RPGM - Tunnel Escape [v0.25.3a SP Cracked] [Elzee]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Burner Dex

    The gameplay gets tedious real fast, even if at the start feels very different since the combat is very opposite from the average RPG maker game. The dev has been real stingy with skill points, so if you want to unlock every skill you find you need to grind a lot. The CGs are good, even if not exactly animated, and there are some rare kinks. This game has potential but idk, it didn't click for me.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Version 0.24a

    In terms of H-scenes - 5/5 amazing.
    In terms of gameplay - 1/5 barely playable turn based

    So the average is 3/5.

    You run out of ammo way too fast, the kick is on a 1 turn cooldown, when it really should have 0 turn cooldown. Attempting to beat this game requires you to grind items repetitively, reach the final part of the level, use the white flag item to teleport back to base, buy ammo, go explore, use the compass to teleport to the last level, and now fully equipped and with fullk HP you should be able to clear it.
    Oh and, the dumbest of all, a survival game with zombies where you have a knife in your inventory, but you can't melee with it, you can only use it to break free as a 1-time consumable, a.k.a. a shiv. Really really bad game design.

    Oh and, the performance is abysmal, in combat I get 25% CPU usage and 10 FPS.

    Do yourself a favor and drop a save, open the training ground with the code 100 and skip the actual gameplay.

    Edit - holy shit what did the dev do?
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Goblin Slayer

    I was uncertain about making this review with all the malware stuff and actions that the developer takes with the copies he leaks but at the end I will review only the game itself and nothing else.

    If you ever played an oldschool zombie hentai game you will feel at home with this one, it feels like parasite in city X resident evil made into a modern game.

    The porn is great, from the expresions that the main character makes to the very big variety of enemies (each with a Hentai attack) you will have plenty of fun with this game. From normal zombies to zombie dogs to plants to even lizards and wolves this game has lots of sex scenes to offer. And they take place inside combat so you dont have to loose to see all the goodies.

    Even for been "under development" game it does have plenty of content and even an infinite mode, it does feature pregnancy (sadly you won't see her fighting with a big belly), it will show the virgin blood when loosing the virginity and even the protagonist will drip semen when raped (just like the resident evil progeny game).

    The combat is also a big part of the game, you will have a gun, machine gun, shot gun, dagger and the almighty "kick", each enemy have different weekness and you can even throw them a molotov or a grenade.

    There is even a misterious merchant that says the mighty "...WELCOME!!" (if you played RE: 4 you will feel sheevers).

    What amazes me a lot about this game is that is made on RPGMaker engine but the game does feel very modern and plays very smooth.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    [v0.25.3a SP Cracked]

    Disappointingly boring.

    You'd think there'd be some point to re-trying runs in a rogue-lite game, but there is just no point, upgrades are chance and grind based, the main game is boring and annoying.
    • There is nothing to do once you run out of bullets, because "kick" is on a cooldown.
    • Excitement never once really mattered.
    • Chances to start attacked, grappled, chances to fail grapple escapes.
    • Skills are acquired from random chance items or by losing.
    • The game wants you to want to loose, wasting every "struggle" system there is.
    • You can use consumables for your current or future run, but still have a carry limit.
    • The only upgrades you actually get are miniscule RPG stat increases that don't matter (due to luck based encounters for hordes, elites, ammo refills).
    • Tired of griding, tried "easy" mode, it just adds 50% DMG RES and more ammo capacity, so it's actually worse since it now kills you slower than you run out of fighting resources.
    I got bored, saw no opportunity to progress apart from "farming" boring runs, where its better to die early than run out of resources used for fighting.
    Since the project is still not considered finished, I hope it adds actual progress options.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic H game from this dev's first creation. A massive amount of animated combat sex H scenes as well as H statisctics that fuel into corruption and various other fetishes. A storyline feeding into the H content, short and sweet with each discussion. Each stage has plenty of content to game and doesn't overstay it's welcome, streamlining an enjoyable experince and no game over to ruin your boner either. An easy recommend, and an easy title to get off on multiple times.

