Gimme this shit I neeed it
In nevermore how far each scene proceeds is based on the dirty stats of your character. The more corrupt you are the more happens. Probably the same here.Can I just express how frustrated I am at this game's H-scenes? The art-style is fantastic, main character's design is phenomenal and finally the scenes themselves are hot as hell... but why in f*ck do 80% of them just sort of cut off without going the full distance??? Both times she is IMPRISONED by guards you can't progress the scenes further than some light teasing, and the bathhouse scene where she is IN THE MEN'S SIDE also only goes as far as just lightly touching??
There are a bunch more examples like this - I've never been more frustrated at a H-game this much that I need to rant about it... anyone else feel the same? Has the author mentioned anything about adding more to the game? The H-content feels unfinished compared to the previous title 'NeverMoreEnd EverMoreEmpty'.
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