There is a ton of bad history around this one and translation attempts.
There is a mostly translated version of this game floating around, but the games author is adamantly opposed to this being translated, twice to my knowledge he's reached out to translators working on his games, and asled them to stop translating it because he's got an official translation about to release; This is bullshit (It's unlikely anyone would want touch something like the ROBF titles outside of japan due to intellectual property differences), but it usually gets translators to shift focus to another title. He's also put 'Gaijin Tests' in his games to catch non-native speakers and keep them from progressing.
He's also said some INCREDIBLY xenophobic and racist shit in the past.... but that was such a long time ago, that few people are going to remember, probably just me, some of the other 2chbf gaijins and some of the studio_m guys... many of whom also had a serious hate boner for everyone and honestly weren't much better.
Last guy to work on it was ramza022, he's still got active accounts, but has been radio silent to my knowledge, I think the last version released was in april or march of 2019.
You can check the usual torrent trackers, versions of this that are more or less translated show up from time to time.
Edit: He clearly managed to get past his issues with foreigners to some extent since シェーラと三種の神器 got a release via the asshats at kagura games.