Original Title: Hoka no Otoko no Seieki de Haramu Toki 3 ~Fusuma no Oku de Iki Kuruu Boku no Tsuma~
Original Language : Japanese
Official Website :
Genre: Male Protagonist, Female Protagonist, NTR( Netorase) , Vaginal sex, Oral sex, Vanilla, Incest (Sister-in-law)
The main character, Nishino Daisuke, is the head priest of a certain shrine. He regularly tries to make a child with his childhood friend, Fuuka, but she doesn't get pregnant like they wish. Going to a doctor revealed that Daisuke had his reproductive functions impaired by a past accident.
For the shrine to continue a child was needed. The couple try various things but none succeed and they soon give up. While suffering Daisuke asks his brother Ryuunosuke to get his wife pregnant.
Ryunosuke holds his brother's wife while being confused and Fuka who feels forgotten about. The glossy voice of my wife echos throughout the house.
Daisuke keeps waiting in the next room for the seeding to end. My beloved wife is immersed in the semen of a man other than myself, until then.......
I would love a translation of this new Atelier Sakura's Epic games , just take a look at the how hot and beautiful the intense love making in the CG preview is...
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Original Language : Japanese
Official Website :
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Genre: Male Protagonist, Female Protagonist, NTR( Netorase) , Vaginal sex, Oral sex, Vanilla, Incest (Sister-in-law)
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The main character, Nishino Daisuke, is the head priest of a certain shrine. He regularly tries to make a child with his childhood friend, Fuuka, but she doesn't get pregnant like they wish. Going to a doctor revealed that Daisuke had his reproductive functions impaired by a past accident.
For the shrine to continue a child was needed. The couple try various things but none succeed and they soon give up. While suffering Daisuke asks his brother Ryuunosuke to get his wife pregnant.
Ryunosuke holds his brother's wife while being confused and Fuka who feels forgotten about. The glossy voice of my wife echos throughout the house.
Daisuke keeps waiting in the next room for the seeding to end. My beloved wife is immersed in the semen of a man other than myself, until then.......
I would love a translation of this new Atelier Sakura's Epic games , just take a look at the how hot and beautiful the intense love making in the CG preview is...
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