Wolf RPG [Translation Request] Magical Change Alice


Oct 30, 2019
I've finished translating all items, armor, weapons, titles, enemies, skills and many of the quests dialogues. However, I did only one of the H scenes and the rest are still untranslated because they are stored in different format.

Since most of the fun of these games is enjoying these H scenes I think I will wait a bit more to release the translation until I have at least a few of them translated, luckily, the text for these H scenes doesn't seem to be that long.

Also the program I use to translate the game is messing up the code, so in the end everytime I update the translation I have to edit the game in WolfRPG Editor and fix the code which also delays the whole process.


Oct 30, 2019
Just a quick update, I've been working a lot on menu options and different UI messages since they are important to understand what's happening. I've also translated all story dialogues up to the third quest, I know that doesn't sound much considering the game has almost 100 quests but I've spent more time than I expected working on the menu options, they are all over the place in different files and it's really hard to find them all. Also changing a variable name can break other things so I've been translating some of them, then testing, then fixing the issues which is why it's taking longer than just doing pure translation.

Once that's finished I'll be able to translate the rest of the game much quicker since what remains is pure text without code to check.

I've finished translating the following:

Sexual Skills
Status effects
Think (Menu option which gives you a hint on what you should be doing to progress with the story)
Character Status Window
Customization Menu
HCG Recollection Menu (Only the menu options)
H Events 29 out of 298 (10% done)
Quests (Only briefing and description, no dialogues yet) (51% done)

I'm still working on the battle system and its UI

I will upload a first patch with as many quests translated as I can and then I'll keep releasing new patches until the whole game is translated.