Others [Translation Request] Conveniently Hypnotizing Sakuya


Mar 3, 2019
+1, surprised there still isn't a translation... Might have to see if there are any groups available and how much it would cost to translate it. I know of one group, but they're busy translating manga at the moment so idk if they would do it. Especially given the time of year it would have to be sometime soon before the holidays start rolling in and taking everyone's time. I could see about MTL, but that wouldn't exactly be quality, nor do I personally have experience with it.

And while it isn't mentioned in this thread the circle also released two other games in the same series:
and this one: there are also doujins from them which are based on Touhou just not games for anyone curious.

Mine Turtle

New Member
Nov 20, 2022
Wait, so is this a consensual game, or is it mind control? Bc the tags say it has consensual sex, but the title states it's a hypnosis game.