thanks a lot, I found an injured guy in an previously empty room.
If I may, I've also some general questions about the game.
I'm playing the partial translation, so I'm not sure I got evrything right.
I want to get the good ending for the daughter on my first playthrough, but I assume, I do something wrong, as she got raped by Todonja, while the mc took the injured dude to the medical center. I don't get it, I've won all fights until now, also her personal fight against Todonja (after his loss, he still knocked her out and torn her clothes?).
I chose the daughter as my parter in the beginning, I assume, thats who I wan't to save in the end, right? Also, I always take her into the dungeons. By now, I figuered out, that the person you take with gets harassed... Should I do it the other way around and take the mother to dongeons, if I wan't the daughter to be saved in the end?
I was hoping, that you can avoid at least penetration if you win all fights, like it was in Wailing Guingol. If it's part of the story, thats fine, I was just surprised.
Or maybe I triggered some negative events by talking to "wrong" NPCs with an "E" above their heads, as I understand, some dialogue can be skipped by folowing the main event? So many questions, so confusing

Overall it's hard to tell whats gonna happen just from visual events ^^
Sorry, for my bad english, it's not my native language
Edit: never mind, I startet a new game with the wife and tranlator++, now it's clear what kind of game this is.
Now I wonder how this kind of story can possibly end good ^^