VN - Ren'Py - Twinewood [v2.4] [Professional Degenerate]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Story 1/5
    Main story is a bit meh, dident really find it much fun or new, also got tierd of being forced to look at nude bimbos, not sure why dev made the dession to force big tit fetish on players none stop when giving options to turn others off.

    Its a mindless fuckfest game without relationship build-up so dont expect to see any choices, but do expect to be forced into relationships and with the smallest girl in game i loli forced as well, dosent matter if your into that or not shes your girlfriend? ....its just no good.

    It gives you the option to turn off voyeurism but then forces you to take nude photos and watch voyeurisme all the freaking time....and it constantly shows girls nude like em or not.

    It dosent help that MC feels a bit to much as a child and hes falling for any girl he meets which is just idiotic if you as the player dont like her in any way,

    Girls also seems to be BI which is always idiotic.

    Worst of all is proberly that its just a full blown kinetic novel, your given no choices in anything what so ever when it comes to sex or relationships, hell even if MC is tied up by bitches he consents to them playing with him.... its just way to submissive for my taste.
    And if you happen to see a choice in a scene it will be yes or yes....

    Girls 2/5
    I dident really find them hot, i normaly love monster girls but this one dident do much for me.

    Animations 3/5
    Pretty standard animations for this type.

    Music 3/5
    Standard background stuff nothing special.

    Choices 0/5
    There are no choices, forced fetishes, forced relationships, forced sex scenes, it calls it self a harem but it really is a fuckfest where a harem should be something where the player desides whos in it but you just dont have any choices.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    review for v2.2.

    it's so boring fam.
    girls look mostly mid, some decent ones, some shit ones, but mostly mid.
    writing is legit fuckin boring. and most choices don't seem to matter for shit.
    didn't like the mc either.
    lewd scenes aren't bad tho.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This perfectly checks the boxes for my biggest fetishes.

    Obviously, this game is all about casual nudity and exhibitionism, which is a theme we don't see enough of, especially with a male protagonist.

    The futa and voyeurism elements give it just enough crunch to not be boring.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Pretty tedious games, the story is all over the place, with a very bad ui menu. Few Bugs that forces you to see scenes you don't want to see. Worst part, no incest but your mom get fucked by some dickgirl that is very disgusting and boner killer for both who doesn't like incest and for those who do. It seems like Dev favour dickgirl more than the Mc and MC is pretty pathetic. Was really dissapppointing for me. Would have work better if the protagonist was trans/futa since it a game mostly for them.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    TL;DR Wait and see if it's good in a few months or so, this game is confused about what it is even if it has some cute girls and cool ideas.

    This game has a lot of potential but it is presented in a poor manner. I think the amount of soap boxing about naturalism/body positivity is irritating personally. Mixing in exhibitionism and voyeurism in just makes it all null and tasteless.

    Not to mention how, after singing praises for naturalism and body positivity how kidnapping, rape, and mind reading is handwaved. Forget player agency, this is an utter disregard for free will and respect for each other displayed by even the main character.

    It muddies the waters to the point that what we're left with is a collection of mostly interesting characters and a neat story premise held together with RL anime, video game and youtube culture references.

    I personally have a pet peeve about seeing the MC's dick so much without actual action. If it's out put it to work I didn't come to see his dick out of the corner of my eye for half the game. Even if I was here for him, he's so average shaped what do these girls see in him?

    I think the music is alright, the choices don't amount to much and this really should be a kinetic novel. But...BUT the developer has shown a willingness to improve on their own terms and that's actually pretty cool. I definitely don't recommend this now but mebbe a few months or a year from now it'll be pretty nice.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, that was... not great.
    This game can't offer a single good thing for real.
    Like game has some choices. But do you think they matter? Oh no, no no no. Your choice is to look at boobs or not, see the scene or skip it. Story will be the same.
    Cute girls? They are there. What? You want to have "player agency'', you want to decide with whom you want to spend your time? Like in every other game? Sorry bud, all these girls are here to tease you. Think about them as decorations of sort. You can look from afar, but can't have any. Besides, Dev already decided everything for you. And he decided...
    Goblin girl. The smallest, ugliest ,most annoying girl in a game. What, you are not interested? Well, too bad for you, cause she will FORCE herself on you. Multiple times. So i hope you share Dev's goblin fetish or you will feel not very good, just like i am.
    Story is your basic koikatsu fantasy bs, but i don't lower my scores for mediocre writing, that's why its 2 stars instead of 1.

