Witch´s design awakened smt in me, didn´t know I need a Gyaru ¨Sorcerer¨ till now, and seeing that we can´t avoid his 2 random doujins, it would be if this doodbles end as one of them.
A gyaru witch, and in her corrupted form wears a "PIG" visor with ears... It's exactly what I'm into to say the least. If he's going to have a side doujinshi project, my vote is on these two.
personally it's exciting that master Takeda makes new characters (NTR stories). I would like him to participate in Comikets again because it means that these new works are worth it and satisfy all his fans
It will be awesome when he is finally able to fully focus on comiket doujinshis and other projects he wants to do. It sucks to see some of his great ideas get tossed. (Hopefully he reprints some of his old books too)
I just hope that he has all the time he needs to make this game live up to his vision, after the amount of quality work he's put into it. I trust that he will, the man knows what he's doing.