RPGM [Translation Request]Meer's Occupation [lancut]


Mar 20, 2018
Over half of it is done, I've been really busy lately so I couldn't translate as much as I wanted.
I'll probably just stick to shorter games after I'm done with this one, at least until real life stops getting in the way of fun projects like this.
Thank you for your hard work, it’s be great if you can translate more ntr games as their is a only a few good translations out.
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Jul 7, 2018
Thank you for your hard work, it’s be great if you can translate more ntr games as their is a only a few good translations out.
I'm planing on it. I think they're usually some of the most well made games, with the best art, but most of them get the MTL treatment, which is why I threw my hat into the ring. Thanks for being patient.
Jul 7, 2018
So a bit of an update... I'm still alive and so is the translation.

Either the game is cursed or I've just had a chain of bad luck. Since the last update my CPU fan gave out, resulting in the CPU overheating, my windows got "screwey" resulting in a rollback, which made me lose some files (including part of the translation, but I've re-translated those since), then finally my GPU died after a power outage and I had to replace it.

TL;DR had a lot of PC problems so that certainly didn't help with the already tight schedule I had.
Excuses aside, while waiting for parts to arrive, since my PC was unavailable I made a little trailer for the game on a borrowed PC, so feel free to check it out if you want:

I'm definitely finishing it no matter what as I'm enjoying it quite a bit, I've even made some backups of it just in case something else goes wrong, so hopefully the rest will go smoother from here on out... In any case, with the next translation I'll do, I won't be announcing it until I'm at least half way done, cause I'm sure the long wait is very irritating.

Also, bonus "non-spoiler" screenshot.
Jul 7, 2018
NPCs are almost all done, after that a few more ingame days of main events, hopefully it will be done soon.
This game has a LOT of changing NPC dialogues, so I recommend you check in with NPCs after every major step of corruption and clothes change. Almost every male NPC will have standing image ero scenes with their own unique dialogues, so they're worth experiencing even if they don't get their own unique "full screen ero image".