium, trial or whatever to export and load manually translated files. You need it to load translation files from a server (download it) or from other users, because that translation is done by the tool by using paid services.
But you can still export and import translation done outside of the tool, because that means no additional costs for mtool's dev.
Once again:
- translation is done by mtool: text limit, can't share with other users,
- translation is done outside of mtool: no limits.
Basically, if you are willing to do the hard (script parsing, translation, editing) part by yourself, Mtool only acts as import/export tool for the translation and this can be done in free version.
Translated file from the older version works fine. Text added in later versions is simply untranslated.
There a bunch of "tricks" to speed it up. You have to search the web and sugoi's discord. Here's the list of what can be done:
- install CUDA support (if nvidia GPU) and enable it in configuration,
- convert sugoi to ctranslate2 (not sure if it still applies to newer models - last one I used was V5.0),
- increase number simultaneous requests and the number of models running simultaneously (so instead 1 model doing 4 requests at the same time - which I think is the default, you can have multiple models running at the same time doing more requests - depending on your hardware).
Currently I don't have Nvidia GPU and my CPU is only R5 3600 but it runs on all threads with ~80% utilization, which results in 3-5 lines per second. This is without ctranslate2 which usually helps a lot - I lost old installer script and I don't know if it even works with never version (it should be on discord).