HTML - Transylvania [v0.5.09] [XFiction]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1356453

    This is possibly one of the finest HTML, text based games i've seen.
    I will give a brief list of pros and cons regarding it.
    -Nice sketchy artwork
    -really immersive, top tier writing and plot
    -Updating at a normal monthly pace
    -Progress is really confusing on the 1st chapter and the dialogues could get very repetitive, along with everything, which if you dont figure out how to progress, will keep you doing the same thing forever.
    -In chapter 2 you could easily get lost in a circle of trying to balance out stats and it will basically make you restart or quit the chapter pretty quick.
    -Artwork appears rarely, but judging by the HTML platform games ive seen, it has more art than most of these games
    -The game is not pretty complex overall but it could really be much simpler and easier to flow.

    My, meager suggestions, in case anyone bothers to read:
    1: Increase presence of artwork throughout the game, and also improve quality of sketches a bit, i knew a guy when i was 12, who could draw all the art of this game in 1 days worth of skipping class :p and its been over a decade..
    2: Rewrite the 1st chapter from scratch or, somehow find a way to decrease the grind and repetitiveness in it, in order for it to be less confusing.
    3. This game could really go big if there are more drawn sex scenes and a more cohesive plot with a little bit smaller dialogues, and getting to the point a bit faster when there's events of little importance, such as nightmares and etc..
    4. Domination and transformation themes take the game many steps ahead, so focusing further on those could also make it more intriguing to the players.
    5. Increasing the variety of body modification and transformation is key, but also decorating the game further, adding more backgrounds everywhere in all the scenes will level this game up an provide a better,mature image on it.
    So that's it, keep up the nice work, hope to see you go way further :cool:
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Every now and then you come across a game that you know just does it for you. I remember getting that feeling with games like Incubus City and A Spell For All; for others it may have been games such as Girl Life or maybe Adam & Gaia.

    I'm fortunate enough to say that I've had that experience again trying Transylvania.

    I thoroughly enjoyed playing the game's one and a half chapters, diving into its supernatural world of horny fucked up horror. Though I've tried to play games of this genre before, none of them ever seemed to really hit like this.

    On the sexual side of things, it's definitely to my taste. If you're like me at all, you might have a morbid fetish for being fucked by the supernatural. Should this be the case, this game is for you with its variety of scenarios that involve paranormal forms of intimacy.

    But this isn't just masturbation fuel. Sure, it's something that you can beat your dick to if you like being a girl who enjoys some monsters. However, you will find beyond that it is enticing, some engaging entertainment that always makes you want some more.

    Sure, there are some glitches here and there, and some minor spelling mistakes that ought to be fixed if it is doable. However, the games pros certainly outweigh their cons. The lovely art style and compelling narrative make it an excellent choice for the next time you touch yourself.

    Very much looking forward to the game's next update.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Is this game for me?
    You have a liking for female MCs? Did you play her in a search for love or did you lead her into a spiral of depravity and corruption, submitting to some primal lust?

    If its the latter, than lets go on:

    Have you been drawn to or searched out tags like: Monster, Horror, Corruption?
    If yes, than you will probably enjoy the game, especially if you look for a Horror/Mystery atmosphere.

    You are in the right place, but is it the right medium?

    Do you like stylised content that makes your mind fill out the gabs, instead of 3d models playing out every action before you?
    Yes? Well...

    Than play it.

    Not enough? Than some features:
    -Unique, well executed art style
    -Unique and intelligent game mechanic that make death a feature, not a fail state and create a smooth gameplay loop.
    -Good and concise writing, in characters, atmosphere and erotic scenes.
    -Wonderfully dark atmosphere and erotica

    Tip: Open extra tabs in your browser and look up "Night forest ambiente" and "Dark fantasy music" and play them in the background (also have browser in fullscreen mode [F11])

    From my experience i can claim: If you like the content offered, than this will probably be the best execution you can experience on this site.

    Whats SHOULDN'T stop you: (Minor Spoiler)
    What kept me away for a while where two things: The fact that you start out as a male MC and my interpretation of the transformation as some ridiculous Bimbofication.
    The first is a pure setup device. The transformation is no bodymorph/genderbend thing but a reality altering. You have always have been a woman but have only vague memories behond the last weeks, which, in my experience, makes the naive horny curiosity of the MC more believable.
    And the second proved to be false and very tastfully implemented.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Art is good, though sparse in chapter 2, since it is incomplete.

