Unity - Completed - Udonge in Interspecies Cave [Final] [UminoKyuri]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Short game.... like less than a half hour short. 10 mins or less if you speedrun it.

    Can't say it's easy, but it's not hard either. More of a "take your time" if you're actually trying to kill the enemies. Bosses can effectively take out your HP in a few hits, but you can keep going far longer than what the HP bar says as long as you don't get captured. It's just harder to get back up the less HP you have.

    Animations aren't bad, but the game really needed to be longer or have more animations. The 3rd stage doppelgangers have by far the most animations and the game would be more enjoyable if the others had as many.

    This game needs an update or a DLC if it wants to get past a "meh" rating cause while it's not really bad, it's not really good either.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best artists ever creating a super kinky game for those who enjoy hardcore kinks like insect rape. The movement is a bit rough and the spider boss is Dark Soul level of bullshit but the game isn't too hard and it does its job very well. Haters should read the tags next time.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Gallery is pre-unlocked and I recommend just looking at that instead of playing the game.

    The platforming is super basic, and you have no chance of difficulty. All scenes requiring losing and take a bit to get back and continue.

    Seems more of a test game than a full project. Art is amazing, hence 3 stars.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    A pretty good, if simple, H-game that needs more Stages and H-Content
    That and maybe a harder difficulty, more movesets for Udonge but

    this can all be "fixed" via a sequel that adds onto the groundwork of this game. More monsters/tentacles/animals, more abilities for Udonge, and more stages (that can be challenging or Metroidvania-like even)

    Excited to see what UminoKyuri does next :)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I prefer short games, but my only complaint with this one is that I wish it were longer.

    Gameplay wise, it's the most basic possible version of your standard sidescroller. A handful of different monsters with different behaviours try to fuck you. Occasionally it flirts with interesting ideas (like being bukakke'd making you slide around like on ice) but isn't really long enough to deliver on them.

    That doesn't matter because it keeps its focus on the porn. The art is top notch. The hero is gorgeous, and is drawn and animated with a mouth-watering sense of physicality.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is carried by Takorin's art. There isn't much else to say, because for the most part, the game is an extremely basic platformer. I am reminded of the Youmu Interspecies Cave game, though that one is by far harder and longer but with... worse art? It's not that the art of Youmu in the Dungeon of Lewd Creatures is bad, it's just not Takorin, who makes very... how shall I say, soft girls.

    If this game were crossed with that one, I believe it would be a much more satisfying experience for my compatriots here, but well, I cannot place too great fault on a game that is short and sweet.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Posted version has been tampered with to promote some random guy's telegram group and doesn't function on many machines (couldn't get it to work on anything I have available aside from a clean win11 sandbox).
    The artist needs a talented game designer to turn this into more than 15 minutes of gameplay.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Really good pixel and CG screen art work.

    And it doesn't explode when you launch the game.

    But that's really all I can give it.

    The game itself is much too easy, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it's *how* it's too easy. Some enemies have a generous sweet spot where they won't actually aggro at you and will just take the few ranged hits required to KO them, and the enemies that are active just aren't interesting. Bosses are barely a step up; if you have any experience in platforming, you will be fine.

    The above removes tension, naturally, but what really removes the tension is the fact that the gallery seemingly is already completely unlocked. This is both nice and exposes that there's not really much to the interactions or enemy variety, either.

    If you're OK with this, the game is carried by the art to "fine."
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is short, simple, and easy. And I'm completely fine with that, because the art and animations are top-notch. The game just serves as set dressing for the porn, which it does quite nicely... establishing a mood and tone with good environmental art and sound design. Not the perfect "10/10 mix of an ideal game and good smut that somehow both compliment each other", but games like that are rare for a number of reasons. I'll gladly take a barebones porn game that knows its place and doesn't let padded out or poorly thought out gameplay get in the way of the hentai.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Barely a platformer.

    Art is good, but there's not a lot of it, something around ~20 very short animation loops, so in total it's probably less than a minute of total animation length. I get that animation is very labor-intensive, but what matters is the end product.

    As a game, there's basically nothing, the platforming side is barely functional. It's very simplistic and short. There is no story, and more than half of the lewd content comes in the form of game over scenes accompanied by tiny text snippets.

    That's basically all there is to say. I would not call it a waste of time because you can be done with it in a few minutes. Meh.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This is the best example of why art isn't everything in a game

    The artist Takorin is legenday and it's very obvious to see. The art is 10/5! It's very unique and heping

    However, the story is minimal and despite the use of a Touhou character none of Reisen's personallity (canon or fanon) actually shines through. There's brief mentions of Reisen's power to control insanity but no dialogue and no reason for why it's Reisen instead of any other random bunnygirl. That's a 1/5

    And the gameplay is lacking in depth even if it has a few good ideas, like an enemy that makes you slippery and that makes it easier to run into or the final boss shooting hynosis beams from the background making Reisen vulnerable to getting fucked. In general just due to it being too short it's a 2/5

    So in general when you look at it as a whole it's a 13/15, very good but as a galery of some of Takorin's art. There's something to be said when the biggest complaint to a game is that there isn't enough of it and you'd want more.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I have to be honest, this is simply too short. It looks fucking amazing, but it's really scarce in content. The H content that is there is really good, but for me it wasn't really lengthy or diverse enough for it to be satisfying.

    The 'game' aspect of this game is just a shallow facade. It might as well be a gallery. H side-scrollers like this are typically my absolute favorite H games, this one just doesn't click with me. Hell, despite the fantastic animations, I don't even think the monsters and sex scenes are that satisfying, and it's because there is practically no context/gameplay to be had here. There are objectively worse looking games that, to me, are significantly hotter as a result of the gameplay being far more tied to the H content. To me, the hottest part of this game was the idle animation on the left side of the screen, because it was the only part of the game that tied the H-content to your status, and I wish there was wayyy more of that.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    It really is just art, but it is superb art.
    Even though it's short, I still appreciate that losing is not required to fill out the gallery.
    Make sure to delete the save if you want to start fresh, it is just 15 minutes though.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I had to remove a star because I thought I was going to be getting a "game," but with how short the experience was (~15 minutes) it's more accurate calling it a scene viewer with steps. With that aside what is there is great. Gameplay is simple, but I wouldn't consider it bad. Premise was interesting and all the scenes were of really high quality. I'm pleased that this game can be completed without seeing any scenes as I feel a "pure" run in an H-game provides a fun challenge. As for the art... It's just phenomenal. If the creator can focus on adding more levels to any future games I think it would be a smash hit!