Could you share that file? trying to do just that, but cant get it to work.
Hi, I have a huge file with script and other info I don't want to share yet because of plot, maybe I can find older version of file, I put color text outlines in older file (this was just when I had introduction done) in script.rpy for just a header file which is just what a player sees only the first time they load up the game. Tess and character Y only for header file, other three are real characters later of many others too...In GUI/SCREENS file, I have a transparent text box as the file, let me find file too...I think I found some older files hold on...some older files that I think have everything...
define d = Character("Diana", color="#ff0000")
define j = Character("Juliette", color="#ff00cc")
define g = Character("Gina", color="#ccffff")
define z = Character("Tess", color="#ff00cc")
define y = Character("Our victim...err...maybe heroic MC", color="#66ffff")
define gui.name_text_outlines = [ (0, "#000000", 2, 2) ]
define gui.dialogue_text_outlines = [ (0, "#000000", 2, 2) ]
define gui.idle_small_color_outlines = [ (0, "#000000", 2, 2) ]
define gui.hover_color_outlines = [ (0, "#000000", 2, 2) ]
define fade = Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, color="#241e20")
define longfade = Fade(1.0, 1.5, 2.0, color="#241e20")
define flash = Fade(0.1, 0.0, 1.0, color="#f2eee2")
define quickflash = Fade(0.1, 0.0, 0.1, color="#f2eee2")
define longflash = Fade(0.1, 0.0, 2.0, color="#f2eee2")
define quickdissolve = Dissolve(0.3)
define mediumdissolve = Dissolve(1.5)
define longdissolve = Dissolve(2.0)
transform pan_scene_up:
ypos 0
linear 10 ypos 1920
transform pan_scene_down:
ypos 1920
linear 10 ypos 0