Ren'Py - Completed - Tropicali [v1.0.0] [Story Anon]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    All right, then. What can I say about this game?

    First of all, I have to say that I'm not a big fan of games that use KK/KKS models. I find that it's often very lazy or the models aren't pretty. Also, having played KK/KKS quite a few times, I'm familiar with h-animations, and they bore me.

    EXCEPT THAT! This game proves me wrong on all 3 counts. The models are really well done! And the game is packed with custom poses/animations!
    In this respect, the game is beyond reproach.

    Unfortunately, while the game is excellent on the graphics front, it falls short in other areas.

    The script is okay, but the MC suffers from the main character syndrome to the point of ridiculousness. The MC, tall, handsome, muscular and an outstanding sexual performer (my exact opposite), inherits a hotel and takes advantage of it to fuck as many women as possible.
    The female characters, on the other hand, are a mixed bag. While they're well-developed, the endings of each character are botched, and the endings in general are disappointing.

    As for the gameplay, it's meh. A semi-sandbox, semi-management game, semi-visual novel, semi-kinetic novel. The management/sandbox part could have been totally abandoned for more story, and the extra images could simply have been unlocked as the player progresses through the story.

    All in all, the game isn't bad, but it tries to do too much and ends up being a little disappointing. It deserves 3.5 stars, but I can't give it more than that.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this game, YES INCLUDING THE ENDING.

    This whole game is very melancholic in tone, and the protagonist is definitely a scumbag, but he has enough charisma and isn't pure evil in a way that makes me dislike him, he's infinitely better than any sort of blank slate protagonist.

    The girls are all very interesting and well written, and appeal to different fetishes, both appearance wise and personality wise.

    As for the management aspect, it's fine, it never bored me or felt like I was doing busy work.

    I really enjoyed the story as well, it's definitely made in service to the H scenes, which were also very well done, but the story was entertaining anyways.

    As I said earlier, the whole game just has this melancholic undertone to it, so the ending didn't come as much of a shock to me. It's not some happy power fantasy ending, but it isn't some spiteful "fuck you" ending either, it fits well in my opinion.

    All in all, I give Tropicali 5 stars, and am really looking forward to the sequel.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    bro this game is just a master piece, i came for the fap, i stay for the story damn man you dont need to go that hard in a porn game, but damn, hope you continue doing good games like that, you should put it in steam bro.(sorry for the bad english, can you please tell me you playlist for that game?)
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Good for short plays, not worth the replay though. Art is good for 3d but gameplay is lacking. probably better off being a visual novel and just removing the gameplay. It lacks harem ending, engaging gameplay, and replay value; to get to a five star rating.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Version 1.0, just in case it might matter for the future.

    Besides several key points that left me confused and baffled throughout, overall i enjoyed my experience with the game quite a lot. So i figured if it can tie it up in any coherent fashion i will be fine with it and could give it a reluctant 4/5 here.

    Until the ending happened. It was so catastrophically, cataclysmically, devastatingly horrid that it smashed the entire experience on atoms and i know for sure if dev will have the balls to work on a sequel after this snafu i am not touching it with a 10 foot pole.

    First issue. The Protagonist is a complete schysophrenic. You know those animal shorts on youtube, where for example eagle and a snake fight and you don't know the winner and everyone ask "is this an eagle or a snake documentary, who do i support"? Well this is how the protagonist felt. For 99% of his time in the game he cannot decide what he is and in every scene he acts like a different person. Will he be considerate and empathic, will he be a manipulative monster or will he be a retarded horndog is not decided by you or the choices, this is entirely up to whatever scene he is in. This confused me to no end until i figured author just wrote him as whatever he wanted for the current scene and just ignore continuity and consistency.

    Second issue. Gameplay is pointless and is tonally awkward. Why did i bother doing the entire "management" thing? It didn't add a single thing to the experience, it doesn't decide anything, it doesn't have any depth and is a clinically boring series of linear clicks that's impossible to lose. Not to mention that your managers will be chickens, sloths, Sanic (yes that one), tanks and every random bullshit in between. The entire gameplay part really should have been completely deleted.

    Third issue. Story is a monstrous amalgamation of nonsensical half baked ideas that becomes incoherent mush by the end. Cloning machine would be enough, but also it is implied multiple times to the point i cannot throw it as a coincidence that this entire shit is a purgatory and everyone on the island is dead which makes NO sense but is heavily implied on several times. It is also implied that this is just a place very close to world of the dead and also they imply that either island is sentient and have an avatar or it's some sort of a god or whatever, it's a royal mess not worth untagling. Author didn't know what he was doing, how anyone can.

