RPGM - Traveler Inn Tales [v0.95c] [Star Tree Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I played vanilla mode and ntr on mode, but i just kept rival away and even cucked him.
    10/10 game for having multiple female protagonists and nice looking H scenes with various options.
    Ntr is not my cup of tea, but everything else in this game was refreshing andall the options made enjoy multiple hours with lost of replayability.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Criminally underrated game, in my opinion. I don't know what people are comparing it to that makes them rate it so low. There is a nice variety of heroines with a surprising amount of development, a lot more sex options than it initially seems as you progress through the game, and an innovative system for trying to navigate the NTR that ends up feeling almost like a tug-of-war. There was blatantly a lot more effort and thought put into this game than many others.

    The Good -
    Engaging NTR system
    Wide variety of girls
    Gameplay that isn't entirely 1 dimensional due to different girl abilities
    Small maps instead of unnecessarily huge RPGM maps
    Solid amount of content
    System is surprisingly a lot deeper than it seems

    -The Bad
    Can take awhile to get going
    Amount of heroines can lead to them feeling a little shallow
    Chad is a pretty bland rich run of the mill NTR antagonist
    Somewhat complicated system that can take a bit to get used to
    Getting to an ending honestly takes ages
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Great premise, bad execution

    With lots of talk about the chad, his wiles and his ability in bed expected to finally see the elusive ntr game where the bull doesnt rely on rape and blackmail but no, %99 of the "ntr" is rape and blackmail and the girls dont even enjoy the experience, effectively contradicting almost everything you hear about him

    The gameplay is pointless but thankfully its fast so it doesnt bother

    Sex scenes are passable, the designs are good for 3D, a lil repetitive and having to unlock sex positions for every individual girl doesnt make sense to me, doesnt help youre practically watching the same thing just with the different model of girls

    Tl;dr if youre looking for ntr dont bother, the only one getting cucked would be you the player, by this game, if youre wait maybe till its finished and dont expect much
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Harem Route

    I think this game has a fun concept, juggling and trying to avoid NTR (which is actually relatively easy to do). However...

    First of all, technically speaking, not all NTR is avoidable. For the girls story progression you need to increase their affection and talk to them, and some are far from being virgins, they talk to you about their previous experiences in details. Whether or not you consider this NTR is up to you I guess, but you do see scenes of these girls fucked (or implied to be) by other men, even if in the past.

    Second, the gameplay... it's boring and grindy. You need to improve girls affection, so you need to give them gifts, with the rarest and most expensive one giving 10 points (out of 20 needed for a "level up"). The thing is - it's very easy to accidentally overcap any given level of affection and the rest of the points don't transfer to the next level. Which sucks, waste resources and wastes your time.

    The dungeon section of the game is very mediocre. It doesn't take much time, thankfully, despite this game being an rpgm all the battles are instant and automatic. But it's still a boring experience.

    A lot of sex scenes are also reused, kinda defeating the purpose of having different girls.

    So while this game is far from being bad, it's a relatively mediocre experience that needs a lot of work to actually become good. And I hope it will be, because the core concept is genuinely fun.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I was hesitant on playing this because of the NTR. But I'm kinda surprised how easily avoidable and manageable the ntr is, if you know what you're doing. Combat is very basic, just simple run and touch combat. The girls are likeable and their backstory are interesting. The sex scene are decent and animated though not all of them. Chad is neither likeable or unlikable because you know nothing about him other than he's just a dude that likes to fuck. The endings are kinda lucklaster and could use more improvements. Overall not a bad game. I wish the combat, dungeon gets improve and the girls story gets expended more but it's a shame that the dev decides to focus only more ntr content.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent game, but the complete lack of care given to the sex scenes makes there very little point to playing right now. There is absolutely no unique dialogue, no unique scenes, nothing. The sex scenes are all just copy and pasted with as little effort as possible(the NTR "scenes" are literally just 2 sentences for example), just with different images for the girls.

    It's strange, because the writing is actually decent besides that. Nothing great, but better than most games with anime models. All the systems are there, it just needs to actually provide unique sex scenes.

