Others - Trials in Tainted Space [v0.9.123 HF] [Fenoxo]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Its pretty good.

    With plenty of content in the game currently and fairly regular dev updates, it's worth picking up at some point. TiTS boasts fun world and combat mechanics, extremely good art and character customization, some pretty good writing with a suprisingly engaging story and some of my favourite tags to boot. have come back to it for many an update, and will probably continue to do so in the future.

    Throughout all of my playthroughs i've encountered minimal bugs, the only noteable one being one of my sigwulfe droids disappearing on me for some reason, but it was solved fairly quickly with the cheats available in the in game menu. Speaking of menus, TiTS has one of best UIs i've seen in a game like this being easy to use and pretty customizable

    But hey that's just my opinion idk dude. 10/10 would recommend.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Want to have a grand story with branching storylines, focusing on narratives the players themselves create? I'm afraid this isn't the game for you in that case.

    Want tonnes of content without direction, but at least with a streamlined way to experience it? An impressive character customisation system that is essentially just for show and is mostly meaningless? A universe with impressive world building, but what ultimately follows the "wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle" objective? Haphazardly strapped on features that only serve the function of creating the illusion of fleshed out gameplay mechanics? Writing that requires you to have a synonym dictionary open to understand it, which focuses on word count over quality, just like your college essays? A UI that would put the mess of a junior UX designer to shame who just finished their bootcamp?

    Ask no more, and welcome to the Trails in Tainted Space! A game with an impressive following of the creator of a once reputable title, who managed to make this game their crown jewel by milking it endlessly, trying to appeal to a fanbase that not even they themselves know what they want their precious game to become.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Trials in Tainted Space is - first and foremost - a dress up game. It is also a sandbox RPG with more emphasis on the sandbox portion.
    To start, the vast amount of effort done for the world building of TiTS is commendable. Every character seems to have been thought out from their habitat to their bodily performances. Every world will introduce a multitude of characters that all have their own stories to tell; you just have to go looking for it.
    The transformation aspects are largely cosmetic in nature, often their sole purpose is to allow or bar the use of certain sexual acts. For players looking for a gameplay advantage, TiTS seems uninterested in using this feature to enhance its combat and while there are examples, these are few and far between. For example, growing multiple arms will not grant the use of multiple weapons, having rabbit legs does not make you run faster, and turning your skin into chitin will not grant a defense boost. While there exists some form of bridging this in the tease action, where enemies gain more lust depending on how the PC looks, the likes and dislikes are seemingly random every encounter, making using it - let alone strategizing with it - impossible. I should also probably mention that some transformation items do grant additional stat buffs, but these are so small that it's not worth investing in.
    Still, the amount of customization on the PC that's allowed is insane, and - after all - looking fabulous is its own reward.
    Building a character is then usually left alone to a class and points leveling system. There's an effort to diversify by offering the choice of two different abilities for every level, but it's still a very railroaded way of doing it. Max out the appropriate stats and ignore the rest. You've played RPGs like this before.
    On that subject, dividing the weapons between melee and ranged and having different stats associated with the two is a good attempt at this as well, but it also stands as how TiTS' combat is a little shallow. Aside from the bow weapon type, the game doesn't change in depending on what weapons the PC equips. (I.E. there are very few weapon based builds).

    Altogether, the writing alone makes this one deserving of an excellent score. While I've spent too much on how the non-focusing of combining the tf gameplay and the rpg combat systems is a missed opportunity, games should be judged by what they are, not by what they could be.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    While the writing is pretty decent, and the art can be good at times, the game ultimately ends up being average, and not meeting the bar compared to the original CoC, which he made. Some of the areas just feel tacky, some characters just feel unfinished or shallow, some just feel tacked on and then discarded soon after. Its almost like it suffers from lack of direction. It wants to go in one direction and then it pulls in another. I also have to say, if you are not into furries or futas, you will not like this game. I'd say like 75% of the content is that. Either futa or furry. Some avoidable, some not. You don't get much choice whether you see that or not. Ultimately a dissapointment as it could be so much more.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Trials in Tainted Space, is a testament to the dedication and passion of its developers. If it were a horse however I would have to take it outside and put it out of its misery.

    While the game's open-ended nature can be appealing, the continuous addition of new side quests and activities often overshadows the central storyline, leaving me feeling disconnected and uncertain about the game's direction.

    One of the glaring issues is the postponement of the main quest. It's easy to get lost in the multitude of storylines and forget the original purpose of the game.

    Also I find that TiTS has bloated its NPCs and support characters so much that at this point wiki assisted playthroughs are a necessity. (the sheer volume and complexity of interactions can become overwhelming)
    The lack of streamlined progression and clear objectives are doing a real number on my immersion, making it difficult to invest in the narrative.

