3D-Daz Fan Art AI True Bond Art Assets & Fan Art

Night Hacker

Forum Fanatic
Jul 3, 2021
So Mate, will you be my sensei. Pretty please. I'll post code and you can fine tune it. The next part is changing the names to random depending on the relationship status. Mrs. Jessica, Jessica, Jess, Mam, Mum... etc. I figured a four tier relationship. And a Random name will be dropped instead of a static one to make it a bit more interesting.
Jessica $mr1, $mr2, $mr3 and $mr4
David $dr1, $dr2, $dr3, and $dr4
June $ar1, $ar2, $ar3, and $ar4
Bill $ur1, $ur2, $ur3, and $ur4
Is it doable?
Definitely. This sort of thing is doable in any programming language, just a matter of knowing how it stores arrays and picks random numbers. Anyhow, here's some example code I whipped up for you...

Edit: I think RenPY and Python in general call "arrays" a "list". I'm just used to calling them arrays from my C programming.

default Jessica = ["Jessica", "Jess", "Mam", "Mum"]  # create an array of four names, add to this if you wish.

# Note: names in this array can be changed this way, each [] with a number is a position in the above array,
# starting at zero, so [0] is "Jessica" where as [3] is "Mum".
$ Jessica[0] = "Jessica"
$ Jessica[1] = "Jess"
$ Jessica[2] = "Mam"
$ Jessica[3] = "Mum"

# Example code which picks a name at random and displays it three times.
# Remember that this is RANDOM, which means sometimes the same name will be picked more than once.
$ random_name = renpy.random.choice(Jessica)
"random name 1 = [random_name]"
$ random_name = renpy.random.choice(Jessica)
"random name 2 = [random_name]"
$ random_name = renpy.random.choice(Jessica)
"random name 3 = [random_name]"

# For inputting a name, you could have the following code.
# In this case this would change array [0], the first name, from "Jessica" to whatever was inputted like "Aunt" or whatever.
$ Jessica[0] = renpy.input("She is your?", "Aunt", length=10, exclude='{0123456789/*-+.`~!@#$%^&*()_+-=[];\,<>?:|/}')
$ Jessica[0] = Jessica[0].strip() or "Aunt"

"You entered: [Jessica[0]]"
Hope this helps.
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Active Member
Nov 2, 2019
A few days after the beach trip, Jessica wakes up to an itching feeling. Upon further examination, she realizes that the sheets are infested with some type of critter. In a quick move, she strips the bedding, only to find out the hamper has the same infestation. Wondering whether to call an exterminator or if she can handle the situation herself, she investigates her findings on the internet to find out the culprit is 'bed bugs'.

After a quick change of clothes, without delay she sets herself to the task of washing the clothes, linens, and breaking out the steam cleaner to attack everything in the bedroom. Afterwards she feels quite satisfied with her accomplishment and she decides it's time to clean herself up. Upon returning to her room and changing into her night clothes, it dawns on her that she can't sleep on her own bed since it is still moist from the steam cleaning. So she decides to grab a pillow and sleep on the couch in the living room. Exhausted, she quickly succumbs to sleep. In the morning she groggily wakes up to Danny entering the room and scratching at his arm.

'What's wrong dear?' She gently asks

'Don't know.' Danny grumpily responds 'Just woke up itchy today.'

Horror splashes across her face, that maybe Danny's room is infested as well. Upon inspection of Danny's room is complete is her suspicions justified and Jessica goes about the whole process of laundering and cleaning all of his stuff with Danny's help. As the day starts to darken does she think about how Danny would have to sleep on the couch to let his bed dry, she decides to let him sleep on her and David's freshly clean bed.

'Change into your slumber clothes and come to our room.' She says emphatically.

'Okay' Danny mousingly responds before scampering up the stairs.

When Danny comes in Jessica is already on her side of the bed, she point to herself 'My side' and then points to the other pillow 'Your side. Okay mister?'

'Understood Mam.' Danny pops off a quick salute as he quickly slips into his 'designated' side.

Danny quickly goes to sleep on his back, while Jessica's mind won't stop and keeps her awake for another three hours. But eventually she does go to sleep, only to be awoken to the sounds of light moaning. Upset that Danny had broken her trust, she quickly opened her eyes to witness her own betrayal.

