RPGM [Translation Request] ソルルイ -after mini- 1.0 [RJ01027690] [enokippu]


New Member
Nov 3, 2022
Good game, but you intentionally have to fail the QTEs which are very long and forgiving. Hardest section is probably the RPG, but it's really only a challenge early on. Once you farm up gold and buy a ton of MP, it too becomes a walk in the park. If you have a ton of MP, final boss becomes a joke as well.

There appears to be a bit of leftover unused content on the bunny stage.

This guy wants you to drink with him. $gameVariables._data[41] (her resistance) has to be 1 or 0. Starts a scene, but if you proceed too far, it locks up the game.
View attachment 2445164

Voyeurism shower scene here:
View attachment 2445171

Some interactive dudes here.. the bottom one starts a QTE but is kinda broken:
View attachment 2445173

The guy here has a semi-ish scene depending on what you select:
View attachment 2445174
how can you do these scenes? i wanted to shower but it dont works
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