Ren'Py - Abandoned - Try Rubinus [v1.0] [RomulPatri]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    And I'm being generous. This 'game' is effectively devoid of any actual gameplay loop. It is little more than a randomly jumbled slideshow of pictures pirated from the internet, with progress to the next slideshow blocked until you've seen all of the slides in the current slideshow- which, because it's randomly ordered, means sitting through the same scenes repeatedly, with little to no control over your progress.
    This is tolerable in the games the author cites as inspiration because those games have a mechanical superstructure which requires significant choices and optimization in between the slideshows; no such thing is present here. This thing barely deserves to be called a game at all, and what interactivity it does have serves little purpose.
    Perhaps future updates will flesh out the necessary mechanics to make this a more interesting experience than browsing random gelbooru tags. I'm not sticking around to find out.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly, I'm giving this game three stars because I'm desperate for more Ashford Academy.

    Gameplay-wise, you just go through a bunch of scenes, and once you've seen every scene, the next batch of scenes unlock. This is actually an improvement over some games that claim to have gameplay, but are really just a grindwall. That being said, this game also has a few scenes you have to grind to get, for no real reason. It's clear that the developers are taking other games they like and cargo-culting them, with no understanding of why games are the way they are.

    The porn is pretty good, but gets repetitive (especially if you don't have a degradation, bimbo, freeuse, or old man fetish).

    The biggest flaw in the game is the writing. The writers clearly don't speak English, but that doesn't stop them from trying. It's godawful.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    jacob bond

    Very good start, interesting premise, but something that i'd like to have in 2.0 would be a gallery where you can see previously completed scenes. and another thing is the need to grind money for those two girls. But other than that, this game gets 5 stars from me!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It actually is enjoyable like with Ashford Academy.
    For a demo version is actually pretty good but it is bad there are missing features and rollback is too short.
    The worst thing I've encountered is the money grind.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This review is for version 1.0

    Currently, it feels more like a gallery of random artists work (uncredited as well) haphazardly thrown together with a mild framing device loosely tying them all together.
    The game seems to be meant for Russian rather than English as there are many typos and incomplete statements and some lines of dialogue either end abruptly or change subject on a whim, which is the reading equivalent of bumping into a wall you meant to walk next to.
    The games mentioned as the inspiration were management and sandbox focused with a heavy emphasis on player choices (and excessive grinding), whereas this "game" seems to just be a gallery with extra steps.
    All of the content and locations seem to be unlocked at the very beginning, but without any guidance as to what they are or what you are supposed to do.
    You can work to make money and you can walk around the college...that's about it. There's no real gameplay involved, just go to the different locations at the college until you've seen everything twice, then do it again with the new events.
    No real player choices or interactions seem to be present, making this more like a visual novel than a game.
    There's a lot of placeholders currently, all saying to wait for version 2.0, but unless these planned locations and events also plan on making the game more interesting and engaging, I don't foresee this being much more than something to mess around in when you're bored with nothing better to do and your internet is down.

    If it was made completely differently, then I could see the premise working, but as is it's sadly not worth the time.