Gobsmacked, Jessica was curled up on 'Danny's side', her shirt must have ridden up at some time during the night, her one massive mammary was crushed up and pinning his one arm. While the other was draped across his chin and neck. Her right arm was covering his eyes, while her right leg was doing a sawing pattern against his painfully swollen crotch.

'Been married to long' she quietly reprimanded herself.

But now the predicament, Danny was asleep, but once she pulled away he would probably wake up and she didn't know if she could fix herself up quick enough to escape his notice. But also she didn't know if she wanted to stop. Danny's right hand was so close to her yearning furnace, she also had awoken from a wonderful dream. A devilish smile graced her lips, just a little push with hips and it would no longer be a dream. She resigned herself and started to gently pull herself away until...

'Jessica' was mumbled from his lips.

Jessica was aghast and excited, Danny was dreaming about her. Dreaming, that meant he was in deep REM sleep, plenty of time to pull away and forget the whole incident. His throbbing midsection was a new distraction as she felt bare skin now touching her thigh. The temptation was real, but she thought to herself, would she want someone molesting her in her sleep, even if she was dreaming about them, without her permission. The answer was absolute 'No'.

It was easier said than done to extract herself, Danny had started to gently kiss the pale side of her free boob in his sleep.

'Yes, yes' he mumbled.

Steadfast, Jessica pulled away in frustration and rolled over to cover any exposed parts. Her blushing face buried in her pillow. Then her heart broke, when she heard Danny mumble 'Don't leave, why do they always leave.'

A single tear stained her pillow as she heard Danny stir awake. She waited in a panic as she felt the bed shift in weight and she cowardly kept her eye's closed until she heard her door quietly open and close. Only once Jessica was assured she was alone, did she open them and sit up in the bed. She had a litre of emotions raging inside of her and everything felt wrong or right depending on the sway of chaos in her psyche. In the span of five minutes, she was emotionally drained and now she worried about the same emotional turmoil that would be raging within her charge. With a forced happiness to her face, Jessica decided to greet the day and see what it had in store for her, hopefully something dull and dreary.

Shocked filled her face as she opened the door to be greeted by a smiling Danny, with a homemade breakfast tray in his waiting hands. 'Thank you for letting me use your bed, I made you something.' He glanced away 'Since you always do for me.'

Jessica turned his face towards her with a gently 'What was that? Couldn't quite hear you.'

'Oh nothing.' Danny faked. While pushing the tray towards her 'I didn't know what you liked, so I made a bit of everything.'

Jessica warmly smiled 'I'm quite sure I'll love everything.'

Danny beamed with a rare uncharacteristic smile 'Me too.'

Jessica grabbed the tray with one hand and ruffled his bed head with the other 'We could share it, if you like.'

Danny quietly deflated 'Nah, I can't.'

Jessica asking seriously 'And why is that mister?'

Danny chagrined, simply states 'You can only have breakfast in your own bed. When it's someone else's it just feels weird. Icky like.'

Jessica playfully ruffles his hair one last time 'Well when you sleep in a bed, it's yours till morning.' She looks towards her empty wrist 'And by my calculations, it's still morning time now isn't it?'

'I guess' Danny hesitantly replies.

Jessica goes over to the bed and puts the tray on the corner, before patting a space on the other side of it 'Well come on then, don't want it getting cold now do we.'

Jessica can fell Danny's emotions searching for something, his gaze searching up and down her transfixed body, fixing firmly on her eyes and then drifting over to the spot she had been indicating. 'Nah, I have to get ready for school Mrs, Jessica. I'll have to leave soon.'

Somewhere in Jessica, something had broke from that tiny statement. 'He would leave soon' and someday it would be for good. Would he remember her and David fondly or just another chapter in his life, happily closed away for all time. The answer haunted her, and even though she couldn't make it right then, she knew she had an answer for right now. 'Screw school, there's always tomorrow.' She joyously smiled 'Now is my time and I want my breakfast spoon fed to me.'

Danny scrambled to his spot on the bed and happily plopped down.

'I want every morsel gone.' She chided him 'Well lets dig in!'

'Yes, Mrs Jessica.' Danny happily mused grabbing a piece of toast and softly contemplating 'I wonder if this is what it feels like to be wanted.'

~ Cliffhanger (Evil chuckle) Just Kidding, I had to grab something to nibble on ~​
Jessica catching the quip while she nibbles on her own toast 'Well since you're mitching today, what do you want to do?'

