Title : Shuuchi Reijou Gakuen
Original Title : 羞恥隷嬢学園
Language : Japanese
Developer : Luna Prism
Released date : 2022-02-25
Length : –
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St. Eromeloi Academy
The Shame Slave Academy, also known as “Shame Slave Academy,” is a school for young ladies under the guise of training them to become modern celebrity-ready young ladies.
The school attracts girls who are trying to catch celebrities and rich husbands.
The image of women desired by men in the world has been “a lady by day and a whore by night” since ancient times.
We prepare our female students for any kind of sexual service.
The role of the instructor is to turn them into wonderful ladies.
And today, the protagonist, who has been hired as an instructor at this academy
He was entrusted with the education (training) of three female students who wanted to become celebrity slaves.