    Also please change Chad's name and hair. They give me cancer, much like the Among us joke they put in the game.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This game right here has a lot of potential and am really looking forward to new updates and perhaps some improvements, if the dev actually accepts feedback. For now 3 stars, will update in the future depending on what direction the game goes.

    First of all, the NTR: I like the idea behind it, the fact that the girls will only get invited to the rival's party if they do not make it into yours is actually more plausible that other situations often used in NTR games; the girls all need money due to various circumstances and they can't simply wait for you to pick them, so they go with the other guy in the meantime, simple but realistic. The only issue I have with the NTR in this game is that it is incredibly easy to avoid, even in the hard difficulty, regardless of what type of "schedule" you choose it is very very rare for more than 4 girls to appear in the plaza, meaning that your rival has less chances to pick them, also someone already mentioned this but some back and forth would be nice, once the girls getting fucked by the rival they are gone forever, you can see when a girl has been conquered by the presence of the rival character next to their portrait in the corruption menu, I noticed that once YOU get a girl to the max level they also get your icon next to them, but your rival can still capture them, I think allowing us to try and recapture the girls would be nice, and perhaps if we fail we get a more in depth dialogue from the girls as well as actually discovering in game that they are cheating, not just from the players POV.

    During the intro, some of the questions as well as the dialogue during H-scenes hint at the possibility of switching partners with the rival or pregnacy (Yes, its mentioned in EVERY scene were the girls first have sex with the rival) but of course nothing of the sort happens.

    Finally, for a game that lets you get so many girls and on top of that, they all know that you have others, the game never allows you to bring in multiple girls to your bed, while your rival can have sex with literally the entire party in one night.

    Other than the above, the game is pretty cool, art is nice; only a couple of animations tho, and FINALLY an RPG game were you don't have to sit in exhausting battles or where you get surprised all the time by random encounters, it makes the dungeon really easy to explore.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The idea is great, the graphics too, but the executions is not that good. One of the selling points of NTR is feeling an emotional bond with the female character in question and getting her stolen from you afterwards.

    This, however, feels like you're playing an uphill battle against "Chad" (a name that I don't personally like because it breaks the immersion a lot), and that the female characters are all whores that get stolen after being in chad party once, so it feels quite "forced"

    I'm looking forward to 1.0 tho, CM3D2's graphics are quite rare and I find the idea fascinating, plus I found 3 girls quite cute already
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I love the game concept and hope the dev keeps working on this project! In my opinion, there is already a solid foundation here that now needs more fleshing out and flavouring (which, I'm sure, will be a shit ton of work).

    The models and few story sections that are written are good (not a fan of the engine, but I do like the girl's different designs). I especially appreciate the little details the dev has added, like that each girl has a different threshold for sex/cuddling and the story segments in the camp. The dungeon exploration system is fine. Honestly, it's there more to give the game some pacing while not getting too much in the way of the rest of the content. I also like the variety and interactivity of the sex scenes.

    What I think this game could be improved upon is, as others have suggested, are these two main issues:
    - the rival: the gameplay is unbalanced in this aspect and heavily in favor of the MC even in NTR mode; you really have to go out of your way for him to get more than one or two girls, and it's very hard work to make him get a girl you've actually invested in; I also don't like the fact that once the rival has had sex with a girl she's gone forever - the possibility of a little back and forth before she's fully lost would be great, especially if there was some acknowledgement of her past interactions with the other man during conversations or sex; I would suggest tweaking the game more in favor of the rival (at least in NTR mode) and adding things like unpredictable events that would allow him to gain 2 or more points in a single day, having some girls' relationship with you fall when you add someone else to your harem, etc...
    - lack of personalization in the sex scenes: the girls all respond the same to every act, every act is possible and the text is exactly the same across every girl; I would suggest fleshing out the sex scenes with text to account for each girl's personality, preferences, experience, relationship level, story events, relationships with other characters, etc... as well as adding more variety to the NTR scenes as well.