Danny thinks with a rub to his temple 'Go outside, play maybe."

'Play?' Jessica asks questioningly.

'Yes play. The park, swings, slides, rings... play.' Danny responds firmly.

Jessica doesn't relent 'I am a little to old for that type of play, just so you know.'

Danny responds sarcastically 'Well women never get to old to play, wear halter tops yes. But play never.'

Jessica crosses her arms, underneath her massive paps and gives them a little lift to prove her point 'I can do both.'

Danny mentally drools at the imagery before responding 'I'd like to see that.'

Chuffing at his quip 'Once we finish breakfast, it's on.'

Danny raises his arms in mock winning 'WooHoo.' He finishes with a childish not-so-innocent leer 'Can't wait to see it.'

Jessica physically facepalms and thinks to herself 'Jesus Jess. Stupid!! What'd you get yourself signed up for' While outwardly saying 'I'll run you into the ground mister.' She pats his head 'By the time I'm done with you, I'll be scooping you off the equipment, tucking you into bed, while you suck your thumb.'

Danny scoffs 'I'm quite sure your Mom said the same thing, while you danced merrily over her exhausted bones.'

'Well of course.' Jessica smiles smugly 'That's cause I'm me, I'm awesome.'

Danny pats her leg, "You might be that, but your older now too.' He happily chuckles 'The youth' he points to himself 'That's me by the way. Sharpen our teeth on the bones of the elderly.' He points to Jessica 'That's you by the way.'

Jessica's only response is to tickle attack him while he tries to squirm away.

All goes according to plan until Danny uses his fail-safe and pinches her bum. She turns around to look at the affected spot 'Hey! No fair pinching.' Jessica responds playfully.

While she was distracted Danny squirms out of her grasp and runs runs to the door and turns around ' All's fair in love and games, granny. See you downstairs.' and zooms out the door.

While Jessica gets an evil grin and a thought to match 'I'll show you granny, just you wait.'
This is almost a complete Cloudlet update, hihi!
But you could introduce a little more sexual-level action into the scene, especially while they're sleeping!
First it would be Danny taking advantage, then it would be Jessica!


Common Craic Producer
Aug 17, 2017
This is almost a complete Cloudlet update, hihi!
But you could introduce a little more sexual-level action into the scene, especially while they're sleeping!
First it would be Danny taking advantage, then it would be Jessica!
I like the thought of the mind taking you there first, the happy accidents that can occur just by being in the same household. Innocent to naughty, takes many steps, and the first thing to conquer, in any given situation is acceptance. Danny is a male, he only needs a location and an opportunity. A woman is as complex as the world she creates around herself. The act of Jessica is to retain what she considers appropriate at that moment in time. Corruption and grooming can occur by both sides if the mind and body are willing. This is Jessica's journey down the rabbit hole. ;}


Jun 29, 2021
Significantly farting around with DAZ these last several days.

So much left to learn and yet so much already put to pocket. Always worth the time invested. I mean, what’s not to gain?

Thanks again to F95 for sharing all these tools where I can even think or begin to verify how any of this shit works at all. It’s virtually impossible to not invest thousands of coin to simply LEARN if DAZ is a worthy tool. It is. But I would not have been able to determine that if not for the folks here at F95 and the “sharing” concept in general. Shout out to all my pervy brethren.

Cock Up, bitches!!



Jun 29, 2021

Can we not have another Live Aid type event - where all the togetherness happens once more? Bands who’ve been apart rediscover each other. Money gets tossed around for the benefit of all involves and everyone fucking wins:

Capitalist Democracy for Ukraine.

WTF? Why is that not already happening as we speak? I’m a retard on a couch who likes to whack my pud around. Can someone with some fucking connections not put together the obvious? George Floyd gets murdered by an “authoritarian” knee in broad daylight - and people march for weeks on end (a glorious result from a negative). Ukraine gets bombed into smithereens and sucks it up for all the rest of us, scrapping and clawing to beat back the sickest ignorance I’ve ever witnessed.

Can we not, like, have a fucking concert about it, in an effort to overcome?


Put that shit together… someone.

*back to my wine glass*

PPS Peter Klett is the most underrated geetar player ever… next to Dave Meniketti, of course.