    Story is also rather fine. It is engaging and overall has good excuses for mixing porn with a horror premise.

    Overall, this game was a very nice surprise for me and I will be looking forwards for updates.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, and it's concept. I've thoroughly enjoyed myself and can't wait to see what gets added. So far everything about it has impressed me, and I would love to see it become a fully fleshed out game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Glad I found this wonderful game. Usually, not a fan of this kind of darker smut but the quality of art, writing, and gameplay kept me playing. The art is stylish, simple, without being simplistic, and fits the overall aesthetic very well. The writing is genuinely good and captivating, so good, in fact, that I didn't feel the usual urge to skip around and fast-forward. Just have to praise the creative use of the medium like the upside-down phrases and the pages going backward as the character travels back in time. Looking forward to seeing this project develop further.

    My minor criticism:
    • it's unclear that the options in red are not yet implemented and therefore unattainable;
    • occasionally the text doesn't indicate that the charater has experienced some event previously which breaks immersion somewhat, though I understand implimenting this is time-consuming.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    v0.2.16 review
    So far the game is throwing us in a direction where either we will be a tool for others or we will be using others with a scheming mind, a fight of wits and intrigues, our looks and assets, the game is pretty interesting with our unique tactic:
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    That is no way original but used for the first time in adult industry, the black and white scenes are fairly decent and pleasing to the eye and really fit the story settings, the story is well written and much more interesting than this review, overall this game has much potential and I hope that one day I will wake up to it flagged as: Completed.
    Likes: VKKV
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    [v0.2.13a review] Very interesting story and some really fun game mechanics. Lots of unexpected twists all over the place. Quite a decent amount of story content for a 0.2 release. This project feels refreshing and new. I won't give full points yet because the art is a bit lacking, both in quantity and quality. I feel there should definitely be significantly more art in the final product, or I will be severely disappointed.
    I would love it if a more experienced artist would do full colored graphics for this story. This dev's strength is definitely more in the writing department. With a top-notch artist this project could be the Next Big Thing! The writing is definitely 5/5.
    There are some minor continuity inconsistencies but they are thankfully minor and not game-breaking.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A really interesting concept! The art- and writing style combined makes for a really atmospheric experience, combined with a intriguing story. Loved every second of it, and can't wait for the next update. HIGHLY recommended!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    For the record: I played the 0.21 version of the game.

    This game is one of the absolute best games I have seen so far. The art style is amazing, storytelling is great and the fetishes make a lot of sense in the context of the game. There are a few game breaking bugs, namely in
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    . It has a good amount of content if you read and explore everything, but the story doesn't finish at all and chapter 2 is a bit of a mess. Chapter 1 is pretty polished though and overall the game looks very promising, especially considering the fact that we are in v0.21 and the Patreon is at almost 300$ a month now.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    After playing the game for a while I truly am enjoying and will be giving it 5 stars. The story is really interesting and kept me wanting to find out so the story so it helped to keep from getting boring and allowed me to continue enjoying the game. I really like the artwork it fits the game perfectly. The only minor issue I encountered was very small typos in some of the choices but besides that, the game is really good and I hope the developer continues the great work.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Version reviewd: 0.2.06a

    The artwork is pretty nice, really liked it. Of course there are not many yet but I can see the potential of future works. It's simplistic but it fits with the whole transylvania theme (ie vampires, werewolves etc)

    The story is also pretty good. The text is objective and compeling at the same time so you dont get bored so easily and still have a nice time playing it.

    The mechanics are also really interesting. You're basically going to die a lot and thats expected cause everytime you do, your character goes back in time with the knowledge prior to your death. Loved it

    I'm not much of a reviewer but I just felt I needed to say something about this one. I even supported the dev's patreon which btw you get v.2.08 for only $1 with the gallery and cheats. Worth it imo
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Yes, this is an HTML/Twine genderbender game. The MC changes from male to female. There are several different sorts of horror nasties to do bad things to the MC, not just the vampire.

    If you're into the genderbender transformation game sort of thing, this is a really good game. One of the very best of its type. The transformation mechanic is very original. The art is great, and the writing is quite good.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely 5 stars!
    First star for the story style and setting.
    Second star for the graphics.
    Third star for multiple choices.
    Fourth star for transformation (although options to play without transformation or back transformation would be great)
    Fifth star for the meticulous work in uniting all the options.

    And three flies in the ointment:
    1) too short and a little of CGs
    2) some seeming options lead to nothing (according to html-code)
    3) Fourth star is somewhat a fly as well