Unity - Abandoned - Two Sides Redone [v0.03 Fix 2] [GreonoGames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game with a lot of choices.
    Made me very excited and i played a bunch of times.
    The only negative thing is the bugs.
    But i waited a long time for this game to be continued!

    The situations are unique in games (i played them all)
    There a bunch of different paths, which i enjoyed a lot.
    The most important thing is, that there are consequences.
    it makes it more exciting.

    this one of my favorite games.
    if the bugs will be fixed, its the best ever
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The five star rating is coming from a couple of places:

    1. Unity - the best made games are being done in Unity now. Renders get boring, and other platforms can't deliver the quality in the time that a well established Unity setup can deliver.

    2. The character details are really solid, and unique enough to be distinct from other titles.

    3. The commitment - this is the most important thing. Greono ate a lot of shit from people hating on the bugs in the original, and then hating on the transition to Unity. I was all for the transition to Unity and I'm stoked that Greono has stayed committed to seeing this thing rebuilt in a better long term platform. Overcoming the negativity tells me they really wish to see their story unfold in a high quality manner.

    For the early stage of this transition, the quality is stellar, and the bugs are getting squashed with each release.

    I have a content suggestion (which I'll spam in regular chat as well): Don't hesitate to deliver on the sexual content. Take a queue from a game like Summer Time Saga - they did not hesitate to riddle the game with access to adult content. And then they tied it all together by remapping the story and the access points down the road. I think you'll grow your support base a lot faster if you follow this path, rather than thinking people will want to be strung along with shitty groping for the next 12 months.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The renders are.. good.. Not like you fall from your chair.. But they are reasonable.

    Annie: He seems to keep the cute innocent Annie even when she is rebuilded. But just ... Maybe too old? I dunno, don't want to be that loli-guy but she seems more like same age as MC? Not a little sister, as the model/version before, but more like a stepsister?
    Lindsey: This character is an huge improvement. He creates realistic emotions and expressions in the conversations, which creates a personality.
    And imo a big step-up from old Lindsey-model. Sexy af.

    Buggs, buggggs bugggggggs..
    It's a fix with new bugs, and a fix for that bugged fix too after that.. it never ends. Still dev insisting on using Unity. Even UnrealEngine could do it better..
    And on top of that, dev using copyright material..

    Same plot since before redone after redone.. That's why dev keeps his fame.
    But he losing pretty much faith imo coz of all these bugs..



    *A good game with good plot.
    *Much of choices that impacts the game.


    2/5 bugs by me.
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted User #713463

    this game is great the scene are good but the renders there is alot of bugs and even when he share fix version its still bugged like the loop scene with anney in bathroom and anney face remove from head and in hug her he dont this game need fix real fix or change to renpy or to fix the bugs and before the release to make sure there are no bugs in game
  5. 1.00 star(s)



    1- Renders are clearly a step-up from previous versions of this game.
    2- Lots of branches, most transformation games are an one-way street to the other side.


    1- Reboot...of a Reboot.
    2- Very buggy, other versions were more stable believe it or not.
    3- Like most indie Unity games, very unoptimized, system requirements are relatively high for such a premise.
    4- Plot feels aimless, with no clear goal on sight.
    5- Lack of proper conveniences that a game of such premise but on Renpy provides, like fast-forwarding for example.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    great game, the graphics have improved a lot. the story is getting more complete, several alternatives (I hope each of them will have consequences in the future)
    Not to mention that it has translation for my language "PT-BR".

    Don't let the criticism get you down, I'm confident in you
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game , the story is interesting , the renders are good,there is a nice taboo milf ,there is liberty of choices, many fetishes and these things make this game gorgeous for everyone ,I hope dev does not abandon the game.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Oh boy this game was except for the interesting approaches that never were followed through in the first two iterations already quite buggy. If you are unable to make a game in Renpy better try again and again in other engines.
    Suffice to say that the third time is not a charm as most content has been cut bugs are still gamebraking and to all those who still support this game i can only say, please for the love of god leave it alone and make him learn his mistake with his wallet as he seems determined to pump out unfinished half assed garbage at a rate that is mindboggeling to say the least.
    From me its a big nope and a hint to stay away if you dont want to waste time you could spend playing good games.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    A reboot ... of a reboot.

    The first was okay, the second was a mess and this, oh dear. It's an abomination of half cocked ideas held together with duct tape and hopes. It has enough bugs that I have to wonder if fire might be better used to get rid of them rather than a patch.

    The dev doesn't exactly have a great track record and this will never see completion.

    Save yourselves the headache.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Oh boy, here we go...

    4 stars on this piece of shit .. it had more when it was on its first version. Sickophants from the previous iteration I guess. So here's why you should stay away from Two Sides Redone and also the future spin-offs Revamped, Remastered, Restored, Retarded, Reloaded and Genesis.

