Others - Trials in Tainted Space [v0.9.111] [Fenoxo]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    • Character customization (Manly , femboy, furry, monster or just parts of your body)
    • Changeable character portrait styles to some degree(Ability to select which artist drew the character)
    • Multiple environments with differing culture
    • Alot of characters
    • Very good side stories tied to the characters(not MC's story)
    • Very nice descriptive H scenes
    • Constant content updates
    • Pretty grindy initially
    • You may need the wiki for some parts
    • Specific requirements need to be met to access alot of things(eg quests, H scenes, items or side stories)
    • Taint system can be annoying if you're trying to do alot of H
    • Not enough content for companions (eg gift giving, impregnation or dates)
    Before doing any of the following, I highly suggest playing the game normally first(with easy or silly mode on if you want a relaxing experience).

    The game can be annoying by locking you out of some routes if a certain amount of time passes or if you didn't meet the requirement during that point of time of playing.
    The thing is that the game can be worked around by using a save editor.
    If for example you missed something far back and you have and aren't bothered restarting you can check the flag. Or if you sold an item that belonged to someone and you want to feel the satisfaction of giving said item back you can just put it in your inventory. Or if your stats are too low or your taint levels are too high you can edit it to satisfy your needs.

    For my play through I had to go through a lot of save scumming before the editor was even born ...bruh.
    However the game is alot better since then and is still my most played H game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 - Good game; Will play again
    ~ 20-50 hours long, depending on how much of the porn you read.

    Like Corruption of Champions before it, this is an adventure game where you travel through 10 planets. On each planet there is are 10-20 npcs you can talk to and fuck, and some will give you quests. For these quests you go into the "wild grass" area, where everyone wants to rape you. If you lose combat you get raped, you win you rape them. When you finish the main quest you go to the next planet.
    In Comparison to CoC I would say the that level of writing is much improved, but the level of customization has gone way down. Also the combat is much easier, and the main focus of the devs has shifted from telling a corruption story to cranking out more and more porn. There are over a thousand porn scenes in this game, and honestly you'll spend more of your time reading the porn rather than actually playing the game.

    Despite the really good writing, this game has lately been getting a bit of criticism, and I fully agree with Rule97 below me: the sex scenes can get repetitive, 90% of npcs are completely shallow (literally just 4 talk and 4 sex scenes), there essentially is no overarching plot, no involved romance, no choice/consequence system, and worst of all progress is dreadfully slow (we're on planet 5/10, only the first 2 are "finished", and at this pace we're getting a planet once every 2-3 years).

    But here's the thing - just like Rule97, I keep coming back to replay this game, and any game that has me coming back is automatically 5/5.

    PS: touching on the overbloat of npcs again, at first glance they all seem the same, and if you're playing the first time, you can easily skip over the ones that have actual content.
    Here are some suggestions based on what you want (use the wiki to find them):
    Female: Anno, Fisianna, Gianna, Paige, Ramis
    Futa: Ardia, Kiro, Penny, Sera, Syri
    Male: Charumine, Kase, Lund, Vark
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I've been playing this game at several points during the past 3 or 4 years, the sheer amount of text and it's quality in grammar and spelling is simplky really good, the system of items and transformations is really wide, the combat system is challenging enough, the customization level with each new update becomes more limitless, the sex scenes are very varied in their content and while most of them are geared for an hypersexed setting and hardcore sex (without going to extremes, except in special cases) while still having some vanilla and romantic scenes make that at some point somewhere you'll find something you'll like and enjoy.

    So why the 3 stars? Because all of that is a novelty, after the first playthroughs, outside of trying new transformations and how they interact with the sex scenes (which you can do in the same playthough mind you), it's all the same, it doesn't feel fresh or replayable enough, there are lots of interesting npc's, on the surface, but except for some there's not a lot of content going for most, and i'm talking of some that been since pretty early in the game, you don't feel a bigger connection to them, you don't really progress on having a family or pursuing a romantic relation with them, and each to their own but there's so many times i can enjoy the same sex scene.

