RPGM None [Translation Request] Angelic Nightmare -エンジェリック・ナイトメア-

Jul 26, 2020
View attachment RJ01019874_img_main.webp
Angels are responsible for making humans happy.
In order to be recognized as a full-fledged angel, it is necessary to complete the task given.
The task is to actually descend to the lower world and make a specific human happy.

One day, the apprentice angel Mea descended to the lower world to complete a task.
The place where I got off is in a dark building.
Mea can't see anything, so she decides to turn on the light anyway.
Shortly after, Mea sensed someone behind her and turned around -

"Exploring the City" and "Choosing Happiness"
The period given to Mea is 7 days (levels and possessions can be carried over to the next 7 days).
You are free to decide how you want to behave during that period.

As you explore the city, various events will occur.
Let's think about what to do through conversations with people.

There are people in town who try to use Mea as an outlet for their sexual desires.
Do you want to fulfill the duty of an angel by making such humans equally happy, or
conversely, by eliminating them, improve public order and lead to the happiness of other people?
The accumulation of choices will determine the direction of Mea.

"All adult scenes with Live2D animation" and "Various costumes"
For adult scenes, Live2D animation is prepared for all scenes.
The slimy moving animation at 60fps makes the adult scene lewdly liven up.

In addition, Mea may obtain costumes from shops and events.
The more costumes you have, the more places you can go and the more events that will occur.
There are more than 10 kinds of costumes, and adult scenes are prepared for all costumes.

Exploring Magical Land

"Area inhabited by monsters" is called "demon land" for short.
For some reason, monsters do not come out of the Demon Land, so they
do not attack the people living in the city.

However, it seems that in order to complete Mea's task,
it is necessary to enter the Demon Land and explore.
Let's explore various magical places while befriending the spirits.

The following system is installed as an element to enjoy exploring and battling the magic land.
◆ Refining If you have recipes, you can use materials to enhance items and equipment.
◆ Quest You can get money and recipes by collecting materials and subjugating powerful enemies.
◆ Mini-map A map that reveals the places you passed through, and can be displayed in a wide area.
◆ Magic Circle You can instantly warp to a place you've been to before.
◆ Battle system A time progress battle where you can act when the battle gauge accumulates.
◆ Co-fight with spirits Up to 4 people can fight together with unique spirits.
◆ Skill Tree Learn your favorite skills by consuming SP that can be obtained by leveling up.
◆ Enemy Encyclopedia You can see information about the enemies you fought.

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Active Member
Sep 12, 2018
Alright, I did MTL translation with translator ++ using sugoi. It looks much better than a google and better than a bing that is currently only available in MTL tool.

Unzip data in game folder.

Here is the link to download the game:

If anything goes wrong, I apologize in advance. I almost never use translator ++ and until recently only resorted to the MTL tool.

When I was translating, I chose to ignore the red tag, cause in other games in was breaking the game. So it may have affected and some parts of the menu are not translated, but I think you can play with it. Or run mtl tool and have it to translate the rest of the text.
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