English Title : Otosareteiku Onee-chan to, Nani mo Dekinai Boku ~Akogare no Kanojo wa, In Otoshi Chitai o Sarakedasu~
Original Title : 堕とされていくお姉ちゃんと、何もできないボク ~憧れの彼女は、淫落し痴態をさらけ出す~
Developer : Appetite
Released date : 2023-05-12
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I was bullied by a group of delinquents who had their eyes on me.
But I still go to school every day because I get to go to and from school with my sister Yumi, whom I love,
I go to and from school with my sister Yumi, whom I love very much.
She has been my big sister since I was little,
I had fallen in love with her since I was a child.
I can’t let her know about my bullying.
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