Others - Trials in Tainted Space [v0.9.103] [Fenoxo]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. It has a great length, mix of gameplay story and porn. Really impressed with this one, it's my favorite so far of the text heavy games. Makes going back to simple pictures and a line of text saying "You had sex" pretty difficult. Great writing art and gameplay. You couldn't really ask for more.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, futanari, pregnancy, inflation, multiple genitalia, space, this game has it all! The level of modifications you can make on your player character is insane, you can grow wings, horns, and cat ears! If your thinking about playing, DO IT! you will not be disappointed.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v0.69.420

    TLDR: Ah, the absolute classic that i decided to replay again after years of inactivity with this game. Overall a truly great and diverse amount of content of every kink and sexuality. Although i do have a complain with the fact that this game is bloated with massive amount of content that most of the time doesnt really have a direction or cause.

    Great game, even if its overextended with its content.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    90-95% of all content is either males or futas but what straight stuff is in there is pretty decent.

    the writing is decent enough, some parts are great others are meh and a few are downright painfull to read, but i suspect thats because there are tons of different writers and different paid inserts as there are quite a few characters in there that im fairly sure are some fursona inserts and the interactions with those ones are really what drags down enjoyment in this game.

    overall the game is alright i guess, id suggest it more for people into playing as women or gays as most of the game seems to be focused on futas and men.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is still unfinished, but i can say that the content wise, i will recommend it to anyone with expectations to male having sex with furry girl (without dick). There will be opportunities that you have to just play it out and don't take dickgirls too seriously, most of story will cover or plot of the characther makes you actually intersted to them even with it. I'm not fan of dicks however being one having it.

    I did see some topics about the game being very old, and i will acknowledge that the game is big overall, i do not know if it gets funded or so, but it seems being updated regularly, and i would come back to it afterwards

    Gameplay in wise its really interesting, you get choose how you want to roleplay your actions in a way, evil, good being? You can even build your characther way u want it, has negatives/positives in battles usually though

    Storywise is just as good it can get most parts, there's a lot unique dialogue or hidden ones that just pops up, it can be mostly work to put on when game has too many characthers to build off from.

    Took me about 300+ hours (about hundreds of days ingame) to 'beat' the game as completion, as far i could think off. Some content unlocking wasn't my interest. I will come back to this when it has updated much to come
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best erotic games ever made, purely text but the quality of writing somehow makes that better. Even if you've finished, there's a good chance you'll end up staying for the adventure and worldbuilding.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game in many aspects considering the huge diversity in the many stuff around the game and be able to actually choose and select what you wanna be or go in an open world feels wayyyy more good than just a lineal stuff.

    Even if it´s still on the go, this way same os CoC and CoC II are great in there own stuff, maybe on or another have more options and are more free in some aspects, but still love the imprevements in mechanics and some magament included
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good fun, allows a lot of player involvement. Art is solid and events are well made. There's a serious amount of content here that is actively being developed. Really is a standard that other erotic games should be compared against.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    + A LOT of content.
    + Slow but steady updates
    + You can play as pretty much any blend of furry races, from a complete regular human to a robotic-centaur with multiple dicks.
    + Decent writing for the most part, main plot is kind of an excuse to go on a bunch of planets and explore but still interesting.
    + 90% of the characters have a drawn portrait so you can picture them with ease.
    + Combat is well made and leveling your character is fun.

    NEUTRALS (depends on your taste)
    • There is a LOT of text, it can get a bit overwhelming if you aren't used to much reading. But that does allow for near limitless options for what can happen.
    • About 30% of the characters are futa/shemale/traps.
    • Not much gay content
    • Some furry characters

    - As i said, writing is for the most part decent, that is because the game has multiple writers. Most of them are good but there might be some you just don't like.
    - Main story is not updated often, and it doesn't seem even close to being finished (CoC 2 is definetly better in this aspect)
    - Even if you can make your character look like pretty much anything you want, it's mostly only for the fantasy. What truly affects what happens in a sex scene is what genitalia you have and the size of it.
    - Runs on flash

    Even though this game definetly has it's flaws, i can't give it less than 5 stars just because of the sheer amount of content there is. (4.5 would be appropriate)
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    The game itself IS REALLY FUN but I hate when a new update adds content to older planets simply because it makes having to backtrack every time a new update hits a genuine chore.
    +4 stars for content quantity.
    -1 star for mismanagement of player time.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I keep coming back to play this game all the time sadly I am unable to see pictures in my head... but I love the story and gameplay! Many of the characters to me are quite compelling with a few characters that feel a little 1 dimensional and other characters I would like to not sub to. I'm also not huge on furry but it isn't a turn-off for me. overall I really enjoy the game and recommend it to anyone with an open mind about furry and transformation.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    great game it has a LOT of content you can be anything you want you can be a little sub or a badass dom you can have 5 horse cocks a dog tail and eyes like a spider and cat ears lol a lot of the chaecters a loveable and the stories pretty good only down side is this is a text base game so if you want hot renders you best look else where i give this game a 5/5 because the writing is some of the best i have read on this site
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Alboe Interactive

    TiTS is about exploration. Exploration of the setting, its inhabitants, and all sorts of unusual sex acts.

