None [Translation Request] Explorer of The Golden Planet


Sep 26, 2020

- Essentially, its as the title of the thread says, A large group of people and I want to see Explorer of The Golden Planet translated into English. Recently, Acid Style's Wandering City was given an English translation, and in the comments of the thread I noticed a handful of people asking for a translation for this game to. So, I took it upon myself to make a devoted thread for it. I apologize for any oddities or mistakes as this is my first time posting a request, so please feel free to leave suggestions in the comments!

- Hey everyone!! I just wanted to say that if anyone translates or finds a translation for this game, please DM me and we can work on posting it here for everyone in the community to enjoy! Thank you!


Download (JPN):

Courtesy of sgt_bilco


Thread updated - 5/12/21
Game -
Dev - Acid Style
Ver - 1.31


* Summery *

Most lands have sunk underwater as a result of large scale wars which
took place all over the earth. Humans barely reestablish civilization and
its maintenance requires a large amount of resources.
However, most resources on the earth have settled on the seafloor!
It is almost impossible to search out and salvage them!!

Therefore, the Government of Earth launches a new planet exploitation project
which is first-ever throughout the history of humankind!!!

* Planet Exploration ACT *

The scene is a planet close to the earth!
Let's collect resources on the planet and make money!!
Discover mines to exploit, living organisms to take organic materials from
and outlaws to fight for procuring weapons and bullets from!!!
You know, the law tends to be loose on an uncivilized planet!!!!
Of course, on such a dangerous planet you might be involved in some trouble!!!!?

* Various NPCs *
This time NPCs are associated with various positions, situations and groups!!
They are for example engaged in battles, roaming around and sometimes r*ped!!!
You can get their assistance if you are helpful, or they may have grudges against you if you betray!!!?

* Solid Gallery Mode *
Employs "Freestyle Gallery" that was implemented in the previous work!!!!
Includes Normal Gallery for simple viewing too!!

* Loose Gameplay, Hard Taste *
This time the action is a bit difficult!!
This game may seem like that "Dark" learning-by-dying type of game, but don't worry!!!
There are no game over and insta-death traps! You won't lose items!!!!
The only penalty for being knocked out is losing money!!!!!
Moreover, you can improve the protagonist's parameters a lot!!!!!!
Even if confronted by a strong enemy, I think you can win
by strengthening the protagonist again and again and again!!!!!!!
Good for you, young fellow!!!!!!!!

* Notes *
- Please play the trial version to confirm compatibility.
- Recommend purchase with DLsite account for updates.
- Guides, bugs, questions and requests are processed on my DLsiteBlog only.


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New Member
Oct 23, 2017
Big fat +1! I bought this game ages ago but I could never figure out what I was doing :(