For anyone who hasn't found a way around this or wants to play the game with at least some understanding I've managed a temporary(or perhaps permanent solution since noone has picked this up):
1) First things first you need
This tool. Download if you don't already have it.
2) once extracted and all of that click the shortcut folder labeled "tool".
3) after that the tool will open up. Click ok twice on the popups.
4) click the very FIRST tab all the way in the upper left. Its the tab that has the changing emoticons (I didn't think it was a tab at first and was confused as fuck for like 10 minutes when I read the instructions).
5) Drag the exe of the game (literally the thing u click to start the game up) from its folder into the tool and then click "Start Game.
6) I sometimes get an error that the game didn't load properly but it still does so
7) Game will open. Go back to the tool if you haven't already and you will notice the interface has changed. Click the "Translation Tab" up top.
8)After choosing which engine you wanna use click start translation.
***Please note that some of the options you gotta have the Patreon membership to use. I personally just used google for the time being.
9) Go back to the game and it should be translated.
****This method and tool works well with many different engines so if you have any others that you just cant wait to have translated by someone else officially then here ya go. Also, the tool seems to have a bit of a cheat element to it if you look at the main tab and other tabs there's editable values and switches. Use them with causion and maybe save before you mess with them.