    1. As my stupid joke above suggests, this piece of shit is being redone for the 3rd time and that would be somewhat excusable if not for the fact that this is the most broken version of them all. If you can't use ren'py, you sure as fuck can't use unity. At the time of writing, this is version 0.02 and both of them had game braking bugs on release. First one was never fixed until the second one came out, so you can't really expect him to patch it up and make it playable within the month.

    2. This is one of those over-promise type of gigs where there are 130012 tags already on it, but the game only lasts 15minutes. I guess that's why the mouth-breath..I mean patrons! are salivating over it. Anything has potential, literally anything begins with infinite potential. A good product, this does not make. Expect every version to come out with some gay/genderswaped spin on something that is already in the game. At this rate, this might be completed by the year 3001.. if only it wasn't abandoned and remade every 3 versions or so.

    Graphics: 7/10
    Story: ?/10 -there's nothing
    Playability : -3/10
    Potential: 9001/∞

    Ultimately this is what I do, I only review games that have way high of a rating, objectively. Nobody and I mean nobody likes this product. So why give it a high rating. Stinks of buyers remorse.

    For the patrons that got this mess at 4/5 stars when it's not even worth looking at, you may cancel your patronage at any time, you are not required to keep giving it money and then scream on the internet about how great this is. You made a bad investment, move on. "When you find yourself in a hole, STOP DIGGING!"
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    He fucking did it again so i come back to rate his shitty game again , this catsfish cant do something for more then 2 months , milking patreons for years , he is a lost case just like aortta , gumdrom, the pieces of shit of adult games.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    spas Devil

    huge potential to be the best, particularly if it continues to build on the work in the previous version. the additions to the story and features make it feel new and broader in scale. main character customisation is also a very positive feature
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Dude, that's a hell of a job! Congratulations. My only criticism is the time to save the game, the layout is strange and there is no option to rewrite the file. But it is a beautiful work and I am happy to see all this and in Portuguese. :love:

    Parabéns pelo trabalho irmão ! tmj.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    So happy with the reboot. Right now their is only sexual content on the train but taking a look at the new sexual interaction system, I'm pretty excited. I know the reboot has been a long time coming but honestly this is proving to be worth it. I'm gay and I was still able to enjoy the sex scene with Margaret on the train. I hope this game takes a turn for the truly depraved and it looks like it will. Super excited for what comes next.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The creator may have taken a long time, however, the overall look and what glitches that were in save/loading system are gone, if work keeps going it looks to be a great game. The artwork is that chose is better looking than what was there before, it is a little sad that he started from beginning again.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    This review may come across as more a review on developer than the game itself, but--as the he has scrapped and reworked this project, his only project, over years with multiple spans of many months of no updates or progress--I don't think the distinction between game and developer exists in this case. Besides that, I simply cannot sit idly by while this iteration is rated 3/5 stars.

    Two Sides began as an interesting "pilot" with promise for something great--a bold mix of fetishes, player choice, and story. That's where the good stuff ends.

    Two Sides was the developer's first attempt at game development and unfortunately it shows in the worst ways: consistently plagued with language bugs, a clunky user interface, and a buggy/nonexistent save system. Even greater than these technical failures was a failure of project management.

    On multiple occasions, the developer dedicated multiple months to "training" or taking classes on skills that were, at best, only tangentially related to the progress of Two Sides, including things like 3D modeling and obscure third-party (non-DAZ) animation software. Very rarely was any progress made in regards to actual story/scene progression.

    Sure you could say that the dev was set back by Patreon's rule change, which excluded two major fetishes from the game, requiring a lot of work to comply with due to some fucking stubborn fixation on using Unity rather than RenPy. However, that just isn't enough to explain the complete lack of direction.

    GreonoGames came up with a great writing prompt, a melody--a sweet blend of niche fetishes and a pilot episode. Unfortunately, he's proven himself incapable of writing a full story. Rather than commit to a plan and make clear objectives in development to grow and advance the plot, GreonoGames whistles that same melody over and over while he takes his Patrons--always edged and hoping finally for a break in development--to the bank.

    If this is the first time you've seen this game, do yourself a favor and steer clear.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The remake looks good... I like new drawnins and the overall design is ok. The engine is better than the old one, though it would be nice to improve save system.

    The game has potential, if the author make an effort to work on it... rather than starting a new remake...
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Besides the fact that this is his third attempt at this game and he couldnt even get the language switches or too loud music fixed that plagued the very first realease of this game pretty much exactly 2 years ago now he removed all the interesting stuff like the little sister and the bestiality approach which even though he relies on patreon and they dont take to kindly upon these features theres other games that circumvent these ''rules'' with unofficial incest patches and workarounds. I admire his tenacity but if his previous attempts are anything to judge this by I can hardly see this game going up to version 0.05 without him abandoning it half way again when he shouldve just gone to renpy after his first attempt and made his work so much easier. Whoever has a faible for older ''looking'' bags might like this but to anyone else Id just recommend downloading his old 0.08 version because that at least was pretty interesting with some of the above mentioned features. I can only hope for the best but at this point I sadly expect the worst.