    Fourth issue. The ending. Everyone got shat on. Every love interest besides your maids i guess, everyone have a bad time, everyone is miserable, it has the AUDACITY to assume this dumpster fire gonna have a sequel or will become a series, it spits on the player, it spits on it's narrative, it spits on love interest, it's disgusting.

    I did not play any previous versions of the game but i can absolutely understand how at 0.9 people were hopeful for it, because it did show actual promise despite some strong issues, but it is negatively impressive how developers keep finding new ways to royally ruin years of their hard work in what i can only assume some drug induced fugue state with endings that i swear get worse and worse and worse, almost like there is a secret competition between them on who can ruin their ending harder.

    Just play until the final event and treat it like it was abandoned and in that case you will find actually decently written fun time with good models animations.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Tropicali, IMHO is (so far) the only trully "unique" anime-style VN out here.

    And unique, in many ways, it has its own vibe, the MC has a main theme, each girl is unique visually and in their personalities (with consistency!), it really does feel like an anime (without all the annoying sound effects and bings and boings most can't do without).

    The story is interesting and with a simple premise. As you progress in your "mission", you get to unfold each girl's stories as well, with deeper and deeper mysteries.

    Technically, the game puts a lot of effort on facial expressions and music, but it lacks on some of the build up, the intensity seems almost always overshadow by the lingering comedy, and animations although beautifully done, are far too mechnical.

    The ideal score would have been a 3.5, had to slash it just like the ending of this game.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Version 0.9: Yeah i like this game, looking forward to the next update.
    Version 1.0: Dear Dev PLEASE never work on games again.

    What you have here is a bit of a power fantasy paired with harem and management. Nice models and good h-scenes. It is enjoyable and light hearted at times.

    One star for a completed game.
    One star for nice models and scenes.
    Three stars are unachievable thanks to the ending.

    And then there is the last update (spoilers ahead):

    Shortly before the ending there is a new character, teased since forever as a blacked out pic. There are three scenes with her: intro, sex and group sex followed bei that character offing herself in the ocean... at this point FU dev.
    And she goes back to a blacked out picture.

    The ending, out of the 7 love interests:
    3 have psychological damage beyond repair
    1 has some entity living in her
    2 are your loyal servants, one brain damaged and the other broken
    1 is [redacted] haha, no really the relationship with MC is only implied and at the end she just mistrusts you

    So if this sounds like the wholesome game you where seeking, congratulations and have fun.
    I have no problem with bad endings per se, you start over and try for better ones. But if there is only the bad ending then what does the dev want to tell us? "Thanks for your time, I shat on a plate for you now enjoy."

    At the end I really hope this does not become a trend. I for one will just ignore this Devs work from now on, if you enjoy his work, more power to you.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm stunned that it only took a year and a half for the dev to complete a fully fleshed-out game. There are games I've been following for 4+ years that haven't released this much content. For that alone this game deserves 5 stars. Will look forward to this dev's next project!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the first review I have ever written for a game either NSFW or SFW and i have been thoroughly blown away by this game it helps that i love the characters so deeply. Jessica is easily one of the hottest characters i have seen in any game but not only that i think that the cast itself is incredible. The story is really good and although it feels more kinetic with "fake choices" i still care for the choices that it gives us and i feel as though it allows the story to play out in front of me less like i am controlling someone and but more so guiding them down their path. All of the characters stories slapped in their own way and i thought the game itself was incredible. I also believe the music is the best out of any NSFW game i have ever played to the point that i am looking for the music outside of the game. Lastly i want to touch on the business aspect i think that is the only weak point of the game but it is still so much fun i cannot wait to see what comes next from this Dev. Finally Good Fucking Shit this game slaps. V1.0.0
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Note: This is a rewiev of the 1.0.0 of the game, there may be subsequent updates which add to the experience.

    It's a "one playthrough" kind of game, but it does it well. You manage an island and your finances and get in the pants of hot girls. The writing is surprisingly good and goes really hard during certain moments. The models are great and the scenes are animated.