    This game just flows. You choose what you want MC to be and who they fuck. Or don’t, for the submissive and/or masochistic inclined. There is an overwhelming multitude of options and content to experience. Yet TiTS remains elegant in its simplicity of delivering up erotic content at a sustained pace.

    The game mechanics are unobtrusive but still aid in immersion. And the open world design allows players to do their own thing, getting back to the “main” story when they feel like it. Much like an RPG, the main campaign serves to gate content for players until they’ve leveled up. However, the restrictions are hardly noticeable as there is so much to do on each world, traveling between destinations, and more content that unlocks back at previous locations.

    The visuals are an essential element for anyone unfamiliar with furry-esqe porn. Besides being well drawn, they enhance the sex scenes by showing anatomy that is both strange yet familiar. The body types on display contain nearly every combination of attributes imaginable. Including customizable options for certain encounters and characters. Seriously, download the image pack version because it is small in file size and is the best way to play.

    The only downsides are some of the choices for quests can have a huge impact on the setting, while other choices only affect associated characters. I frequently read the wiki to get the outcome I want because it’s not always clear what the result will be, but that’s just how I play. Also, because of the incredible quantity of characters, some of which are community contributions, you can easily run into a character that has a lot of or hardly any info and backstory but only one, a few, or no sex scenes. This also means that very few can be love interests that actually offer a romantic story arc and the vast majority of interactions are basically meet for the first time and fuck.

    Overall, TiTS is one of the most extensive text porn games that are out there. The intro and initial space station will show you a glimpse of the type of content contained within. Give it a try and I doubt you will be disappointed.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The best porn game I ever played. There is a lot of content, a big community and a lot of choices of body transformation and sexual parteners !
    This is mainly text based but the authors are greats and the art is awsome.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Fenoxo is one of my favorite adult-game developers, one that I have been following for the last 5 years. Each of the games made by them (CoC, TiTS, CoC2) are truly amazing, especially among text based games; but they even stand out among many other games even with images or animated scenes. It's easy enough to add image packs and various mods into the game to give it some more visual flavor though if that's what you want. With that all being said, I am not a big fan of text based games and among Fenoxo's work this is probably my least favorite game. It is still a 5/5 in my book.

    If you're looking for fetish content, furry content, flexibility and in-depth character customization this is a no brainer. TiTS is a fantastic game with tons of awesome, well fleshed-out characters and stories to get immersed. You have multiple ways to fight your battles, charm your friends, and pick your lovers. There are very few restraints on what you can and can't do here and I absolutely love that in a game. I would highly recommend this to anyone looking for a fetish-heavy game with a ton of story and fun gameplay.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    • Character customization (Manly , femboy, furry, monster or just parts of your body)
    • Changeable character portrait styles to some degree(Ability to select which artist drew the character)
    • Multiple environments with differing culture
    • Alot of characters
    • Very good side stories tied to the characters(not MC's story)
    • Very nice descriptive H scenes
    • Constant content updates
    • Pretty grindy initially
    • You may need the wiki for some parts
    • Specific requirements need to be met to access alot of things(eg quests, H scenes, items or side stories)
    • Taint system can be annoying if you're trying to do alot of H
    • Not enough content for companions (eg gift giving, impregnation or dates)
    Before doing any of the following, I highly suggest playing the game normally first(with easy or silly mode on if you want a relaxing experience).

    The game can be annoying by locking you out of some routes if a certain amount of time passes or if you didn't meet the requirement during that point of time of playing.
    The thing is that the game can be worked around by using a save editor.
    If for example you missed something far back and you have and aren't bothered restarting you can check the flag. Or if you sold an item that belonged to someone and you want to feel the satisfaction of giving said item back you can just put it in your inventory. Or if your stats are too low or your taint levels are too high you can edit it to satisfy your needs.

    For my play through I had to go through a lot of save scumming before the editor was even born ...bruh.
    However the game is alot better since then and is still my most played H game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 - Good game; Will play again
    ~ 20-50 hours long, depending on how much of the porn you read.

