Identify Trying to Find an Old Furry Flash Game


Jun 14, 2020
I remember, years ago, encountering a flash game that I believe I played on the website Wet Pussy Games, that I have never been able to find again, and I often wonder if maybe I just dreamt it or imagined it or something.

I vividly remember how it played out and I'll try to recount it in as much detail as I can remember.

It was a furry game with a 2D illustrated art style. The main character was a female, I think Kangaroo, I remember she definitely had short, light orangish, yellowish fur, and wasn't an immediately recognizable animal like a dog or cat, and I think she starts out wearing a red cocktail dress. So, she leaves a bar or club late at night and is walking down the street, when she hears someone in an alley just out of sight calling for help, saying something like: "Help, I broke my leg". So, she enters the alley only to discover that no one was there. It was just a recorder playing a recording of the cry for help. Just then, a van backs into the alley blocking her escape. The back doors of the van open and two men enter the alley. I think they might have been a tiger and a wolf. The game then allows you to undress, grope, and violate the woman. Afterwards she is thrown into the van and kidnapped. She is then taken to an underground prostitution ring where she becomes a sex slave, and ends becoming the boss's favorite, the boss I think was a large, black dragon. I remember a scene of her collared and leashed kneeling at his side as he sits on his throne, and a scene where he walks her like a dog on a leash naked. That's about it.

I'm just wondering if this sounds at all familiar to anyone or if I'm actually just crazy. If this game does exist out there somewhere, I would be curious to see it again.
Oct 30, 2018
It's a flash called "Nukpana Rape Game" or at least that's what it's called on .
Gave it a quick download and play to confirm - apparently the lady is a cat, not a kangaroo- but you could've fooled me lol

Enjoy amigo!


Jun 14, 2020
It's a flash called "Nukpana Rape Game" or at least that's what it's called on .
Gave it a quick download and play to confirm - apparently the lady is a cat, not a kangaroo- but you could've fooled me lol

Enjoy amigo!
I'm alsmost certain this is it, but I can't figure out a way to play it as it won't let me run Flash, and I can't find a way to download it. Sorry I'm just not familiar with how this website works.
Oct 30, 2018
Oh, so you cant run flash in a browser anymore (part of the whole "flash is dead" thing)
You'll need to download the file and run it through a swf projector - a quick google search/search of this website should get you up and running

Here, I'll attach the swf to my post in case swfchan and whitelisting websites for flash downloads is too confusing for you


Jun 14, 2020
Oh, so you cant run flash in a browser anymore (part of the whole "flash is dead" thing)
You'll need to download the file and run it through a swf projector - a quick google search/search of this website should get you up and running

Here, I'll attach the swf to my post in case swfchan and whitelisting websites for flash downloads is too confusing for you
Appreciate it mate, I figured it out. Just had to stop initializing the file in browser and it let me download the file. That was definitely the game. I can't believe someone found it so quickly. Its a hell of lot shoddier than I remember, but at least now I know it really was a real thing. Kinda amazed how much of it I remembered after only playing it once years ago. Appreciate your help mate.