    This games broaden it's horizons constantly and in quality, but if those horizons aren't deep enough (yeah there's a hyper penetration joke somewhere) then how long before you feel you hit a wall and don't progress in the direction you wish, but it's all good right? because there's new content? right? but one you played that new content? once, twice, thrice, what then?

    Where's my deeper bonding with Erra? Aina? Even Anno, she ahs lots of content of mostly is just sex and no bigger role on the story, at least there are some interactions with several npcs thanks to her. But i can name quite some npcs, even crewmates that are just there, and don't really help a lot to make the game feel alive.

    I feel i should put 2 stars in my review, but the sheer amount of content the developer put into the game, and not of bad quality itself and certainly an inmense amount of quantity, and the absolute potential to be much more makes it deserving of the benefit of the doubt.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a perfect example of quantity having a quality all of it's own. There are many scenes which I don't like and only some of the fetishes interest me, but the game is big enough to give me plenty of the good stuff.

    5 stars because if it was any other porn game it would have been abandoned after half-completing the first planet and the developer would never be heard from again.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Hi, so i played this game a while back, probably 3 1/2 yars ago, and i remember doing all the content at the time, but now, playing it again i can't seem to focus, i find the text to have way too much fluff, and way too little actual content, for every line of dialog we have two or more paragraphs of description, don't get me wrong, i like the descriptions during a sex scene, but it could be dialed down and leave more to the imagination, this ends up with me literally re-starting the game multiple times to see if i can pull myself through the sea of text and find the important information on the scene, i love text based games, i found COC while researching "choose your own adventure" text games like the ones from delight games, choices of. and magium, and just stumbled into a porn one that felt great, and then saw TITS and played it, so i don't dislike text games, quite the oposite, but i feel that the writing style on this one leaves a lot to be desired.
    It is still a good game, the drawings are amazing, and i liked the characters, the combat and exploration, but since it is a text game i think that the wrinting style is the most important part, and sadly i found it lacking.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is an excellent example of the genre. It starts with sexual content and never lets up. Every enemy you face (and the vast majority of NPCs) have encounters that appeal to a variety of niches. The creators are constantly updating, and have been for several years.
    Extremely creative, engaging characters and content, and content for a wide range of fetishes, this is a great game
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's like Corruption of Champions I/II, but in space. Enjoy, and don't feel bad about using the save editor. Also, be sure to download an image pack for some extra artwork and such. Lots of fun and worth it as-is.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    [Review of v0.8.073]

    Trials in Tainted Space puts other H-games to shame with its gameplay, its scenes, its goddamn fantastic writing, and the hours and hours of content it provides to the player. Even in its early-access state, I sunk about a week's worth of evenings into it before I hit the ubiquitous "INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE" endemic to Patreon porn games.

    I think what makes TiTS great is that it just dumps porn on you. Nearly every enemy and more than half of the NPCs have at least one scene, with many giving the option of three or more, your character's equipment depending. This is exactly how porn games should be! I don't want to spend an hour running around some shitty suburb so I can maybe see one still image of my "landlady's" tits, I want to power-fuck my defeated opponent after every single combat. TiTS has zero restraint, and that's exactly how it should be.

    I don't care if you're a furry or not, if you have functioning genitalia and at least one hand, you should play TiTS.
  9. A
    2.00 star(s)


    Unlike other text based games in its genre, TiTs bizarrely has no ability to hold my attention. I can only put this down to its writing style being unappealing as others in this genre like Lilith's Throne or Tales of Adrogyny do not suffer the same issue.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I am using the "rating is based on the lowest score" method.
    For example: If graphic and gameplay is each 3. But the sound is 1. The final score is 1. This choice is made based on development. And so I can give a more objective rating. Since then I am no longer excusing mistakes, because something else was good in the game.

    Story: Story is pretty good. Has an alright set-up. Overall pretty creative. And the character creation is woven into it well. It does well with weaving in lewds as an answer to everything.

    Originality: Here, the game both crash and burn. While simultaneously flourishing. It has some stuff that is really neat. But a lot is just "Check porn norms". Like: Character with biggest dick is dominant." etc. It follows a lot of tropes. Sometime it does them well. But other times it just feel cringe.

