VN - Ren'Py - Triple Ex [v0.24] [Azrayal]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Edited after 3 updates:

    I think this game has an interesting story but just about everything else felt like a mess. The game is full of better-than-thou characters constantly preaching how the MC screwed up when in reality they made even larger mistakes than he did. Constantly being bitched at gets old especially when the next conversation you have with the characters make no mention of the previous arguments.

    The game has very basic models I have seen a hundred times and half of the renders are such low quality and play-dough like. I'd love to say the game is full of great life-like scenes but really I didn't like them at any point. Astrid looks good I suppose.

    The choices literally make 0 difference. Basically just there for show for the most part. The dialogues mostly are the same regardless of your choice and I can't help but feel like I am riding along in the VN with very little power to change anything.

    I couldn't relate with a single character. Honestly, I could easily deal with the other issues I have had with the game. I don't expect fantastic renders or a game full of impactful choices. But I do expect at least some likeable characters. I'm sure some people enjoy the sister throwing profanities left and right and having no semblance of knowing when to make out with your brother and when not to but I really disliked her. The daughter is so frustrating, the wife was even worse and the other characters I was introduced to were so unlife-like and fake that I didn't even bother. The MC barely ever stands up for himself and for some military bad-ass he sure doesn't act like it. He goes with the flow even when the flow is full forced against him. I always wanted him to grow a backbone but that time never came. I understand he seems to have made massive undisclosed mistakes in his past but every single person you meet also made massive screw ups yet MC is the only one that sucks in the eyes of everyone.

    It's a shame, this type of game normally is one I am a huge fan of but this one fell flat, has no sense of personality, and I just felt so utterly helpless and not actually a part of the story.

    In spite of this, I think I would recommend it if you want a dialogue heavy story. I think this game could be great for some people but unfortunately, not for me. I do wish the best for the dev and the future of this game. Hopefully one day I will revisit this and feel differently about it.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I quite enjoyed this game. The renders are a bit grainy, but passable. Updates seem to be coming at relativley regular intervals. I thought the story was pretty good. I also, like the attempted use of regional British accents in the writing. I reckon it works pretty well

    The daughter is possibly a bit too muscular for my usual tastes, but it's explained as part of the story so it makes sense. The sister does have a filthy mouth like one of the other reviewers said, but I think it works for her character and she can say things other people mght not, which is a handy plot device to help move the story on.

    Overall, I reckon this is pretty good work and I look forward to more updates. Keep up the good work
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has a few good things going for it.

    A lot of content for a first release, which is always appreciated.
    That way you can actually determine whether the game is for you.
    There are also quite a few different types of women.
    Bigger and smaller breasts, lean and full bodies. Muscular and curvaceous.
    Some you like, some you won't.
    The story is also pretty well done so far, aside from some of the things I'll mention later, the characters are okay as well.

    Which is actually part of my first personal negative.
    The daughter is build like a body-builder and for me that is about the least attractive a woman can be. Nothing feminine about them IMO.
    But yes, that's a personal taste and I don't want to rate a game worse for picking a body-type I don't like.

    So here are a few other points I didn't like too much.

    1. This was a very "wordy" game, meaning there was so much text that was just so-so that I went and skipped forward from time to time.
    Which is something I loathe to do, because I actually like to play games for the porn AND the story.
    Yet many of the conversations just go back and forth around the same few points again and again and that is just boring and even slightly annoying.

    2. The sister, I do find Debbie sexy and it's clear that she is basically a positive character, but for fuck's sake she sounds like a sewer has come to life. "Potty mouth" is about ten times to soft an expression to describe this constant barrage of cursing and swearing, inappropriate sexual rants and other obscenities.
    Look, I don't mind cursing or obscenities, but not constantly, all the time, no matter the situation, as if she is being completely and totally oblivious that this can be a complete turn-off if a woman curses more than a sailor.

    Another point would be the MC, the guy has no filter, he just blurts out anything and is sexually attracted to anything that is female.
    Who would after hearing your ex-wife died, whom you still loved, remember having sex with her and not a romantic moment?
    And frankly if you see your daughter again after her mom just died and you haven't seen her for years it is fucking sick to react like a horny teenager to any sign of her being female.
    But of course this trait runs in the family as both the MCs sister AND his grieving daughter does the same with the other family members.
    How he constantly repeats the same juvenile reactions reminds me negatively of some of the other MCs in games here.

    Seriously, less can be more sometimes. Seduction and romance are nice as well, it doesn't have to be sex and profanities all the time.

    It isn't all negative, otherwise I wouldn't have given this three stars.
    The story isn't really bad, the writing isn't all bad, just too repetitive and too drawn out. The characters of Deb the sister and the daughter aren't bad, if you discount their major flaws mentioned above.
    Every time Deb stopped cursing for a few lines, she comes off as being in love with the MC and caring for him and others.
    The daughter is the typical stupid spoiled teen, with the addition of the grief over her mother's death, if you disregard that we already see her perving after her aunt and father.

    Julia the caretaker and Astrid the neighbour are completely positive characters, especially Astrid is sexy AND sweet.

    Honestly, if the dev tuned down some of the stuff I've mentioned AND instead of typical porn behaviour went just a bit more into trying to tell the actual story without everyone acting like sex-crazed teens all the time.

    I'm editing my review after playing 0.4 and changing my rating from 3 to 2 stars.

    Here's why, everything I've criticized about the game has become even worse, the MC is almost completely unlikeable now and the few positive parts are now diminished as well.
    I won't be playing further updates of this one.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Very basic and linear visual novel. Not many options to select or make decisions. I get it its towards the beginning of the visual novel but the there should be more options and paths. I am not trying to hate it but at its current state its just like any other visual novels with a few sex scenes and fetishes. The story could have been more interesting if it had more depth and background story to it. Hope the first few chapters can be revisited and more options and routes can be added early on. I don't even write reviews but I think it has a lot of potential which can be tapped early and expand more on those routes. For example, whether you want to be in a relationship with your sister so early on or work towards it. Whether you want to go to your daughter, or maybe meet later due to a more complex situation. but these are just my thoughts on what I think could add more depth to a story.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    When I saw that the 0.1 download was only roughly 112mb I expected a short intro to set the stage. But to my surprise it already has a good amount of content.

    The story looks interesting, the girls hot and it has incest (big plus for me right here^^), add some impregnation and this could make his way to my all time favorites =D

    The dialect takes a bit to get used to and the animations could use a bit of an upgrade in the future releases, but that seems to be more of a hardware limitation than anything else.

    Solid first relase, looking forward to play more in the future! (y)
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Great start. Very natural settings of the plot. Not the best of renders but models are good and animation also needs a lot of work.

    The rating is mainly based on the plot/story and potential. Wishing you best of luck for the future and looking forward to future updates.