    Overall: the game is barely a game, it's more of kinetic novel with a couple of choices. Girls are fine but you aren't getting them. Goblin is raping mc without player's consent. Can't recommend this mess to anyone.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game. Nails the fantasy feel and the open sexuality vibe ina way feel games do. There's a lot of fetishes I don't like but the dev made a good job making them avoidable.

    -Cute girls
    -Good renders
    -Nice worldbuilding with good background for all fantasy races.
    -Good porn specially if you like the casual nudity/ehxibitionism fetishes.

    -Collecting stuff on screen(I hate these since I can't just play at a normal pace without having to scan every frame), but you can cheat those so it's not the end of the world.
    -MC is ok with some questionable stuff
    -Not a fan of the karma system either but it's also cheatable.

    Overall I would give it 4.5/5. But I will push it to 5 since you can avoid most of the cons by cheating and I really like the concept of this game. If you like the fetishes I mentioned or even some of the ones I don't like I would say this is a must play.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Besides the choices you get in the beginning to block content, you have no say in anything else. The choices you make define your Perv or Karma, which open up small scenes or show an altered version of a scene. As such, most things are unavoidable including LI's and lewd scenes.

    Nudity is everywhere. Certain cultures do not believe in clothes, but since you don't get to pick your LI, certain ones will be nude in public, and one of them in front of her more than 1 million online fans (she has a youtube channel). Whatever - not my thing, but wasn't the deal breaker.

    I dipped after the MC and an LI are kidnapped by a group of witches. The MC is molested and sexually assaulted. The LI is threatened with torture. After all of that, the MC decides to work with these people. I get it - they may not be the actual bad guys, but they're certainly not good. This would probably have been a 4 star if not for this whole scene... The MC's reaction to everything that happened made it seem like "it's just another Tuesday, let's get this over while" as he's strung up naked in a basement.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v1.6

    Twinewood does a decent job of embracing porn logic and turning it into something more interesting than just being what could normally be called be bad writing. For example, the MC gathers magical energy by touching boobs. Ridiculous? Absolutely, but it meshes in with the tone of the game enough that it almost makes sense in a roundabout sort of way.

    The game takes place in a town that's a hodgepodge of different fantasy races. A lot of these fantasy races happen to have lax views about nudity, so as you might expect, there's a lot of casual nudity. Which is surprisingly different from most of the lewd AVNs I've played. While you can make a case that it sort of devalues that first time seeing a love interest nude, I do think this still manages to be hot in its own way.

    I chose to turn off the more graphic horror stuff because a more light hearted experienced sounded nicer to me, and I'm glad I did. The plot still references those moments, but with a lot less emphasis on them. I was worried it might hurt the story but it really doesn't, which I appreciate. There's a lot of cute/casual moments outside of that which is my thing.

    The game truly isn't anything groundbreaking, but it's fun enough. The girls are cute (goblin gf is always a plus), the MC doesn't make me want to bash my skull in, and I'm enjoying the general tone and plot of the game so far. There's spots where the pacing feels a little off, and some of the sappier moments don't exactly hit for me, but overall the game is a decent experience so far.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Has a lot o potencial.
    I love the characters and the diversity of races is awesome, realy liked how it gives a panel with the races background.
    I will definitly keep an eye out.

    PS: Chloe best girl, she's adorable.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a big fan so far, I really like the attitude towards nudity in the game's world. The game isn't terribly long at the moment, but once it has more content it'll probably be one of my favorites. The bonus Persona episode was really good as well, even if the creator has dogshit taste (ships Joker and Makoto).
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    In this novel we having deal with something like Harry Potter anime style. Student boy attending college with monster girls and monster boys. There is quite a lot of content in this novel for the first episode: many characters, many locations, various music and sound effects.

    The graphics are excellent, and the music is very good.

    As a criticism, I can add that if you do not like stories about magical colleges, then this game is probably not for you, otherwise you should pay attention to this project!