I don't know if you have resolved this issue or not but :
1. Folder location :
Try moving the game folder to your desktop and running it from there.
The RPG engine acts really weird if you're running the game within several subfolders.
2. How much RAM do you have?
Depending on how the game loads/stores files if you have low memory you'll be greeted with a black screen until all the assets are loaded.
3. By any chance are you running the game on a laptop ?
Developers use a lot of plugins with the RPG engine and several of those plugins look at your screen resolution.
Most Laptops have weird screen resolutions compared to a desktop computer.
So depending on if the game developer exported the build so that the game auto opens the game @fullscreen this could result in the game not opening in fullscreen due to the screen resolution which causes the blackscreen.
4. Have you tried other RPGMV games?
If they run then I may have some other ideas.