    Playability: Here it similarly shits the bed. If you play a male: You can practically access the entire game. Some few scenes are restricted. But practically all of them have a male variant. Whereas not all females scenes have a male variant. Atop that: If you play female, roughly half the game content is removed. You're extremely limited in several areas. And some functions are straight up missing. (Like your player stats)

    Performance: Runs pretty well. I didn't occur much issues with it.

    Grammar: Grammar does manage to stay pretty good. It tends to be really lacking in many female segments however. It did get better after some early patches. But a lot of time it just defaults to "tight" and "wet" to describe EVERY female. When it goes out of its way to describe the different hardness of dicks.

    Amount of content: Here is where the majority of stars are lost. I would go down to 1, but they DID add a few things. Despite not keeping any of their original promises. To break it down a bit: (And memory is a bit fuzzy, since it's been years)
    Character creation: We were promised 4 starting races. Females got 1. Males got 4. And I think we currently have 2 female and 5-6 male ones? Years later, and this hasn't been fixed. Despite being promised it "wouldn't take long" and how they had "plenty of people to work on it". And now they are saying that we "have to look forwards, not backwards" and refuse to fix the starting races to make them playable as female. (And before someone says you can: No. You can't. You can play a human. A human with cat ears. Or a human with dog ears. Physical traits are exclusive to males. The creator was just lazy and refused to put effort into finishing the races. It even specifies that you are human unless you are male in the racial description.
    Atop this, ALL of the starting talents are exclusively for males. (The ones that affect "lewd gameplay", along with all physical ones genital wise.
    You also cannot pick genital size. Whereas males can pick both balls and penis size.
    Females also don't have any game statistics. You don't know your size, depth, length or ejaculate amount. Despite this being promised to at launch. And "Would just take 15 minutes to add.", yet: Here we are years later. Still nothing.

    I can get wanting to "add new content". But, when they can't even be arsed to fix the CORE part of the game, that's more than a bit lazy.
    Especially when that cuts you out of roughly 80 % of the character customization. (Yes, you CAN get it later in game. But its pretty bullshit when simply pick a male, get the male exclusive talents as nearly all of them are for males. And star the game with a fully fledged character. Whereas if you pick female... you're a human with no customization options (unless you pick the later added female race) and you aren't allowed to pick perks and you don't even have game statistics. And have to spend at least an hour to get anywhere customization wise.

    This really drags down the game for me. Since character customization is a HUGE part of this game. And... they haven't even finished character creation for females... 4 years into development. And you can't even fully play female since key features are missing. (Like your statistics). Honestly, if this didn't have some really innovative and interesting writing for the female PC, this would be an instant 1 star. While they may not have tried... at all, when it comes to character creation. The writing team certainly put some backbone into it.

    But: If you wanna play as a dude: You're gonna have a blast with this game. (assuming you like text based games.)
    Best way I can compare this to... is imagine a ... say: Mass Effect game. And if you pick female. You only have one class option. And you cannot in any way access the speech, lockpick or hacking skills. (yourself or via companions) But a male Sheppard has access to all classes and skills. That's basically TiTS. If you choose to play female, they will remove a huge chunk of the game. Seemingly only out of spite. No other reason. (well, maybe just being lazy.)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    this game was one of the games dat make me read whats actually on the screen.When i start play this game i often die or get trap in some "can´t get a way trap"and it was some times weary frustrating when i don´t heaved any save.
    This game have big selection of races, character customization,guns, outfits and armor, quests(random and ask a person like) and more.
    eve tho you have to grind a lot so you will not get instantly knock out the game has many interesting npc´s.
    in conclusion this game will be liked by people who like space adventures or science fiction
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Even though I rated this game 5 stars- I do not like it. I rated it 5 stars because this is probably the most extensive text-based adult game in the world right now. This game has a vibrant community and also gets updated weekly with new content. In the hundreds of thousands of pages of text this game now has - that caters to almost every single fathomable fetish that Patreon will allow them to get away with - little to none of it caters to heterosexual males with vanilla fetishes. 70% of the sexable npcs in this game are traps. 24% of the sexable npcs are either weird alien creatures or plants or animal human hybrids.
    If you are a heterosexual male that isn't into furrys, plants, goo, traps, etc then move on. This game isn't for you and it has no intention of ever trying to be. In the half decade that this game has been under development and the millions of pages of texts that have been included in this game - there is still not one impregnable vanilla human female in the entire game that I know of and I checked the wiki to make sure.
    Great game if you are into that sort of stuff.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Love all the games from Fen. If you like....well anything under the sun then there is something here for you. Even if you are some kind of purist you can try to run that route and avoid all the yiff, futa and what not. Seriously something for everyone. Also if you're not into furry trust me you will be soon.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    So when sifting through the sands of smut, hopefully a shiny seashell appears. Also when trying to discern said seashell, I try to be as honest as a person can when looking at seashells.

