Well no, the easiest way to prevent leakers is to utilize guilt. The easiest and most effective way I'm aware of is to simply make it known to your supporters that leaking it early is highly detrimental to your income. I'm aware of two devs, Azienda being one of them, who have appealed to their supporters over how damaging early leaks tend to be to their income. N_Taii, the developer of the Henteria Chronicles series, once said his patreon income fell by around 25% one month when the update dropped early. If you're a small developer you can typically guilt most of your supporters into not leaking it early. Most of the time "I paid $10 for this, I'm not going to leak it." works if a developer isn't rolling in money. Of course you have to be a small developer for all this to work, someone bringing in cash on the level of DrPinkCake probably wouldn't be able to stop someone from leaking Being a DIK on day one no matter how hard they tried.