    Warning: This dev, very similar in their history to another dev that created ROBF, anti consumer practices. This H game has built in DRM that disables MTL translators such as mTool from functioning as well as pop ups that kick you out of the game if you fail the password promt. This H game is deserving of it's support, however it is perfectly understandable to protest-pirate this product over such practicies, as the impact will prevent you from adapting a full experience from this H game.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    There's not much to say about Tunnel Escape. It's a simple Turn-based combat game where failure leads to an H-scene. Nothing new, nothing innovative.

    However, what makes Tunnel Escape stand out are the H-scenes. The Japanese 2D anime art style images make it the perfect fap material. The quality is better than most of its competitors. The character has an amazing body with perfect proportions without her breasts being bloated or ass being ballooned for no reason.

    The sex scenes are 99% static images with 1% moving parts. There's heavy reuse of assets so often you'll see the same images over and over. There is no variety of sex scenes within the same enemy archetype, so once you've been defeated by a particular enemy, that's all there is to see. They don't take different positions, nor do they don't do anything different.

    The Teddy Bear has the best H-scene so far, as it latches on to the character and suckles on her tit while the character makes erotic faces. For a game so focused on horny enemies, there is not enough breast play. Only two out of all the enemies actively grope breasts during a fight. The rest skip directly to her vagina and start inserting their knobs in her.

    I certainly liked the Hymen system. The blood trickling down her thighs leaves an impact on the player, reminding her of the defeat she faced. The blood can be inconsistent and sometimes won't appear even though she was a virgin. It's very easy to lose it to a boss fight if you're not careful, but there isn't any advantage or disadvantage of doing a virgin run.

    Only a few sex scenes show penetration, but the rest do it outside of the camera's angle, leaving the rest to your imagination. The lack of sex positions and camera angles is damning, as most enemies only have one set of images, and it gets boring after you've seen it twice.

    The game behaves like a roguelite and defeat means doing the level completely over again. No checkpoints or autosaves. You'll undoubtedly be forced to replay levels multiple times to get better gear, grind XP and unlock perks. All of this adds to the grind, and yes, the game can be very grindy.

    Ultimately, the game reminds me a lot of 'Parasite in the City'. You can see the similarities and even some of the H-scenes are directly inspired by that game. Sadly, both games commit the same mistake, they cheap out on the artist and reuse assets all the time.

    Overall, it's nothing ground-breaking and the anime images get old fast... Still, the game is worth giving a try. To skip the grind, use MTool.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    You proceed through a tunnel one stage by one stage, where the number of stages you have cleared and that of the dungeon has remaining is indicated by the blue bar on the left. You do not choose how the protangonist proceeds instead she sometimes make mistakes and go back 1 stage. You start out with a pistol but you will be able to buy the classic zombie survival weapons soon.

    During battles you can get caught and get raped. Getting raped and ejaculated inside has a chance to make the protagonist carry the enemies' seed which is just ability that trade off 1 point for another bonus with additional nasty effect when you get hit by enemies. There is some motion to body parts during the sex scenes rather than them being completely static scenes to keep them engaging.

    You start out with a set of skills that you can upgrade to but passive skills come from lootboxes you find during mission. Enemies don't drop skills. Only lootboxes. There are also lewd skills you can collect once you get creampied enough number of times. You don't really need every single passive skill to clear the game (I mean clear up to the current finished dungeons)

    There are some minor annoyance like "pirate rat" QTE and other mini QTE games. I don't particular enjoy them but I guess some people are ok with them.

    All things said, the game is actually well balanced and fun to play. This makes. the grind to max out everything enjoyable.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    A great combat-fuck game if you are into that sorta thing. Good well balanced combat which has some depth beyond the normal garbage that you see in these sorts of games. Barely any story or overarching themes but... its a porn game so what do you expect. MTL translation isn't really an issue since there are like a grand total of 6 lines of dialogue.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're looking for a parasite in city type game: this game does wonders for you: If there is MTL, doesn't matter, the gameplay looks nice even if it's not a side-scroller, and game wise the story looks promising. can't wait to see the full game in action.