    What seashell do we have today?

    A strange one. For a preface, I'm straight, and the bias lies there throughout this review. For pure straight people (on the male side), it's quite hard to find content catered to that in the game. As if you play a pure straight male route, you'll be locking yourself from the content present in majority of the game, from what I've encountered. More on that later.

    So, you play as the heir/ess to Steele Corporation but your dad decided that to inherit the fortune of the company, you'll have to adventure out and find the probes he left behind through a slew of planets he screwed his way through. Through that and walls of well written smutty text (as the game is primarily text-based), you'll find that the majority of characters that lie within a plethora of sexualities and genders will want to willingly bang you through well written paragraphs.

    A lot of kinks are covered tastefully in this game, ranging from S/M, BDSM, Exhibitionism and the sort, to just simple sex (which sometimes feels weak in comparison to what you find in the game--nothing too extreme though ie, no scat, watersports, etc). All the scenes of course stem from uniquely written characters that have their own interests that they want to (bang) into you, whether you want to be submissive you can source said scenes from certain characters you meet in unique , often repeatable encounters; or playing as a dom character you can also find other characters to do your thang. And it isn't just the whole dom/sub thang despite it being heavily present in the game, some characters are just lustful, or kinky, or want a nice simple bang-layden relationship. And a lot of the enemy NPC's also have their own unique, repeatable encounters.

    Gameplay consists of exploring planets, trying to find the probes, of course meeting characters, and occasionally fighting. Fighting is done a lot like RPG's where you wander away from the 'safe' areas and into the wilds much like JRPG's of old (think pokemon). For a text game, the battles aren't bad, and are really well done, you lose, the enemy has its way with you, you win, you can either leave it be, or have your way with it. And for the majority of enemies, for lose/win scenes, a lot of the H-market when it comes to this type of thing portrays it as either rape, or rape leading up to the heroine liking it (which is a hit or miss on my part) but here everyone is apparently horny as all hell and wanting it so there's very little of that portrayal for both your protag and the enemies. You, also in typical rpg fashion, buy new gear, new tastefully written weapons, or dive into the transformation market and deck your character out as a space furry to the tastes of the majority of alien species you encounter (or just stay as whatever species you may be).

    Now, for hetero guys. Its hard, no pun intended. Like, every female you'll meet will have a 75% chance of having a dong. A large dong, like, elephant sizes. If that isn't the case, then the small percent of ladies you meet will also have tit/ass porporations that'll make a hentai artist hate himself for not making them that gigantic. For me, what I usually do is roll as the biggest slut in the galaxy playing as a female character since you can just about bang anything, but rolling as a guy in this game going hetero is hard since the majority of characters you'll meet are already so androgynous that it isn't weird meeting someone with two dongs in the game, or you losing to enemies with dongs and being banged. Hell some people on the forum make it a game to have multiples of everything (like 2-3 monster dong characters with the vag-tail). Also, as previously mentioned, just about every girl you encounter, whether enemy or unique NPC, is a dick-girl. If it's your thang, then have a blast, but for those that aren't in the market for such smut then the game is a slog if you don't play as a female or are just turned off by the whole notion.

    Whatever the case may be, it's worth a go-over, as if you can't get into the content (which is understandable--it's smut that goes pretty far out there) then you can just ignore the small download you just blooped through, but if it sucks you in, lawd help you you're going to be busy for a hot minute.

