.......Not to sound like an ass but if you even bothered to read any part of this thread you would have realized that this game is incomplete as fuck (we literally spent an entire page just talking about that), it is still receiving a boatload of patches every month (it has a mile long changelog), and that nobody in their right mind would want to touch it even with a ten foot pole until that point changes, so no there is no mtl.anyone has mtl for this?
+1.......Not to sound like an ass but if you even bothered to read any part of this thread you would have realized that this game is incomplete as fuck (we literally spent an entire page just talking about that), it is still receiving a boatload of patches every month (it has a mile long changelog), and that nobody in their right mind would want to touch it even with a ten foot pole until that point changes, so no there is no mtl.
This part is for those +1 guys bumping the heck out of this thread: Just freaking stop. Bumping this thread will not get you anything as this game won't be complete at the very least until march (it is questionabhle if it would happen even then as the dev is an unreliable sort of guy), so don't expect anything on the translation plan at least until then.
Exactly you can make a simple MTL with MTool and it takes like 40 sec. Not everyone just waits for all the updates.+1
People +1ing the thread is mostly to show they are interested in it & they would like to see it translated when possible doesn't matter if the games complete or not plenty of TL request are like that.
That's all cool, but the game as it is now is not exactly representative of a full experience that it will be only a month from now (as i said previously in this thread it will get a really big update sometime in march that will supposedly finally solve the issue of the game feeling really barren in terms of H content), so i guess i don't really understand why anyone would play an incomplete game of their own accord (i guess that is why i also don't get the point of early access model of game publishing).Exactly you can make a simple MTL with MTool and it takes like 40 sec. Not everyone just waits for all the updates.