Not at first, but later videos after the talk with Felix about it, probably was with the intention that he might see them. The first video was cropped as well, but he had no idea that Felix would of seen it. It wasn't until the discussion with Felix about someone deleting his files, that he got suspicious of Felix being the one who deleted it.
So I assume at first, it was just Zack's trophy collection. But afterwards, it could of been for Felix.
Another thought for your brain: Zack was cropping those videos to protect Sophie. Remember, he has so called feelings for her, and if anyone else ever sees those videos and sees Sophie's face in them, she will be in a heap of trouble, even losing her job and career. Zack is uploading those videos on the school database. If another teacher found those, and Zack didn't hide Sophie's face, it would ruin her. So he is cropping those videos to protect her cause he cares for her. Could have nothing to do with Felix, and just be Zack trying to protect Sophie's identity.
Just another thing to think about is all lol.