    Devs, for the love of the Void, please-please-please focus on ending your story and then branch out. Stop adding new characters! Spread out existing ones if you have to, over new planets!

    (On an even more personal note, TiTS would be the product that comes out by a team of devs without a PM guiding them.
    Technically solid, tries to do everything but it doesn't actually have a target audience in mind and feature creep is slowly killing it.)
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Tits is one of the better text adventure games you can find. This is cause most of the game focuses solely on the textual element of the game where pictures are scarce or depending could be non-existent thus most if not all possible scenarios written by this game have to be so detailed.

    Its setting also allows it to be more open with the interpretation of sexual occurrences along with justification on content addition. Where most would use magic this provides more of a sci-fi explanation that is well done enough to be believable but cartoonish enough that it doesn't detract upon its more enjoyable aspect. Its content is vast with multiple paths depending on how one wishes to play, thus it has almost anything people would like.

    The only problem it has would be the amount of bugs this game has. Both during its original creation in Flash and its current Java the amount of bugs this game has is quite a lot, though this game is still in development it is expected but the amount is nothing to scoff at, regardless of how you play this game at a point or another you will see at least 1 bug in your own playthrough.

    No disrespect to the dev on this but as a game, it's playable enough that you could see everything but it's more loosely resembles a collage of stories with some form of RPG element to justify numerous scenarios.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    this is a text based game... and the text is shit... so it's hard to rate it high.

    literally i had to use dictionary more on this game than I've used it in the past 5-10years altogether.

    the strategy the writer used is basically this: write a complicated sentence, then pull up an online synonym dictionary (thesaurus) and change every fking word to the most obscure never used variant nobody has ever heard of then call it "good writing" at the end of the day.

    it literally makes me sleep trying to read this garbage.

    it's so hard to get through even the tutorial in one go, if not impossible.

    the english is "good". yet garbage due to overcomplicated texts. dear god how much ego did they put into their writing.

    the story is a bit dumb. but i guess had some creativity. sex scenes are hard to follow with all the garbage english and no visual representation (even with image pack). so this game is garbage.

    this game is only for people who would like to practice for their english exam. or if you have trouble falling asleep, this is better than any asmr.

    and since it cured my sleeping schedule i guess +1 to bump it up to 2/5 is justified.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.9.036

    Trials in Tainted Space is one of the first porn games I played, one of the games I've followed for the longest, and one of the games I've returned to the most. I've got a real soft spot for it. Though not without its flaws, I do think it's one of the best text-based games on the site.

    Does the idea of being a space adventurer on a quest among the frontier of the universe sound interesting to you? It does to me, and is probably a big part of the reason I like the game. Set during the 14th planet rush, our wealthy (and now deceased) father has sent us on a mission across the stars to ultimately earn our inheritance. Sci-fi is my thing, and this is a setting right up my alley.

    The game is pretty huge. Numerous locations to explore, a nice amount of loot to find, decent combat, a fair amount of quests to undertake, extensive (though roundabout) character customization, and it's filled to the brim with different people and aliens (most of which being horny). You can even recruit some of them, which is a fun feature.

    I've said it about their other games and I will say it here: the best aspect of TiTs is that sex scenes, for which there are tons of, are all uniquely written out from each other. No repeating the same few randomly pulled lines of text or having the same basic scenes repeated for every NPC. The game feels so much more diverse because of this. It makes every encounter stand out and feel unique from the next. You might run into the same archetypes, but the sheer variety and amount of sex content is simply unmatched. You will need an open mind to enjoy that extensive variety however.

    At the same time, what should be mentioned is the way the game gets developed. It's not standard. There isn't a team working on clear goals A B and C. Rather, team member 1 is off making random project number 69, while team member 2 is working on new stuff for project 15 that's been in the game for years. It feels random, and the game is a little messy because of it. It's got it's ups and downs because of this. It leads to some unique surprises and fun content, but it also means things get randomly left unfished or even abandoned. There are some things I've been waiting years at this point to get added, and I have no idea if there's even still plans to do so. I sometimes wish more focus was present so things like that don't happen.

    The other thing to note is that with the death of flash, this was converted to another engine. A lot of bugs arose is that process, many of which still plague the game. Back up your saves often if you play, as things might break without you even realizing it.

    TLDR - TiTs is an extensive sci-fi RPG that does a great job of giving you the feeling of being a spaceship captain on an sexy adventure amongst the stars. If it can sort out the bugs and get back to producing more meaningful content at a decent rate, I'd give this 5 stars.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Connie W

    I love this game. I love the erotic fiction and the variety of play and characters available. But I can't recommend it right now.