    Go do your thing and suffer the consequences of your actions.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    [V. 1.0]

    “Were there any blood left in my head I'd blush” - ©MC​

    • Writing is really good. Dialogue is engrossing, characters are multi-faceted and attractive with just enough drama behind them. Pretty sure the game is missing a supernatural tag.
    • Choices are fake - they make no impact on following events or the story going forward. They are basically: do you want to see the next scene (yes/no)? And in canon those scenes happen anyways btw.
    • Visually game is pleasing to the eye. Looks way better than 90% of Koikatsu slop out there. Sex scenes feature high-quality custom animations. Tho I don't like how they fade into black screen right after culmination just to show yet again that "character [x] enjoyed spending time with you and is now happy". That makes it lack any impact for me.
    • The management game is bloated for sole reason of wasting your time. I'd much rather prefer if there were less properties and employees to manage, but they all had actual literary and visual content accompanying them.

    ⠀ ⠀ Game has potential but I don't recommend playing as of yet. Gameplay loop is raw and main plot-line is not finished, neither are side-character's stories. But the dev is defo cooking somethin' fr.

    ⠀ ⠀ Edit: so game is finished now. Nothing changed much except for a new girl and an ending. The girl is poorly written. You've literally just met, immediately had sex and now you're already best lovers or whatever. And then it just ends as abruptly as it started. Really just filler content. Now, the ending is......... hectic. It doesn't move the story or characters forward it just puts an end to everything. And in a pretty confusing rather than revealing manner.
    ⠀ ⠀ I would expect the author to fix present issues and conclude the game appropriately, but I guess he didn't care and my expectations were too high.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very cool game, some things aren't implemented yet but the management part is kinda fun.

    Also, the author can write insanely well, i felt reading a book or something, it's very compelling. The relationships part is well done and the story is cool.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Let me preface this review by saying: I did not play "Out of touch" before this.

    You might look at this game and think "Yep, that's a shitpost game alright", and you won't be entirely wrong. Hell, the description is not doing it any favors, but trust me when I say that it's anything but.

    I'll start with what impressed me the most - the quality of writing. I don't know the guy behind it, but that person can Write. Like, holy shit, at first it attempts to be masked by the B-class humor, but the way he weaves words and sentences is genuinely mindblowing when it matters. The characters, being obvious parodies, have depths I rarely see in a media as a whole, not just games. You think you know what to expect, and it twists into something completely unexpected and engaging, never having a dull moment. Hand on heart, the talent of this caliber should be writing books, not smut. Speaking of smut.

    As if the wordsmithing is not enough, this damn wizard is also a master of Koikatsu. I'm a big fan of KK-based game, and tweaking it to such a degree is like playing sonnets on a xylophone, and he fucking makes it work. Beautiful custom animations and models, like, top of the class. Myriad of renders, poses, angles, little animated loops, author puts in the works. The only thing that saddens me just a bit - most of the scenes are incredibly short. Like, a few lines of dialogue, some renders, short animation and that's it. But every long scene, where everything goes all out, I just melt and turn into Randy Marsh from that South Park episode with ectoplasm, it's unreal.

    The plot is a complete nonsense, but a shitpost of such a degree turns itself around right back to being art. Not sarcasm or irony, it's a genuine joy to be along for the ride.

    The characters are an absolute highlight, every single one of them are superb. Like, heart-meltingly awesome. The estranged single mother that lost her way and place in life, the lovable and energetic tomboy with an intense adoration for her home bordering on mystique and the batshit man-eating business shark with a lot of depth under her tough demeanor are my favorite. I do not want to hurt any of them, and sometimes I don't even wish to press the "fuck" button, because they truly make you care.

    For the negatives: I did not care about the game game at all. The resort management is a means to an end and nothing more, it's not engaging or deep, but way too much time is wasted on shuffling through a metric fuckton of joke characters like a literal tank, a chicken and a casting couch gets exhausting. Just let me get back to the plot and girls, that's where the gold is.

    If this is what the author considers a shitpost, I honestly shudder thinking about what his main and serious game is like. Interested in giving it a try.

    TL;DR: This is, for all intents and purposes, not a shitpost game, and I strongly advice anyone to give it a try. The writing is masterful, graphics are superb, smut is top of the class. I loved it no less than things like MiST or Project passion, and those are the giants of their own class.

    P.S. A certain "big" porn company that released their full game out of early access not long ago should take notes, this fucking guy runs circles around every aspect of their work and bloated budget.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Topicali boasts a great cast of girls, good writing, and an overall polished experience. Strong recommend!