    Like Corruption of Champions before it, this is an adventure game where you travel through 10 planets. On each planet there is are 10-20 npcs you can talk to and fuck, and some will give you quests. For these quests you go into the "wild grass" area, where everyone wants to rape you. If you lose combat you get raped, you win you rape them. When you finish the main quest you go to the next planet.
    In Comparison to CoC I would say the that level of writing is much improved, but the level of customization has gone way down. Also the combat is much easier, and the main focus of the devs has shifted from telling a corruption story to cranking out more and more porn. There are over a thousand porn scenes in this game, and honestly you'll spend more of your time reading the porn rather than actually playing the game.

    Despite the really good writing, this game has lately been getting a bit of criticism, and I fully agree with Rule97 below me: the sex scenes can get repetitive, 90% of npcs are completely shallow (literally just 4 talk and 4 sex scenes), there essentially is no overarching plot, no involved romance, no choice/consequence system, and worst of all progress is dreadfully slow (we're on planet 5/10, only the first 2 are "finished", and at this pace we're getting a planet once every 2-3 years).

    But here's the thing - just like Rule97, I keep coming back to replay this game, and any game that has me coming back is automatically 5/5.

    PS: touching on the overbloat of npcs again, at first glance they all seem the same, and if you're playing the first time, you can easily skip over the ones that have actual content.
    Here are some suggestions based on what you want (use the wiki to find them):
    Female: Anno, Fisianna, Gianna, Paige, Ramis
    Futa: Ardia, Kiro, Penny, Sera, Syri
    Male: Charumine, Kase, Lund, Vark
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I've been playing this game at several points during the past 3 or 4 years, the sheer amount of text and it's quality in grammar and spelling is simplky really good, the system of items and transformations is really wide, the combat system is challenging enough, the customization level with each new update becomes more limitless, the sex scenes are very varied in their content and while most of them are geared for an hypersexed setting and hardcore sex (without going to extremes, except in special cases) while still having some vanilla and romantic scenes make that at some point somewhere you'll find something you'll like and enjoy.

    So why the 3 stars? Because all of that is a novelty, after the first playthroughs, outside of trying new transformations and how they interact with the sex scenes (which you can do in the same playthough mind you), it's all the same, it doesn't feel fresh or replayable enough, there are lots of interesting npc's, on the surface, but except for some there's not a lot of content going for most, and i'm talking of some that been since pretty early in the game, you don't feel a bigger connection to them, you don't really progress on having a family or pursuing a romantic relation with them, and each to their own but there's so many times i can enjoy the same sex scene.

    This games broaden it's horizons constantly and in quality, but if those horizons aren't deep enough (yeah there's a hyper penetration joke somewhere) then how long before you feel you hit a wall and don't progress in the direction you wish, but it's all good right? because there's new content? right? but one you played that new content? once, twice, thrice, what then?

    Where's my deeper bonding with Erra? Aina? Even Anno, she ahs lots of content of mostly is just sex and no bigger role on the story, at least there are some interactions with several npcs thanks to her. But i can name quite some npcs, even crewmates that are just there, and don't really help a lot to make the game feel alive.

    I feel i should put 2 stars in my review, but the sheer amount of content the developer put into the game, and not of bad quality itself and certainly an inmense amount of quantity, and the absolute potential to be much more makes it deserving of the benefit of the doubt.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a perfect example of quantity having a quality all of it's own. There are many scenes which I don't like and only some of the fetishes interest me, but the game is big enough to give me plenty of the good stuff.

    5 stars because if it was any other porn game it would have been abandoned after half-completing the first planet and the developer would never be heard from again.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Hi, so i played this game a while back, probably 3 1/2 yars ago, and i remember doing all the content at the time, but now, playing it again i can't seem to focus, i find the text to have way too much fluff, and way too little actual content, for every line of dialog we have two or more paragraphs of description, don't get me wrong, i like the descriptions during a sex scene, but it could be dialed down and leave more to the imagination, this ends up with me literally re-starting the game multiple times to see if i can pull myself through the sea of text and find the important information on the scene, i love text based games, i found COC while researching "choose your own adventure" text games like the ones from delight games, choices of. and magium, and just stumbled into a porn one that felt great, and then saw TITS and played it, so i don't dislike text games, quite the oposite, but i feel that the writing style on this one leaves a lot to be desired.
    It is still a good game, the drawings are amazing, and i liked the characters, the combat and exploration, but since it is a text game i think that the wrinting style is the most important part, and sadly i found it lacking.