    It NEEDS the character editor. without the editor you either play as:
    A) a generic character
    B) play a game with a wildly changing character
    C) You are forced into at least an extended session of emersion breaking save scumming just to get a character you want to play

    For anyone with a MC in mind, be wary of the amount of time and energy it will take for you to get there.
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Novalis casanova

    I don't like the game because of image problems. Even with image pack I don't like it. Everything should be there when you start the game, not fighting to get it to run.

    I want normal sex and no gay stuff or shemale. How to turn that off no idea too complex.

    This artist selection in graphic menu is also crap. Way too complex and doesn't really work.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. It has a great length, mix of gameplay story and porn. Really impressed with this one, it's my favorite so far of the text heavy games. Makes going back to simple pictures and a line of text saying "You had sex" pretty difficult. Great writing art and gameplay. You couldn't really ask for more.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, futanari, pregnancy, inflation, multiple genitalia, space, this game has it all! The level of modifications you can make on your player character is insane, you can grow wings, horns, and cat ears! If your thinking about playing, DO IT! you will not be disappointed.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v0.69.420

    TLDR: Ah, the absolute classic that i decided to replay again after years of inactivity with this game. Overall a truly great and diverse amount of content of every kink and sexuality. Although i do have a complain with the fact that this game is bloated with massive amount of content that most of the time doesnt really have a direction or cause.

    Great game, even if its overextended with its content.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    90-95% of all content is either males or futas but what straight stuff is in there is pretty decent.

    the writing is decent enough, some parts are great others are meh and a few are downright painfull to read, but i suspect thats because there are tons of different writers and different paid inserts as there are quite a few characters in there that im fairly sure are some fursona inserts and the interactions with those ones are really what drags down enjoyment in this game.

    overall the game is alright i guess, id suggest it more for people into playing as women or gays as most of the game seems to be focused on futas and men.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is still unfinished, but i can say that the content wise, i will recommend it to anyone with expectations to male having sex with furry girl (without dick). There will be opportunities that you have to just play it out and don't take dickgirls too seriously, most of story will cover or plot of the characther makes you actually intersted to them even with it. I'm not fan of dicks however being one having it.

    I did see some topics about the game being very old, and i will acknowledge that the game is big overall, i do not know if it gets funded or so, but it seems being updated regularly, and i would come back to it afterwards

    Gameplay in wise its really interesting, you get choose how you want to roleplay your actions in a way, evil, good being? You can even build your characther way u want it, has negatives/positives in battles usually though

    Storywise is just as good it can get most parts, there's a lot unique dialogue or hidden ones that just pops up, it can be mostly work to put on when game has too many characthers to build off from.

    Took me about 300+ hours (about hundreds of days ingame) to 'beat' the game as completion, as far i could think off. Some content unlocking wasn't my interest. I will come back to this when it has updated much to come
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best erotic games ever made, purely text but the quality of writing somehow makes that better. Even if you've finished, there's a good chance you'll end up staying for the adventure and worldbuilding.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game in many aspects considering the huge diversity in the many stuff around the game and be able to actually choose and select what you wanna be or go in an open world feels wayyyy more good than just a lineal stuff.

    Even if it´s still on the go, this way same os CoC and CoC II are great in there own stuff, maybe on or another have more options and are more free in some aspects, but still love the imprevements in mechanics and some magament included
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good fun, allows a lot of player involvement. Art is solid and events are well made. There's a serious amount of content here that is actively being developed. Really is a standard that other erotic games should be compared against.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    + A LOT of content.
    + Slow but steady updates
    + You can play as pretty much any blend of furry races, from a complete regular human to a robotic-centaur with multiple dicks.
    + Decent writing for the most part, main plot is kind of an excuse to go on a bunch of planets and explore but still interesting.
    + 90% of the characters have a drawn portrait so you can picture them with ease.
    + Combat is well made and leveling your character is fun.

    NEUTRALS (depends on your taste)
    • There is a LOT of text, it can get a bit overwhelming if you aren't used to much reading. But that does allow for near limitless options for what can happen.
    • About 30% of the characters are futa/shemale/traps.
    • Not much gay content
    • Some furry characters

    - As i said, writing is for the most part decent, that is because the game has multiple writers. Most of them are good but there might be some you just don't like.
    - Main story is not updated often, and it doesn't seem even close to being finished (CoC 2 is definetly better in this aspect)
    - Even if you can make your character look like pretty much anything you want, it's mostly only for the fantasy. What truly affects what happens in a sex scene is what genitalia you have and the size of it.
    - Runs on flash

    Even though this game definetly has it's flaws, i can't give it less than 5 stars just because of the sheer amount of content there is. (4.5 would be appropriate)
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The game itself IS REALLY FUN but I hate when a new update adds content to older planets simply because it makes having to backtrack every time a new update hits a genuine chore.
    +4 stars for content quantity.
    -1 star for mismanagement of player time.