    Best of luck to the dev and thank you for taking the time and effort to create this filthy, shameful bit of smut!
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    For now, I'm seeing great potential. I really liked the use of the models from COM3D2 (I believe?). A very good looking and "cheap" method which would allow more H-contents.
    The concept is interesting and that preview shows us what the game can become. Good fundations but still unpolished.
    There's a lot of possibilities in term of interactions that can be added such as characters corruption progressions, more peeping-like event and scenes between 2 heroines.
    There's a lot of concepts to think off but let's not rush and focus on what we have here.
    3 huge problems from what I see is:
    The lack of "resistance" from Chad, even in the hard difficulty it's pretty much easy to win over the girls. Which can be infuriating if we want to see the NTR scenes.
    The grinding is too high. Notably the huge discrepancy betweens the level-ups. And the lootings a bit unfair but still managable.
    Both is to be balanced.
    The "corrupted" characters being unabled from being recruited is a good idea to give that feeling of loss but the problem lies as some starters characters needs to be friendlied too a certain level to unlock the characters related to them. Thus blocking a character too early will soft block said characters.

    Anyway lot's of H-content which give us a rassuring idea of fap level which is a 5 stars to me. Maybe add some Ahegao (personnal kink ;p ).
    Mechanics are still standards and to be improed but the ideas are here.
    I'll be watching this game closely. Good Luck Devs !
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    The game has decent art and a few sprite animations. And if you are a fan of harem games and want the feeling that you are the nice guy protecting girls from a creepy giga chad, then you might like this game.

    If you are looking for a NTR game, then this is NOT for you. The only way to lose the girl to chad is if you literally start ignoring them, and this can take a while if you put even a bit of work into winning the girls over. As chad has to now reduce their level of likability to you first. You see orbs in the game, so if you equate that to points. Say a girl started at 3 points. Then chad needs to take them with him 3x before she fucks him. But if you take her she gains points, so now chad has to take her 4 times.

    So like I said, it can give you the feeling that its you vs chad. But really chad can only win if you stop playing. And even then chad might just choose the girls he already corrupted and not make any progress to the girls with high points already.

    I tried to let chad get all the girls just going to the dungeon alone but he kept just taking the used sluts he already had. Finally gave up after the game froze when I tried to leave the inn at night.

    The only ending I could unlock was to be alone, or go with some girl that got corrupted by chad on day one and I never met, lol. Which leads me into the "NTR" mode. That just sets the base point values low, so whatever girl you dont take on the first day will get fucked by chad. Not sure why I should care about some bimbo I never met fucking some guy.

    Gameplay in the dungeons was fine, you run through a dungeon and enemies run into you and die. No turn based combat or anything. But it gets pointless as the game progresses as you only need to do that to earn money, and money comes easily. There's an option to skip it which just makes me feel like it's pointless anyways. Why add a feature that even the dev decided needed a skip for.

    Ultimately I can see many people liking this as a way to give them the feel they are competing and winning against the chad. But the deck is so stacked in your favor that if you read this and see how the hot dogs are made you might just ruin it for yourself, sorry.

    There was also a big part of the game where you control the sex with the girls, it looked neat but I only did it once as I was coming at this as a NTR game. In the end its just not for me.
  12. 3.00 star(s)

    John Salchichon

    Great concept, but imo it falls short due to a couple reasons:

    1. The dungeon segment gets extremely dull after the first 5 or 10 minutes. The version I played had a bug where you can use any number of mp potions at once, but only one of them is consumed. Which means you can basically grind forever until you reach a dead end. The glitch aside, there is a lot that could be done to make the combat rewarding or interesting, but for now it only serves as an excuse to lead into the lewd content.

    2. From my limited experience, it would appear that apart from the first-time intercourse, all sex positions are the same for every single girl. While the image changes according to the girl, the text stays the same, and this is what stopped me from playing further. My recommendation would be to flesh out the girls' likes and kinks, make them react differently to different acts. Or at least try to sit down and write different scenes for each position (I know it would take a lot of time, but otherwise it's pretty stale).

    If these issues are addressed (mainly no. 2), I'll happily try this game again. Lot of potential, but most of it is wasted right now.