    Overall, bias included 4/5, wish there was more content in being Captain Kirk and banging any hot alien girl you encounter, but in the future all you encounter is dong. I've supported the game since the premier, and it's just steered farther away from what my tastes are, despite me booting it up once every couple of months. And some content areas will be written, then forgotten as progress strays farther away, such as some characters never fully being developed and being left in the mud for sometimes years, with speculation happening where people wonder if said cool thing that the character was going to be will ever be implemented. Sometimes also, you wonder where the development is going, as it ranges from fleshing out a planet, then going onto the next one, while the weeds of the previous one just stay as they are. Though they have been going back recently and updating older characters, such as Penny that you meet on the first planet. But when you hit 100K through a kickstart, and have 35k through patreon (last time I checked), I guess you can take any pace you want so long as you show something is happening. And of course, there's a lot of furriness in the game, which they poke at with certain characters but it's heavily present for those that don't like alien furries.

    And as a sidenote, I don't have anything against the plethora of sexualities and genders being presented in the game, as everyone is built the way they are (or modified as shown in this game), but I just say the forewarning to peeps that want or search for primarily straight content in this game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely helpful. I don't have ANY extra money and my parents are Christian, so I can't support fenoxo's Patreon until I move out. This thread has helped me with new backer builds of trials in tainted space a lot.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The time and love put into T.I.T.S. is amazing. played through countless times and i still find interesting things in space. Heavy on the reading, so if your not into that, your loss.

    oh, also it needs more Shiny Rocks.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    If you are a perverted deviant furry. this game is for you and it's a little gems that you should try even if you aren't. let me explain why.

    When I mean a little gems I am not exagerating it is really well made. A lot of fetishes are well written and the characters feel very alive (something rare in a text game) sometimes random event can apear but depending of HOW you threaten theses characters in the past.

    What I love the most in this game is the "crew" system wich is in fact a dating sim inside the game.

    that goes without saying that I reccomand this game for everyone, I think it's a timeless masterpiece and i am not proud of that but I have over 100 hours on this.

    And to conclude I am not sure if i am allowed to say that but you shouldn't download your game on this site but rather on the develloper website : https://www.fenoxo.com/category/trials-in-tainted-space/?age-verified=d79d8a0061
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    i really really like this game, its soo much things to do, it got story, it got fantasy its amazing, best of all u can change into something that u might like, and some fetish stuff, and uhh i guess thats all
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Create a male of female character fun, run around a galaxy of new aliens and furry creatures that want nothing more than to fuck or be fucked by you... Count Me In!!!

    The game is mainly text based but does have some images to go with the encounters and wow, what a range of encounters that are prescient in the game. There are hundreds of encounters with each encounter having interesting options most of which end in you either filling yourself or your partner. :p

    The only thing I have against this game is that each encounter is in many ways a mini story. With a LOT of lines to read. Its not really a fault with the game so much as what I expected from it, but I often find myself skiping over chuncks of text, skim reading it to get to the next encounter.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Takoto Ama

    Quick review:

    Thanks to Corruption of Champions, Fenoxo is automatically on my radar. TITS puts me in the driver's seat as a gropey male space playboy and I like that. The game is pretty smooth, the character portraits are attractive, and there's tons of content. The writing is alright. I like the setup for the story, and some of the writing takes a nice break from sexy to be downright funny, like the Steph Irson episodes on TV. TITS lets me beat shit up, fuck it, and then get back on the S.S. get-yo-dick-sucked and jet. I love it.

    Fenoxo does have a reputation for pushing fetishes and immaturity and I think that's worth mentioning. This isn't very bad at the beginning of the game, but gets worse as time goes on. There's an increasing number of characters that are THICC as time goes on. There's an increasing number of cuntboys/sissies as time goes on. There's some player-focused bimboification. There's a lot of futa/dickgirl content as the story advances, and they often want to ream you. The blackmail/victory rape stuff basically peters out, too. The game has boatloads of content, but as straight PC it's a little unfortunate how content flags so hard because of this later in the game. I wish Fenoxo would put some of the transformation themes to work and write more alternate scenes to accommodate str8 bois. But considering how good the other content is, it's definitely not a dealbreaker for me.