Title : Ai Suru Tsuma, Reina no Uwaki Kokuhaku “O, Ore yori Kimochi Yokatta no ka…?” -> “…Un. Sugokatta”
Original Title : 愛する妻、玲奈の浮気告白『お、俺より気持ち良かったのか…?』→『…うん。凄かった』
Released date : 2011-04-22
Developer : Atelier Sakura
Language : Japanese
Length : –
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The heroine and the heroine are newlyweds.
Pillow talk at the end of sex on a certain anniversary. Has your wife ever made the main character another person? I will ask.
To be honest, I think the hero has come. There is. It’s customs. sorry. The hero also asks his wife. Have you ever done it with someone else? My wife thinks a little.
While feeling a light shock at the gesture, the wife responds smallly to the hero’s words that he will not get angry.
“Actually … just a little”
Eh …? From here, the hero hears about the cheating experience committed by his beloved wife Rena.
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Please translate or atleast someone help me get the HOOK CODE FOR AGTH , ITH , TEXTRACTOR