It's not a matter of being beggars, it's that those who ask for the update the same day it's released are feeding a system that can put various devs out of business. Maybe not the huge ones, but smaller devs yes. Leaks should never make developers close their pages, or in the future there will be fewer and fewer people willing to make games for us, knowing that there is a high and real risk of their project going down the drain because of leakers. There is literally no profit for anyone.
If it were up to developers this site wouldn't existed in the first place.
I agree with you, i also feel the same... but that doesn't gives us the right to judge other people just because they want to play a free game not wanting to pay or they just cannot afford, or they want to share it... not here .
Like i said, i supported quite a few games, and sometimes i wouldn't share as a respect for the developer but sometimes, i felt i owe it to this site for playing so many free games others shared it.
No matter if you are a supporter or a "pirate", we are all a community here.