I don't want to discourage you guys from translating this game, but if the sentiment is that this game is worth translating, then I'll have to disagree (if you want to do it for practice though, by all means, please don't let me stop you). Gameplay is mostly find and defeat a boss with some pretty meaningless mob grinding in between (if you care to at all) and collect a few h-scenes along the way (and the h-scenes are kinda mediocre and leaves a lot to be desired imo). The overworld map is needlessly large and besides looking for the next boss or gaining levels for stats, the only other thing you can do is prostitute for semen and pocket change. There's a lewdness value but afaik, it contributes like nothing to the game. It's possible that it affects the ending, but I'm soft-locked and I'm not sure if there's something else I'm missing (done all the quests except going back to the castle I presume). At this point, I don't feel like putting more effort into it. At least the heroine is kinda attractive though.