Others [Translation Request] HENTAI LABYRINTH


Jun 12, 2020
so i exported a few img files whit GARbro reworked a few to english now is the question how do you import them back into the file ???

if i can import them back i will do the rest of the img files

( dont laugh i cleaned around 240 img files and once i was done half of them was broken so i have to do them agen )
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Apr 23, 2018
i exported a few img files whit GARbro reworked a few to english
Did you not mistake the game you were talking about? HeL is mostly text-based from my research so there shouldn't be that many images to translate. In any case the tool to modify images is ALDExplorer and for text/code it is alice-tools.

By the way I translated HeL some, and trying to edit the text now. I'll probably upload the slightly edited MTL soon, even if I like the game and want to fix the text some more, there's just too much.

PS: Do anyone want to help with fixing this? I can provide original->translation scripts in plaintext DSV/CSV format that can be edited even in notepad, also Python tool to reapply them to decoded game files and explanation how to build those back into the working game, if needed.
Most problems of the translation come from SFXes, too long translations and text lines being split midway so MTL-engines did not get those at all.

What is translated: story text, location names, monster, item and skill names, some of the speech bubbles. Intro level story text is checked manually.
What is untranslated: names above story text (IDK where are they, variable names maybe?), player stats (they are probably inside ex blocks of flat.afa, IDK how to repack them back), some menu stuff including in-game menu items (same as previous).
What is translated but needs to be manually uncommented one-by-one: hero bubbles in the stats screen, story progression choices.
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Jun 12, 2020
Did you not mistake the game you were talking about? HeL is mostly text-based from my research so there shouldn't be that many images to translate. In any case the tool to modify images is ALDExplorer and for text/code it is alice-tools.

By the way I translated HeL some, and trying to edit the text now. I'll probably upload the slightly edited MTL soon, even if I like the game and want to fix the text some more, there's just too much.

PS: Do anyone want to help with fixing this? I can provide original->translation scripts in plaintext DSV/CSV format that can be edited even in notepad, also Python tool to reapply them to decoded game files and explanation how to build those back into the working game, if needed.
Most problems of the translation come from SFXes, too long translations and text lines being split midway so MTL-engines did not get those at all.

What is translated: story text, location names, monster, item and skill names, some of the speech bubbles. Intro level story text is checked manually.
What is untranslated: names above story text (IDK where are they, variable names maybe?), player stats (they are probably inside ex blocks of flat.afa, IDK how to repack them back), some menu stuff including in-game menu items (same as previous).
What is translated but needs to be manually uncommented one-by-one: hero bubbles in the stats screen, story progression choices.
Thank you so mutch for the information i will look into it later ^^

hm ALD Explorer seems to be nowher to be found i did find 1 in a post somwher from 2014 but it looks like it cant open these files pretty sure its becausethe version is to old at least i get a error evry time i try to open the afa file

i did find ALD Explorer 2 but the link was down

ps the thing that i was translating was menus and stuf stil havent touched the dialog text i kinda hate doing that :p i rather clean the img files and add the text to it

file below is a example yeah i know its not the best its a test i still need to fill some parts ^^

Big hug
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Jun 12, 2020
looks like i learned somthing new (agen ty)

so what i did was extract the files whit GARbro and then make a new file whit ALD Explorer save file and rename it to the original file name

when i used alicetools to extract them it seemed to delete the names

now i need to test if the files stil work if i import my own files

ps i used v2 afa file
if i use v1 i get a error

i will finnish it little by little ^^
i wont translate the dialog (story) just menus buttons and so on just say evrything img related
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Jun 12, 2020
That's pretty good by itself.

Still, I wish someone helped with the texts too.
They're relatively easy to check and fix but there's just a lot of them.
around 170 img files i finnished are broken and 70 are done but it looks like i need to fix some stuf ther

so if i am done whit all those files maybe i help you
i wont promis anything + i am not even sure how fast i can finnish this ^^
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Apr 23, 2018
Here is translated EX file for the map names/items/skills/baloons and also translation scripts.

I will send link to translated AIN file (story translation) to people who'll help with the scripts for now (at least 300 lines fixed; so if ~60 people do that the translation will be complete, lol).

What requires fixing, any of this will do:
  1. Sound effects, they often consist of repeating characters or pairs of characters. When not fixed they sound entirely dumb and out of place, googletranslate's transliteration field made readable should be enough;
  2. Split multiline sentences, as they often are quite incomprehensible or wrong, they need to be joined and fed into translate.google.com / deepl.com, I don't have real hopes for manual translation here;
  3. Lines that overflow over story window should be moved to the next/previous line of the same dialog or shortened;
  4. Lines that overflow system windows or bubbles need to be cut as much as possible keeping some semblance of original meaning.
Line separator in non-story system interface elements from EX file is either \n or | character (r in the unmodified game).

Scripts (csv files) can be edited even in notepad so literally anyone with access to computer running Windows can do it.

Edit: Removed since there's an official translation now.
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Jun 12, 2020
here are the translated IMG files ther are a few untranslated parts that i cant find in the img files or i can find them but have no way to exract the img so for now this is it ^^

Link: Deleted

Update: V0.2
Fixed player stats
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Engaged Member
Mar 20, 2020
here are the translated IMG files ther are a few untranslated parts that i cant find in the img files or i can find them but have no way to exract the img so for now this is it ^^

Update: V0.2
Fixed player stats
Thanks for all your efforts!

Is there any tentacles + pregnancy in this game?
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Reactions: Shiro-Nyaa!!!


Feb 7, 2020
Just a reminder for everyone.
If you already have a save and put the english Items translation in the game you'll need to start over a new save for the items name/descriptions to appear in english.
I've also seen this happen with Gears of Dragoon EngUI patch... I don't know what it is with rpgs and saving the item database together with the save.