I’ve held off writing this review for quite a while because, like many others, I love the author’s earlier work and don’t want to dissuade him from making another. However, as good as some elements of the game are, they are gate-kept by some truly rage-inducing free-roam events. Events which would have been unwelcome in a harem game where most of the content can be unlocked in a single playthrough, but are truly unforgivable when there are half a dozen routes to unlock. This, coupled with a slow-to-start main plot and characters who, so far, are attractive but forgettable, it’s difficult to justify cleaning out the garbage in that goddamned trailer for the 3rd, or 4th, or umpteenth time.
This review itself is difficult to write. I’ve deleted several full paragraphs already. I want to go down the typical list, like, “So the animation is well done and the characters are unique and beautiful and rendered well and the environments are interesting and memorable.” I keep deleting them though because the faults in the game’s design overwhelm them completely. I’ve tried and tried to get back into the game. “I’ll start playthrough tomorrow after I finish the update to this other game.”
It just doesn’t happen because I know what I’m in for: The free-roam events from hell. One of the biggest benefits of Ren’py is the ability to fast forward, especially in games that promote multiple playthroughs with only minor variations. We’ve all been there. Burning through the first four chapters of a game, quickly picking the options the mod highlights in green, until you get to the choices that effect that route you haven’t tried yet. We don’t have all the time in the world to click through a tedious, and pointless, free-roam event that would have worked better as a montage than forcing me to click on individual pieces of garbage and furniture before clicking arrow keys to move to a second room to click on other pieces of furniture before clicking several other keys to leave the trailer, go to a second door into the same trailer, click over to three other rooms, and pixel hunt for the garbage in THOSE rooms that need to be cleaned up, without which the girl I’m trying to bang will note the garbage I didn’t clean up and go home early.
From a design standpoint, it makes no sense. Drifty has to have played other games before. Did he ever play one with such events and thought, “Wow, I wish there more of these!”?
Okay, enough about the free roam. A quick bit about the other elements. The update schedule is on the long side, so I honestly can’t remember any of the names of the characters or remember much about the plot, which again is a problem since I need to play the game over again and sonofabitch I’m talking about the free roam events again!
Okay. Last try. Short short version: Characters pretty. Plot mysteries have my attention but need to be shored up faster before I lose interest. Music is great and well thought-out. Adult content is pleasant. Well-written and not same-y at all. MC is a decent bloke. Not ugly but not a super model either. I like him. Stat system and attributes need to be thrown out. No one likes them, and no one wants to be gate-kept from content because their confidence/intelligence/agility/smarminess hadn’t reached lvl 6 before the scene played. Don’t give the mod-makers more to do. They got enough trouble green-lighting all the different path dialogues.
I’m playing another game right now, far superior to this one I’m sad to say, and its main point of superiority is its more annoying content includes a “would you like to skip the annoying shit?” button before it starts. Without that button, the game in question would be a 2. Instead, I gave it a 5. I’ll be doing the same here. I love ya Drifty, but please take these criticisms, echoed by many others, to heart. It’s fine if you enjoy making free-roam events, but shelve the ego and add elements for those who don’t like them to be able to skip them and still enjoy everything else your game has to offer. Maybe code it so that you have to go through them at least once. “Looks like this is your second/third/twelfth playthrough. Would you like to skip the club scene with the best route choices for VeroniFeliciaDesireeebeca?”
I really really want to play your game, but the mere thought of cleaning up that trailer again is preventing me from doing so. You have the programming knowledge. This would be an easy fix. What’s stopping you?