    Characters and Story:
    Coming back to write this review maybe a month after playing, I still remember the blonde lady, Jessica. Jessica is sweet, troubled, and sexy. She's adrift in life and has washed up on your island looking for something to ease the discontent in her heart. She doesn't know what it might be. Perhaps she just needs a breather. But a breather from what? Being a succesful mother? An American living comfortably?
    Jessica thinks that she's being ridiculous. She doesn't have a particularly high opinion of herself. So when a charming, wealthy young man swoops in to tell her he thinks quite highly of her, that he (truthfully or not) genuinely wants her to be happy, well... it's not too surprising that she's smitten, is it?
    I won't go into too much detail, but suffice to say that the final product is more than the sum of its parts. There's drama, there's mystery, there's plenty of sex, and it can even tug on your heartstrings. Not all characters have as much emotional baggage; some of them are more fantastical or silly and I think the story benefits from that - though I do hope the maid is explored more.
    The MC is more of his own character than most in this genre, though you still have some control as to how he develops or responds to different situations. I've liked him so far and I'm interested to see how he turns out in the end.
    Also, the tension with Gloria is wonderful and the scary horny woman has completely flown off the hot/crazy scale.

    This game is unfortunately one of many that works better as a pure VN. The management gameplay is straight busywork. If I'm being extremely generous, it contributes to the plausability of the MC learning how to run an island. But it's never fun, or challenging.
    With that said, it does work fine and it's not egregiously slow-paced. You can speed through the "game" sections and get right back to story content. No bugs or endless clicking, and there are some upgrades you can pick up later on to reduce the turn-by-turn micromanagement even further.

    Sound & Visuals:
    Great. I actually saved a few of the songs, haha. The animations are high quality and the girls are very cute. I appreciated the variety in body type.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    well with the games final out i must say this was a very well written story and the visuals are amazing story anon always comes through

    that aside i must said this game did not turn out the way i had hoped it would
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    but these things aside i loved it and i thought the story was very well done for a porn first game by story anon it was the same quality as out of touch and hit just as hard at some points and was very fun to play as the management part of the game felt well balanced not like i had to do it every few seconds but it was just enough to remind me oh yeah i gotta do that right i think it would have been a very good game story wise even with out the porn

    10/10 IGN
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    This visual novel is....okay, I guess. It's animated alright for models that use koikatsu?
    Chock-full of some memes and references where the author tries to be cheeky.
    Some characters are brain-dead, retarded or obnoxious. Some are alright.

    I stopped taking the story seriously after the first 15 minutes. I mean, it's a sandbox game, why even try to give the illusion of choice, eh? Furthermore, I completed it in one session, so it fits the description quite well that the idea was a "shitpost".

    I had more fun with this little minigame where you take over the island and do a little bit of micromanaging. Some upgrades are not worth the money they cost. An upgrade could be that your workers can take some time off every time they're fatigued.

    Good game for someone else, lame for me.
    Still, good luck to the developer.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the management, the characters are good and varied,

    Very few bugs sich as when you are going through the tutorial if you scroll back by mistake, you cannot choose to set Mio as the manager cause you are locked into clicking accept.

    Other than that, had a good time!
    Really looking forward to more development of the game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game, I am a much bigger fan of this game than the author's other game. The MC is pretty solid, though it is EXTREMELY weird to see him unironically call himself a Spanish Bull, for the most part, his humor lands and this game obviously takes inspiration from Tropico, and I love it. The city management is actually enjoyable, and while I prefer straight-up visual novels for the most part, it's still a very good game.

    The girls are top-tier, some of the best I've seen with this engine, and their varying appearances, sizes, and personalities all fit well.

    Gotta love the pregnancy option, I can't wait to see that come to fruition.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a good structure overall.
    The dev definitely is not a huge fan of writing dumps so the scenarios are to the point. Its even funny sometimes, mostly making fun of the goon brain protag.
    The background music is all corny spanish songs but it fits quite well. (until you get a damn ear worm since the songs are quite catchy)
    Animations are good but not uniquely custom made.

    You can clearly see an S-tier game here but it lacks that presentation and dev edge that the actual S-tier games have.
    It needs that extra mile with the animations/transitions and scene sounds.
    Easy recommend still.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Good stuff. Looks plain at first but become more freaky and fun as it goes on.
    The dialogue isn't masterclass in writing but the characters are interesting.
    The management part is kind of easy but it does require some minimal effort (there is a mode where you can't lose the management mode if you're too goonbrained)
    Hope it gets lots of new content