Ren'Py - TTTT - Traveler's Tasty TCG Tournament [v0.5] [Takanuva]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Well i found the gameplay quite boring, you play a game like BJ where the goal is get close to 24 instend of 21 and thats it, no real story yet or anything just MC not being able to afford to buy two drinks so he has to play and win games to get money.

    It is called a NSFW game but there is nothing there yet, no sex scenes just undress girls or guys untill they are nude and then move on to the next one, on a side note the MCs dick or any guys dick in this game are pencil dicks which would be very weird in sex scenes since girls wouldent even feel it going in and would get more fun with a finger insted....

    Dialogs while playing is bland and playing the same girl is just the same text yet again.

    That typewriter style is to me just so annoying having to wait for text to show to read is idiotic, dont get why so many devs thinks its a smart or a fun way of making text show up, its just not and i bet 95% of the players would like to change it to instant texts.....

    Interface is shit well not sure you can call it anything since there is none what so cant speed up texts or adjust anything, cant scroll back, the only thing you can do is save the game and nothing else.

    Does the game have potential i dont really know, the card game is extremly easy i never lost a game but only did 4 girls including gold ones but it just seems to very easy, so its really just sitting and clicking untill you get someone nude, at some point you will need to replay girls over and over which will be a grind and boring due to bland and same dialogs over and over, but you need to gain relationship points with them but thats not in the game yet.

    Game is about a year old and has no sex scenes which is quite bad for this type of game, it should at the very least have the first girl with animations but nope.

    Theres a few small bugs as well, like the small twintails girl when taking off her panties they stay on doing next game and untill game is over.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Undressing like this have always appealed to me - sadly there aren't many that cater to gay/bi people in my experience. The game allows you to choose your opponents, so I can just play against the males which is ideal for me. Likewise if you're straight then you can just play against the girls, player choice is great here.

    The characters are cute, and undressing games are super fun, but i would say that there's a lot of room for imprvovement. I recognise that the dev has a few things planned like animations after a win & additional characters which is good, but here are some of my suggestions:

    1. Character body type needs some more variety. For example, the genitals of the MC and the 3 male characters are identical, kind of takes away from the experience of undressing someone if you know what's gonna be underneath already. Coupled with this, how about some bulges when they're in their underwear?

    2. The cards you play have a bunch of cute characters on them, and you already have an in-game shop to make them foil/gold etc. Why not give the foil/gold cards some lewd art? ;) (and scale up the card size so the art can be fully appreciated)

    All-in-all it's a game with potential, but it's not fully there yet. I'll be keeping my eye on it though.
    Likes: DuniX
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I like the idea of this but the execution is poor. I'm an advocate of "if you don't like something you should suggest something different. So I'll mention a few things and some suggestions to remedy them. You're welcome to ignore the feedback if it's against your creative idea.

    • Blackjack is implemented incorrectly. Ace is considered only 10, not 1 or 11. Also some kind of 5-card win would go a long way too. Many games forget this rule.
    • There is no reason as for when the opponent hit's or holds. Sometimes they stop at 11, sometimes they will go to 14 or 20. Maybe some kind of rule set for the opponents so we can better understand our risks.
    • This might be a me thing, but I'm bad. There are some examples in the market right now with a deck builder like blackjack game. Something like that could be cool.

    Now not blackjack-y things

    • The UI outside of the tournament is difficult to navigate. I have no idea where I needed to go to progress the story. The tutorial was done great. Nice graphics and clear to where and what to do.
    • The heart is difficult to find. I would recommend a hot or cold sort of game. Pixel hunting is not fun.
    I always like the idea of a H-blackjack game. We all know what we're here for and we all know the rules. If the visuals are good then it's a cool time. Keep on it!