Wait, sorry… am I thinking out loud again? My bad.
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Jun 29, 2021
So, we already have two collaborators, you and I, correct?
Come on guys, leave laziness and fears aside and move forward! In the end, you will feel much happier for having participated in this little adventure that will last as long as this site exists and will help build your experience!
It's nothing serious, it's just a free time collaboration!
BigIrishLug, can I post here a joke I made for another game, in collaboration with another colleague?
Just to serve as an example?
For the record: I am not official.

If it seems like I should be? I could become official. Right now I'm thinking I've got my own shit to look into and maybe not on board adjusting to someone else's event. But CONCEPTUALLY, I think it's worth considering - on all levels, not just FanThis.


Common Craic Producer
Aug 17, 2017
Weekend Idea Part 1:
'Remember I get to chose what we do this weekend.' Jessica mockingly chimed.
'Yes, I remember Mrs Jessica.' Danny flatly responded
'Good I'm glad you're not a sore loser,' She patted his head like a puppy 'Because it is in two-parts.'
'Huh, but we agreed on one.'
'Huh uh huh. We have do one first for then we can do the second part.' She happily tutted.
'Okay, so where are we going?'
That's for me to know and you to find out young padawan.'
'Star Trek references. Really?'
'I'll have you know.' Jessica stood stock still 'Your ignorance of cultural significance is appalling... it's Star Wars, and there is a huge difference. Please cure your ignorance, post haste.'
'Hey I thought we were going to the movies.'
'Change of plans.'
'What changed?'
'The weather my good sir' Jessica pointed to the blue skies beyond the window pane 'It beckons us to be outside and frolic in it.'
'Frolic? Really?'
'There could be frolicking to be had.'
'You're doing this to make me suffer.'
'Oh, most definitely,' She leaned down to kiss the crown of his forehead 'I have a promise to keep.'
'Whipped, tucked in bed, thumb sucking.'
'Let it go Elsa.' Danny patted her hand 'That great white whale is already dead and buried Ahab.'
'Get to the car rascal.' Jessica replied snarkily.
Danny drug his feet, mumbling towards the door 'Always pushing me around, like a fucking golf cart.'
'I heard that.' And then reprimanded 'Watch your tone and your tongue young man.'
'Well at least we know, you won't need hearing aides in the near future.' Scampering out the door and running full tilt towards the car.
'Well he is smart enough to know when to run.' Jessica amused 'I wouldn't of tickled him – much.' She groused.
Once in the car, Jessica emitted a subdued aura, Danny's eyes traveled everywhere, looking for any hint of what was to come.
When they pulled up to the store, Danny stated with a sigh 'Shopping?'
'Yes' Jessica chirped 'I'll pick three items and you get to choose the one I wear for the day and then we'll do the same for you.'
Danny silently groused to himself, while Jessica latched onto his arm and happily skipped towards the door of the shop dragging him along.
'You go over to Men's Section and I'll call you over when I'm ready' Jessica smirked 'Might give you a better idea on what to shop for after seeing what I picked.'
Danny did as he was told a looked around for what seemed like hours until Jessica called 'Okay. Come on over.' Meeting up they slid over to the dressing area, and Jessica slipped into a stall gesturing for him to wait.'
The rustling of fabric could be heard, and a few sounds were cooed from the booth 'Remember you can only pick one, so choose wisely.' She paused for a second 'I'm trusting you on this.'
'Sure, sure. I'm on pins here.'
Jessica stepped out and Danny had to remember to keep the flies out of his mouth. He croaked 'Very lovely.' He scrunched his eyes as she turned around to look at herself in the high neck bikini ( ).
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'Well what do you think?'
'It looks stunning on you, but I think the tan lines would look a little off.'
'So it's a yes, but still not quite right.'
'Okay, on to the next one.'
When she came out the second time, Danny damn near lost his shit 'Fuck' slipped out.
'I take that as a compliment, even if I don't care for the word used.'
'It looks absolutely breathtaking, but I don't think you would like the rings ( ) heating up on your skin during the midday sun.'
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'Good point' She twirled one more time around the mirror looking at the pink number 'Didn't think of that. I'm not even considering this now.' She slinked back to the dressing room 'I'll need a replacement for that one.'
Danny could hardly wait, his eyes damn near fell out of his skull with the next one, it was even skimpier ( ) than the last one, the delicate strings accent well against her skin riding high onto her hips. When she twirled around, he fell onto his arse as there was not much covering hers.
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'Just by your reaction, I'm going to say this is to much.'
Danny tried to eek out a response, but his gobsmacked tongue refused to work.
'I'm going to take that as a yes, but I still like it.'
She sashayed back to the changing room this time. Danny's eyes never left her bum, till the door blocked his sight.
Danny just stayed on the floor as she came out in the next little silver number ( ), it was almost like the last but some of the straps were clear plastic.
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'I really like this since I could tan very well in this one.
Danny could only dumbly nod his head
'So do you like?'
Danny emphatically nodded his head this time 'If I had the money, I'd buy that one for you on sheer principal.'
Jessica giggled 'Well I'll have to add that one to the pile then. Okay one more to go and then we can start looking for you.'
When she came out this time, Danny physically drooled. His mind playing tricks on him, she was dressed in a one piece bikini ( ), but the only thing that held it together was the black ribbon tied as a bow on the front. Her huge cleavage strained to be contained in the top.
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'By your expression, I'm taking that as a solid yes?' Jessica asked playfully 'If David saw this, would he approve.'
'Even the thought of it, I'm quite sure David would like to crawl through my eyes to take my spot.'
Jessica laughed throatily 'Now that is some compliment.' She put a finger to her chin seductively 'Too bad for him he isn't though, is he?'
Danny just happily nodded.
Jessica turned and went to her changing room 'I think that will do it. So which one did you like the best?'
Danny was trying to answer, but Jessica hadn't closed the door all the way and he could see straight in, enjoying the view, he shook the cobwebs loose. 'I really liked all of them, well except that ring one.'
'Me too, and that high neck one. I really didn't like how that one felt so close to my throat.'
Danny was looking at her throat, especially at how she was running a finger from her throat to the centre of her bare chest. His eyes traveled down, but just as he was about to glimpse of the promise land she turned around. He groaned until he realised he had a glorious view of her wonderful naked backside. It became better went she bent over and he no longer had to dream of the promise land, it was draped before him with pink silky slit, surrounded by lavish meat curtains to guide him in. There was just a drop of moisture hanging off her hood, she must have been moist, all the way to her gooey centre. His mind lost reason, if he gurgled he wouldn't of known, his heart could of stopped or his breath gave way, but he wouldn't care as long as his eyes never gave out.
Danny was interrupted from his musings by Jessica's sing-song voice 'Go pick out some items, now that you know, we're going to the pool.'
Danny had to tear his eye's away from the spectacle and when he could regain his voice, it strained to say 'Okay.' Down-hearted he turned away, to get his own items.
~ TBC ~​


Active Member
Nov 2, 2019
I just saw that you posted more ideas, but I haven't had time to read it yet:
In the meantime, take a look at my first video made in UE5...
990 Frames rendered in Full HD (1920/1080) in just 15 minutes!
And the realism of animation, generating sound together!
Really powerful!
On daz, in Iray, it would take more than a day just to render!


Common Craic Producer
Aug 17, 2017
I just saw that you posted more ideas, but I haven't had time to read it yet:
In the meantime, take a look at my first video made in UE5...
990 Frames rendered in Full HD (1920/1080) in just 15 minutes!
And the realism of animation, generating sound together!
Really powerful!
On daz, in Iray, it would take more than a day just to render!
How dare you do something so spectacular and gorgeous, modern game animation will no longer have the same wonder as it once did. Holy fuck that looks good.


Common Craic Producer
Aug 17, 2017
I just saw that you posted more ideas, but I haven't had time to read it yet:
In the meantime, take a look at my first video made in UE5...
990 Frames rendered in Full HD (1920/1080) in just 15 minutes!
And the realism of animation, generating sound together!
Really powerful!
On daz, in Iray, it would take more than a day just to render!
Might of outlined a few possible scenes with corresponding outfit ideas. Nothing as impressive as that video.
  • Haha
Reactions: Terminatorgames


Active Member
Nov 2, 2019
How dare you do something so spectacular and gorgeous, modern game animation will no longer have the same wonder as it once did. Holy fuck that looks good.
I just made the camera and rendered it!
The entire scene was created and made available for free, like so many others, by the people at EPIC GAMES!
Learning UE5 is what I've been doing the last few days!
And I still don't know anything! Just take the scenes they provide and render!
I already tried importing Jessica, but it went wrong, just because to do so, i have to learn a lot first!
Did you think I created the scene?
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